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fisherman shooting


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There is a quarry pond I know of right off the side of the road that has a parking spot, no signs at all marking that it's private. So one day I venture in to give it a fish, since there's no sign that it's not a public fishing spot. Well soon enough the guy came out with a shotgun telling me to leave. I informed him that if it's private I apologize but he had no signs to mark that it was a private area in any way. In fact the parking spot at the side of the main road pretty much invites you to fish it. I hear others have had the same experiences from the guy. Jesus, instead of wasting your time running out with a shotgun why not put up a $2 sign that says NO TRESPASSING or something of that sort.

I have a good mind to go back and just call the cops on the guy for threatening me with the gun. With a video camera for evidence of course.


So all of you that go to the local ponds have no idea who owns it, that you are trespassing on private property and make comments about going to the guys pond when he's in court.What gives you the god given right? Why should anyone have to put up a $2.00 sign to keep your creepy asses out of private property, it's not yours, keep the hell out. Maybe he should come into your house when you're not around and help himself to everything in the fridge and bedroom. You'd be the first to Pizz and Moan that someone trespassed and used your stuff, maybe you should have to put up a $2.00 sign too.

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So all of you that go to the local ponds have no idea who owns it, that you are trespassing on private property and make comments about going to the guys pond when he's in court.What gives you the god given right? Why should anyone have to put up a $2.00 sign to keep your creepy asses out of private property, it's not yours, keep the hell out. Maybe he should come into your house when you're not around and help himself to everything in the fridge and bedroom. You'd be the first to Pizz and Moan that someone trespassed and used your stuff, maybe you should have to put up a $2.00 sign too.



no, your right when i go to a local pond i dont know who owns it if anyone. it would just make common sense to me to put up signs in a more rural area. but hey to each their own. and by the way, when your creek fishing it is usually pretty easy to all of a sudden be trespassing now a days. and no i dont know the "shooters" story but im sure he was pretty cheesed off. like Billm said "I really can't imagineshooting another human with a shotgun for fishing in my private pond". he's right, to do that you gotta have a screw loose. i think its time to wake up outta the medieval times bud... laws state we cant all be brutes eh.

Edited by pike n' whities
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I haven't read anything about the 2 poachers getting charged with trespassing. Do they get off scott free because they got a couple pellets in their asses. Since when does a robber get off when a cop puts a bullet in him while running away?

Have a bit of respect for another mans property or be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


I bet the cops would have shown up quick enough if the old guy called and said he was holding the trespassers at gunpoint.


he should be congratulated, not charged

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no, your right when i go to a local pond i dont know who owns it if anyone. it would just make common sense to me to put up signs in a more rural area. but hey to each their own. and by the way, when your creek fishing it is usually pretty easy to all of a sudden be trespassing now a days. and no i dont know the "shooters" story but im sure he was pretty cheesed off. like Billm said "I really can't imagineshooting another human with a shotgun for fishing in my private pond". he's right, to do that you gotta have a screw loose. i think its time to wake up outta the medieval times bud... laws state we cant all be brutes eh.


Well then I guess we're all invited over to pike and whities house by default, I didn't see any signs on his door that says, "no entry except by invitation", Why don't you(all lazy crows who think they have a right to unposted property), make it a habit to ask who owms property rather than being so damm lazy and expecting the owner to lay signs out for you. (I'm not commenting about the use of violence, just the common sense people should use that apparantely a lot don't have any of). Done with this one.

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Well then I guess we're all invited over to pike and whities house by default, I didn't see any signs on his door that says, "no entry except by invitation", Why don't you(all lazy crows who think they have a right to unposted property), make it a habit to ask who owms property rather than being so damm lazy and expecting the owner to lay signs out for you. (I'm not commenting about the use of violence, just the common sense people should use that apparantely a lot don't have any of). Done with this one.



look bud, if you bothered to read what i said right then you woulda got: more rural area should = some kind of marking on the property line. whether it be just a dot of paint on a tree. thats what i'd do. and thats exactly what i helped my buddy do out at his camp. so you tell me. who are the lazy people here? the ones who mark their property so people recognize or the people who go to an un owned creek and wonder into a pond? you should be laughin at yourself too, cause infact i do have my property marked, and yeup i have turned around many kids who try to tromp through. and they turn around without the use of force or a simple phone call. One thing in particualer i love about how this is going about is the fact you think your so much higher up in the world than others. and judging by the way your stating things common sense aint so common... now is it?

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This is getting retarded.. I cannot believe you guys believe it is ok to shoot someone for fishing! Be it on private property or not. Do I have the right to shoot you in the face for walking on my front lawn? or eating a cherry from my tree? Taking my last beer?


While I agree trespassing is trespassing it does not warrant being shot! And if this landowner had previous issues (none of which have been mentioned) one would think he would have been PROACTIVE in letting the general public know where his property line was. It can be hard to tell, if you are not a surveyor or someone with geotechnical experience in locating "iron bars" etc.


I do not think the punishment the land owner dished out suits the "crime"


If that is you're logic, then I suppose you are ok with the death penalty being doled out to a 19 year old that put 21 1cent raspberry and only paid for 20,


I would hardly call these guys poachers,


Dara you said "Have a bit of respect for another mans property or be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." <--- I agree with this.. but does the fullest extent of the law include being shot in the back from a reckless land owner? Who deemed him judge and jury??




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