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The Flu In My House.


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Aaaaarrrrggghhh! After being soooo careful to stay away from sick people this holiday. My hubby woke up with full blown stomach flu. My sister (an ICU nurse) says there are different ones going around so I don't know whether my flu shot will cover this one. :(


YUCK! happy new year :glare:



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Flu is a viral lung infection. Hubby has gastroenteritis, and has nothing to do with your flu shot.


Keep him well hydrated and pick up some Gatorade or similar that will replace electrolytes lost due to the vomiting and diarhoea. Yoghurt bacteria pills (no yoghurt yet) will help to repopulate the natural flora in the gut and will help settle things down.

When things do settle down, the first solid food could be rice, applesauce and bananas. And you, Pamela, should wash your hands very frequently so as not to get it yourself.


Good Luck!

Edited by douG
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Doug knows what he speaks! I missed Xmas Eve, Xmas day and Boxing Day with the virus described. Pouring out of both ends for 24 hours, then 48 hours before I could even look at food! Hey, who needs Jenny Craig with that nasty going around!

Gatorade is good, also, there's a product in the drug store called Gastrolyte, that really helped, works just like Gatorade, without the taste!


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Its going around here big time too. Not just puking, but projectile puking with force. Doesn't sound pleasant at all, but heard its quite contagious. Some have speculated that it might be Norwalh virus (sp?). Make sure your hubby gets alot of electrolytes as mentioned and hopefully you espcape unscaved.

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Doug knows what he speaks! I missed Xmas Eve, Xmas day and Boxing Day with the virus described. Pouring out of both ends for 24 hours, then 48 hours before I could even look at food! Hey, who needs Jenny Craig with that nasty going around!

Gatorade is good, also, there's a product in the drug store called Gastrolyte, that really helped, works just like Gatorade, without the taste!





HH it sounds like you were reading my mind the wifes side of the family brought it her and mess me and my son up he was still having the runns yesterday but I just walked in the door for today the wife sais he is OK I hope so she is gone to work.


GL Pam I hope ya dont get it if ya do heres a little hint dont go the the bathroom with out a buckett alot of people here had to me included.

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I f you have a "stomach Flu", as others have said it is more than likely gastorenteritis, for nausea try the gravol, and the "scoots" some immodium, most important is to use excellent hand washing and for the sake of others Stay home! If it is NOrwalk, it should resolve in 24-48 hours

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I hear ya Pam. I think one of the grand kids brought it to our home, bundled up in one of the packages. MY wife has been down with it and a strep throat for a week now and my step son is down with it too. Lots of people off sick from the office ... of and on for over a month now. Seems to be a bit worse around here than in past years. I'm like you ... I hope I don't get it. I'll pledge not to get it if you do the same.

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Doug knows what he speaks of --good advice.


If it happens to be Norovirus, it is quite contagious -- not meaning to be pessimistic, but you'll be lucky to escape it. Wash your hands a lot ... that means 15 seconds friction with soap and warm water... hubby too. Use paper towels to dry hands and then use the same paper towels to turn off the taps - not your bare hands.


Good luck!


Mark B.

Communicable Disease Control

Toronto Public Health

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all very good points, I ended up with the viral chest infection and because of the anti rejection drugs from the transplant it turned into pneumonia. This is the second time in 6 weeks i have had this and can't take any meds, so becareful, take precautions,and have a good new year, Brian

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Oh dear. That is just nasty, a high fever for days, every bone in your body aches, and it feels like someone is sitting on your chest.


Keep offering (pushing) water and gatorade 24/7, and advil or tylenol as needed to control the fever.


There is only one upside, Pam, and that is that your shot may give you some protection. Hope everyone pulls thru ok. Good Luck.

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Friday update: Nope it's the flu alright! 3 days and still going strong along with fever. Now my mother is complaining about feeling nauseated. Sigh! :(




Breakout the "Garlic Caps !"" The Flu Virus will flee in all directions :devil: and the people around you too!! :thumbsup_anim: It works for me. The Garlic works as an anti-viral suppliment against the flu virus and whatever virus there are. I swear by them. I Used to work in a grocery store and there were tons of people who get sick with Flu Viruses every year. I Would take the Garlic Capsules. Least 3-4 caps for one week per day to get my immune system up. I even spoken face to face with the undercover security guard who was really sick and was not even energetic at all if he had to make an arrest. I never got his flu. Now I take them just when the flu season comes around. I don't take them all the time cause I sure hate to "stink" :D. I believe the odorless ones are not as effective as the ones with with the odor. It even works when you get that itchy feeling in the back of your throat that seems to be unshakeable. I would just let the capsule melt on my tounge and it would work. :rolleyes: nasty but it works!


You can even do a search on the net about garlic and find its benefits. Nutrition House used to have a great website on herbal suppliments but they changed everything making harder to find the basics. :(



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Thank everyone. We are all sick this morning. <_< But on the upside, I don't have to sterilize every single doorknob and facet every ten minutes. I have the head and chest cold version of the bug. I can live with that. ;)





Oh Darn, I guess I got to you too late!! :( Pray you get better soon then. But you still can break out the caps might shorten the time span of the bug.

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Other than 1 back injury in the summer, this has been the best year for staying healthy.


Last fall got the flu shot and was down and out 3 or 4 times over the winter with one time a nasty cough lingering 2 1/2 weeks. This year no flu shot, go to work everyday and have everyone cough and puke around me, and I'm still going strong.


Flu shot.... hmph..?


BTW, thanks for the card, Happy New year to you too Pam.

Edited by Moosebunk
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:( sorry to hear that Pam! I had that Gasterial intestinal virus ( i know I spelled that wrong but you know what I mean)LOL. I had it a month ago and it is pretty mean. You didn't know whether to sit or stand, sorry don't mean to be so graphic, but that's what it makes you do. Mine took 48 hours to go away and it takes a week to eat normally again, and you have no energy at all to do anything. It was even hard for me to get off the couch for the first few days. I was the only one that had it thank god, Fishindevil and our daughter never got it. :rolleyes: As soon as I was sick I was disinfecting everything in site including using that hand sanitizer. I hope everyone gets well sooon! Take care of yourself! :rolleyes: PS: I just realized that i am logged under fishindevil's name again.LOL :blink::D Edited by fishindevil
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