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What would you do??


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You have no idea what life is reserving for you. Go for it. You are only 31 and if you don't go you will regret it for the rest of your life.


I wish I would've had that chance. And as you being an Uncle, when I was younger I wish I would've had an cool uncle that was backpacking thru New Zealand, just make sure to keep in touch with him ( it's so easy to do now with the internet) take lots of pictures and e-mail them to him, and finish all your messages to him by saying that you really love him and that you can't wait to see him again. And 1 year for him will past so quickly.



My Dad worked his ass off all of his life. The man had never seen a 5 day week or even less an 8 hour day. He owned his own business until he was 63. He enjoyed 3 years of his life then Alzheimers set in.

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Lots of good advice here. Hopefully you won't regret whatever decision you make. Be wary of certain cognitive biases. For instance, some people have mentioned future regret as a reason to go for it. Others have mentioned going with your heart. These might lead to cognitive biases as you might be apt to regret things you didn't do that you like, and listening to your heart might also be biased towards things you like. I say keep a clear head and honestly weigh the factors in your decision. In my opinion, we are built to work and should be responsible and do the right thing. Life isn't only about having fun. That is why I broke my back through undergraduate, then graduate, then professional certification. That is why I put in so many hours a week at the office. That is why I chose to work where the money is, instead of jobs that are more fun. That is why I won't ever buy a bass boat, go on a saltwater charter, fly-in trip, etc., not because it's out of my budget, but solely because there is more to life than this. Why would I do these fun, yet rather trivial, things when I can live in a frugal way and not only afford to have as many kids as we want but also to put all my kids through the best schools and class trips money can buy?

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Lots of platitudes and good advise here.


But this is the kind of decision that only you can make. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer - the only one that matters is what you feel right/comfortable with.

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I knew there was a reason I liked LEW , no sence me typeing anything just read what LEW wrote and go have a great time and BE a good role modell for your sisters son and show him that anyone can go chase his dreams that there is a whole wide planet out there and you DONT have to be stuck down in one small place nor do you have to be special ,just anyone can do it if they set their mind to it (he will see that if his uncle can do it, so can he). Dont forget the PICS so old guys like me can wish ..... Antarctica

here I come just a few more air miles lol

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Most of us were only getting into debt between 25 and 35, the next twenty years you are trying to get out of debt. So if you are not in debt and don't have anything to pay for, go for it. You still have plenty of time.Most things away from the norm you usually only have one chance in life,and if you find that special someone, well now your in trouble :whistling: , so go while you are single and still young.

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Mine closed somewhere around 19 or 20.. foot loose and fancy free has to end somewhere and I'd think by 31 is as good a place as any. While hiking around NZ would be a blast in your early 20's...30's may not be so great. I'd use the year to get on your feet, not spending more money finding yourself.


As a 30 year something, I have to agree with the old bugger above :whistling: , you are only as old as you allow yourself to feel (at heart anyways).


But maybe you want to consider starting some meanful relationships, start a meanful and fulfilling career and becoming part of a community.


This may all sound boring right now, but one day you will want to be free to do what you want before you are to old to enjoy. It is alot easier to work and plan for the future now then it is to work and wish you had planned better when you are 75.


Michelle and I travel quite a bit, around the province, the country and the world.


We always look forward to our adventures and when we return we know that there will always be another one around the corner short of a tragedy.


Just my 2Cents

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Tony, I say you must go for it! I have owned a small business for about 20 years and I too had a business partner. He was my brother and also my very best friend and 3 years ago he passed away due to cancer of the liver. We worked night and day, 6-7 days a week and never took any time off for vacations. Occasionally we would go fishing when we had the opportunity and enjoyed those moments we were able to share together in the boat outside of working. I can't tell you how guilty I feel knowing that all we ever did was work our butts off and fingers to the bone all for the money. What a huge mistake! We never took the time for ourselves to enjoy life or to experience more with the family. He's gone now and I can honestly say that half of me has gone with him and I miss him so very much!


I could go on and on talking about this? But! I guess what I'd really like to say is go and enjoy, have fun, experience new things and don't worry about whatever anyone tells you. Believe me you need to recharge those batteries, come back and start fresh again! You will have no regrets in doing so and experience what pleasant opportunities this adventure may have in store for you. Enjoy your life today my friend, because we never know what tomorrow may bring? Your friend...finfan

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Tony, I say you must go for it! I have owned a small business for about 20 years and I too had a business partner. He was my brother and also my very best friend and 3 years ago he passed away due to cancer of the liver. We worked night and day, 6-7 days a week and never took any time off for vacations. Occasionally we would go fishing when we had the opportunity and enjoyed those moments we were able to share together in the boat outside of working. I can't tell you how guilty I feel knowing that all we ever did was work our butts off and fingers to the bone all for the money. What a huge mistake! We never took the time for ourselves to enjoy life or to experience more with the family. He's gone now and I can honestly say that half of me has gone with him and I miss him so very much!


I could go on and on talking about this? But! I guess what I'd really like to say is go and enjoy, have fun, experience new things and don't worry about whatever anyone tells you. Believe me you need to recharge those batteries, come back and start fresh again! You will have no regrets in doing so and experience what pleasant opportunities this adventure may have in store for you. Enjoy your life today my friend, because we never know what tomorrow may bring? Your friend...finfan



I totally agree with finfan. Also just because you check a little life out and travel does not mean you are a bum. Hell most kids today are still home until they are 30 years old. Go for it kid, but if you don't go call me I will go, just have to check with my wife. :wallbash:

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Hey everyone,


First off I want to Thank everyone who responded with your opinions and comments.


The Final tally as I see it;


Go for it : 18 ( 51% )


No don't go : 7 ( 20% )


Leave to me : 10 ( 29% )



I was pretty amazed at the support for me to go for it. A few of the comments did stand out for both the yays and nahs though.


For example ,


*Who says that we all have to conform to the wife, 2 kids and a mortgage lifestyle?*


I have thought of that kinda thing alot the last few years.


* I think the worst thing a person can do in his lifetime is to have a dream but never carry it out *


I have to completely agree with this comment. A dream doesn't have to be to travel. It could be to...have a wife/husband, 2 kids, and a mortgage. If that was/is your dream and it makes you happy then thats what matters, your happiness.


* foot loose and fancy free has to end somewhere and I'd think by 31 is as good a place as any *


Well not too sure how to take that comment but obviously it was written without knowing I have worked my butt off ever since I was about 18, sans the aussie year, and never did anything but work. I've worked so much I've never had much of a social life. I've worked 2 jobs at times...just because.


* you wouldn't have posted if you weren't sure *


* it look like you already have pretty much made your mind up *


* you sound like you know what you are going to do but need some justification from others to get your blessing *


I will try to clarify this. I know what I want to do but not sure what to do. I don't need a blessing or what not to do something. Just not sure. My mind if FAR from made up. I'm also not sure if what I just said makes any sense or makes things more confusing.


I appreciate everyones comments. Even those that suggested I would be "childish" or a "bum" if I decided to go. I really haven't decided either way yet.


Will let you all know what I decide.


Thanks everyone!!!



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