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Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (NF)


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I camp in the Moon River area often and I have never seen one of these snakes. I was planning on doing even more this summer. I usually try to find camping spots on Crown Land as opposed to Park grounds. I have a dog and I love taking her with me when I camp or fish. When we set up a site, she usually strolls out along the fringes of the camp site area, marking her territory and what not. I think this has been a great deterant for the bears and other critters as we have never had our campsite bothered by either when the dog is present. I have always known that there were rattle snakes in that area, but from what I read, I was under the impression they are rare. Now on the other hand, I am little concerned. I would hate it if the dog got bit. First thing first, I don't know if I would be able to diagnose it right away. I mean dogs often get small injuries and what not from stepping on the wrong thing here and there, but if she got bit, that would really suck! Has anyone had a dog that has suffered the bite of one of these critters? Is it deadly and how fast does it take for the venom to do serious harm?



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One time I was hitting out of the rough on a course (I'm a crappy golfer so out of the rough is pretty standard). As I was pulling up on my back swing, I hear a rattle and look down and this thing lunges out at me... I jump back and sure enough, it's a big rattler... I took a drop.

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Has anyone had a dog that has suffered the bite of one of these critters? Is it deadly and how fast does it take for the venom to do serious harm?


So I just showed my Mom these pics, she told me when she was young she had a medium sized dog take one in the neck by a average sized rattler when she was with her mom, the snake started rattling and the dog was protective like all dogs, so he tried to eat it and got bit good. Her dad said not to take it to the vet (my grandpa he's old school, lol) so apparently it swelled and pussed out within minutes for a full day and gradually just healed itself over the next day. Now I would recommed taking your pet to the vet, but I guess they can survive and as far as people it's apparently super painfull but not fatal unless your stuck in the bush by yourself and can't handle the pain to go get help, and a young kid or infant make sure you get to hospital asap.


Generally the bigger the snake the more venom, the less you weigh the more it will affect you, I'm 240lbs but not willing to do a field test. :lol:

Edited by GbayGiant
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I see them all the time while camping up at bruce penisula. About two years ago when we were hiking on a trail that hadn't been hiked all day about two hours from camp and we had the dog with us. Anyway he was infront with his snout to the ground and ran right into one and got bit in the nose. We had to run him back on our shoulders and we ended up just giving him some allergy medicine and that took care of him. His face swelled right up though, he looked pretty funny. Lots of snakes up there



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While I don't totally agree with everything they have said here (I have had one chase me), some of it has to be true!




Ok time for some facts (Sort of)


All I can say about being bitten is; every report I have ever heard of someone being bitten, they have survived and that keeping cool and calm and getting medical attention as quickly as you can is a good thing but panic is not a good thing.


I don't have any statistics regarding the number of people bitten every year/number of encounters/number of people that die but i would suppose that from what i have read it is extreamly low on all counts.

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