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Posted (edited)
  MuskyMike said:
There are far far far more catch and release guys then there are keepers.


so for that reason it is acceptable to bash someone? no, it isnt. bashing someone who is breaking the law is cool and id be right there beside you. but targeting people who decide to eat a musky is sad. promoting conservation is one thing, but forcing your believes and practices on others isnt my cup of tea.


but i guess its comparable to the crap we here from elite steel headers, carp fanatics, P3TA, etc :rolleyes:

Edited by ch312
Posted (edited)

I noticed that no one has commented on how good a shot that was with the spear gun so I will say it. That was a good shot! :clapping:

Of course a bow and arrow would have been even more impressive (do those work underwater?)


Well things could be worse, I last heard that its still legal to shoot pike with a gun in Virginia:



"To bag her personal best, a 9-pound northern pike, Tina Capsey used an SKS, the semiautomatic Soviet military rifle and precursor to the AK-47.

``If you want big fish,'' said Capsey, 45, the owner of Fish Tales, a restaurant in Swanton, ``you need a big gun.''



Edited by forrest
  ch312 said:
so for that reason it is acceptable to bash someone? no, it isnt. bashing someone who is breaking the law is cool and id be right there beside you. but targeting people who decide to eat a musky is sad. promoting conservation is one thing, but forcing your believes and practices on others isnt my cup of tea.


but i guess its comparable to the crap we here from elite steel headers, carp fanatics, P3TA, etc :rolleyes:


Nothing was said about being okay to bash someone. Taking heat and bashing is completely different. I dont condone bashing. Just like I said, if its legal, its legal, respect it.


Who would want to eat a 25 year old fish anyways though. Not this guy.


ch312, like i stated earlier.......Just because its legal sure as hell dont make it right.


Ill post a little something here from a summer issue of Essox Angler Volume 6 issue 3


Mr Maina, hope you dont mind me posting some of your work!



There are many issues surrounding catch and release fishing. What we mainly cover in this column is the how, with a little bit of why now and then. One issue we havent spent alot of time on is mandatory release-proactive reulations that require release of all fish, a majority of fish, certain size-structure ranges in a fish species etc.


There are many variables-each species and fishery with its own unique conditions-that play a role as to where and how special regs should be established. A total catch and release in many cases is not nessesary or preferable. Often selective harvest is the way to go with many species. And even with a species like Esox Masquinongy, at the top of the food chain, in some waters it could be best to purposely harvest some fish. It all boils down to each individual water's makeup. State wide or provincial regulations dont cut it. And this is why we have folks called fisheries specialists who monitor such things and therefore, we hope, make the correct management calls.


In a very basic sense, protecting certain species of fish from overharvest becomes more important as we move to larger fish, farther up the food chain(and therefore to fish occuring in the lowest densities), and as we move farther north (where fish grow slower) and it becomes less and less feasible to replenish fisheries artificially via stocking. When we are talking about slow growing fish like pike or muskies, or a big fish species twice as slow growing like a lake trout, the time required to rebound from over harvest is measured in decades.


Proactive fisheries management is important. This means protecting a tremendous resource. Sadly, to this day, regulations are reactive in many places. This means things got all screwed up....fisheries got damaged....to the point of angling interest diminishing or flat out ending.....And then there is "reaction" with protective regulations, stocking possibly, but sadly its too late. It takes time to fix things.


We felt it important to offer a success story of proactive management here. It works, and it works in all aspects. Its smart!! I can only hope that more folks will take notice of the simple fact that quality fishing is what everyone wants. There are folks who still vehemently rally against proactive regulations (however, they still desire quality fishing). The most popular and pollitically correct arguments heard repeatedly are "its a tradition" and we need to "get kids into fishing". Of course kids are a great excuse on the surface (stories of the poor kid "having" to release his first or biggest fish virtually ruining the childs psyche- an event likely to be the sole cause for a life of video games, drugs and trouble with the law), but the reality is Ive never met a kid who was against catch and release. Usually, when the reasoning behind catch and release is explained, the opposite reaction is far more likely. The messenger is the problem. Kids, even more so than adults, like to watch their bobber go down rather than stare at a floating one on a "keep all you want" water. They want to catch big fish. Positive things happen when we learn and adapt....I dont believe using "tradition" as a reason to halt this process makes much sense. Esox Angler.


hi irishfield


true its says ottawa.


but i am in hull accross the bridge,(5sec frome ottawa).


even wit that if its legal to spearfish in ontario in some sector for carp..there would be no prob store a spear gun at home.even in ontario.




like all the guy are been saying there is not mutch off musky....WE need to put them back.(my 2 cents)


anything that can be done to help the musky population as to be done.


great tread by the way.





as long as its legal, and the fish dosent go to waste, i dont see any difference than using a rod and lure to catch some dinner. It's no different than going deer or duck hunting. At least you get to choose which one you wanna keep, before catching it.

Posted (edited)
  KyleM said:
ch312, like i stated earlier.......Just because its legal sure as hell dont make it right.


thats your opinion. my opinion is there are regs put in place (along with exceptions for different water bodies) and as long as people follow those regs then there shouldnt be a problem. but yet people still feel the need to insult those who choose to keep a legal fish. the way that come people cry about someone killing a musky makes it seem like they think a fish is human or something. get a grip people...


some people just dont get it :wallbash:

Edited by ch312
  ch312 said:
thats your opinion. my opinion is there are regs put in place (along with exceptions for different water bodies) and as long as people follow those regs then there shouldnt be a problem. but yet people still feel the need to insult those who choose to keep a legal fish. the way that come people cry about someone killing a musky makes it seem like they think a fish is human or something. get a grip people...


some people just dont get it :wallbash:


ch312, you are carrying on far to much about the "insults and bashing". No one has been replying with anything along those lines, only for the SAFE RELEASE all Musky.


I am washing my hands of this topic as there is no point in continuing it. As you can see, this community for the most part supports the healthy release of Large fish and the future development of the species, minus the odd few that enjoy getting a rise from the rest of us.


MY OPINION is that you should stop replying before people start complaining to the Mods to have your posts removed. Thats just my opinion. Sorry, seems like opinions are flying all over this topic. haha


Have a great season guys, best of luck to everyone and if you do hook a Musky, think about the Future of Musky fishing, not your stomach. There is an abundance of fish that are decent for eating, thats why the REGS let you keep MULTIPLE fish of these species and NOT ONLY 1.


Great day.

  MuskyMike said:
ch312, you are carrying on far to much about the "insults and bashing". No one has been replying with anything along those lines, only for the SAFE RELEASE all Musky.


MY OPINION is that you should stop replying before people start complaining to the Mods to have your posts removed. Thats just my opinion.


....That there is some good advice. :D


ch312, I'm with you on this. Breaking the reg's is always bad. Some people want their own fishing to be more restrictive, which is great, but they shouldn't project their views and opinions on other law-abiding fishermen. As individuals, we have individual beliefs on what is right and wrong. We can't let some of the most "conservative" (for lack of a better word) individuals dictate morality. Post a muskie recipe and you'll get guaranteed objections. Post a pic of a stringer of northern madtoms and you'll likely get far less reaction, despite the latter being endangered.


What they should do if they want universal change is lobby for regulation changes.

Posted (edited)

Baked Muskellunge Steaks




• 4 medium sized muskellunge steaks (or any variety of pike)

• salt and pepper to taste

• 4 tablespoons butter, at room temp.

• 3 tablespoons minced onion

• 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme

• 1 tablespoon flour

• 1 can mushroom soup

• 1 1/2 cups milk

• 1 tablespoon bottled horseradish, drained

• 1/2 teaspoon sugar

• 1/3 cup grated cheese


Sprinkle the muskellunge steaks with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a heavy skillet. Sauté the fish steaks for 8 minutes, adding the minced onions and the thyme after the steaks are turned. Sauté the muskellunge until nearly done. Mix together the flour, mushroom soup, milk, horseradish and sugar. Stir until smooth. Bring the sauce to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Pour sauce over the muskellunge and sprinkle with the cheese. Cover the pan and cook 10 minutes longer. Serve immediately.



:) I just had too......

Edited by Gerritt

What's the diff between killing a few walleye with a spear gun or killing them with a hook and line? At least the speargun puts them right out of their misery.

  ch312 said:
its a fish. a musky isnt any better than a pike and people spear them all the time...get over it.



My comment isn't regarding the fact that they speared a Musky it's regarding the fact they stommped a mud-hole in the fish to get it off the spear. That isn't showing that fish any respect. Fish i keep are killed quickly as soon as they are in the boat or on the ice if they are keepers.


As far as the fishing reg's in Quebec are concerned.....i wouldn't touch that issue with a 10 foot clown pole!


However i don't believe in spearing, and if it makes you feel better i more strongy object to spearing of sturgeon, then i do the musky.


But being a conservationist at heart, i hate to see big fish killed, except for the odd northern, from trout lakes.


I'm not saying anyone is wrong here LEGALLY, but i'm saying that some of these rules are left over from the days of olde. The morals and ethics of people today will lead to better conservation, and a better fishery in the end. The 1 fish rule for a musky over 40" i think in a great rule. Same with putting the 50 fish limit on perch, when there used to be no limit.


I think spearing may have it's place for some species such as carp which have a large impact the ecosystem in some places, but for fish like northerns and musky i can't agree with it, apex predators are essential in an ecosystem.


(I'm sorry to all of you who are fans of carp...i engoy them as well but they do more harm then good to our lakes. If you could see it in your heart not to tar and feather me, i'd appretiate that very much. :clapping: )



Anyway fellas, it's a good discussion on the morals and ethics of the regualtions. If we can keep the banter civilized we all might learn something here.



its a fish. a musky isnt any better than a pike and people spear them all the time...get over it.


:lol: Typical 6-8 mentality. Difference of course being that 60% of pike eggs make it to adulthood, whereas about 13% of musky eggs make it to adulthood.


Carp are the same as bass too. Let's bow fish for bass. :thumbsup_anim:


I hafta admit I had a pretty good chuckle this morning when I opened this thread and saw where it was going with the keep or release musky discussion.


I've been a member of this board for 6 or 7 years now and long ago lost track of how many times this exact same discussion/debate/argument has taken place, and everytime it pops up again, it's nearly word for word the same as the last one, with the only difference being the players who participate.


Pretty soon it'll start getting nasty and the name calling will begin, then the mods will have to lock down one more thread in a looooooooooooong list lately.


Musky season will open in a couple months and a new member of this board will post a picture of a musky he kept and then the whole discussion/debate/argument will take place once again, and once again it'll lead to an argument and will again need to be locked up.


Kinda sad really, but still good for a chuckle every few months.......


Thanks for the recipe Gerritt. I'm going to try it tonight, as I have some frozen musky steaks in the freezer. Might add a bit of cayenne to it too! :)


I remember as a child there were some families around where we fished that loved eating muskies. They absolutely loved it, and preferred it to any other fish. I think they BBQ'd the steaks, but I can't remember. I also don't remember if I tried any of it.


I've ate one musky filet in my life. Only one. Tasted like crap. No offence to muskies around the world or any 50+ inchers reading this right now in your under water internet cafe's - but you really taste terrible...

Posted (edited)
  Rich said:
:lol: Typical 6-8 mentality. Difference of course being that 60% of pike eggs make it to adulthood, whereas about 13% of musky eggs make it to adulthood.


Carp are the same as bass too. Let's bow fish for bass. :thumbsup_anim:


Where on earth did you get those stats?!! If that were true, I shoulda caught 60 fish this morning instead of 2..


OOPS... Am I getting off-track? Somedody stop me!! :thumbsup_anim:




Edited by Highdrifter

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