Gerritt Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Are you kidding me! Me and Darren hung out ALOT! I had a crush on Heather lol..... Shame about their dad... hell I remember driving his Honda (i think it is ) 80 back and forth from home.. hanging out in the garage with Darren, Trevor and the guys.... Good times had in that Garage... Then to drive by there now and see th house gone only for a new subdivision and bridge... please if you see Darren or Heather give them our best.. I also happened to marry a Mount Hope Girl... Last name is Stockton... Heather knows it for sure. G
CLofchik Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Just going from the Guide To Eating Ontario Sportfish the Grand didn't seem THAT bad, atleast not as bad as that. Then again there used to be a sign in the men's room of the Fergus courthouse that read "Please Flush, Brantford Needs The Water". Either way small cats and pickeral are still tasty around Dunnville. As for the OP, most locals fish the dam for pickeral and there's a few there but the season is closed now, some trout but the fishing is better in the fall. In the summer there are a few bruiser carp that are always eager to pick up a bait in the slackwater. I always chuck a few casts in there when I make a butt run And just to make the world even smaller, A.H.&V 88-90, caught my first bass on a buzzbait in the pond just west of the airport, used to park with the girls at the turnarounds on the north side, and the name Darren Little seems a tad familiar, think we might have met a few of the same people at some of bush parties around then
PALEFACE Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 I'm new yeah, skipped the intro. Hi!! I've fished the Grand for as long as I can remember. Only started eating fish from the river in the last 5 years. Only walleye, and only from the lower stretches. This fishery continues to amaze me year after year. I fish quite a few places in Ontario for all kinds of fish. If I think I might catch something to keep for a meal, I look in the guide from the LCBO. Most places I read about have warnings not to eat more than 4 meals. Some places that people go to for "bush weekends" say not to eat any... CLofchik pointed out the "warnings" for the Grand. I wonder how many people posting on this thread have actually read "the guide". I dare you, go through it and make some comparisons. According to "the guide", Grand river fish don't have high levels of toxic chemicals in them. There are a lot of places that do, and people eat these fish all the time. The fish in the Grand are living in water that's high in nutrients. They grow fast in the fertile environment. Hey Gerritt, do you eat vegetables? What do farmers use to fertilize carrots and tomatoes? The river flows in even the driest of months. The only real threats to the lower river are accidental chemical pollution or a very dry summer. Water control in the upper stretches has prevented stagnation below through some pretty dry summers recently. I have confidence that we'll see more good management there. And we can only hope that we don't have any big spills or leaks along the watershed. Before you go overboard bashing a great fishery, please give this more thought. Just my 2 cents.
Spiel Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Fishmaster said: for the river being not safe to eat fish your on crack buddie .... Gerritt you promised me that you were going to get help?
Gerritt Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Spiel said: Gerritt you promised me that you were going to get help? I know I did Chris... but I was too busy reading I suppose.... as for the previous comments, thank you for them and not turning this into bash fest. Some insightful information and opinions. But I do have to tend to side with Environment Canada and not the Ontario Government on this issue. If the federal government deems it the third worst river in Ontario... well I am going to tend to believe them as they do not have a vested interest in the river... Where to be honest the provincial government does... it is in their best interest to not publicize the fact that is it the third most polluted river in Ontario. Why? well for one it make them look foolish for not spending the $$ required to revitalize the water system, it could have a detrimental effect of license sales as well...etc etc etc.. there hundreds of reasons why it is better for the province to be hush hush and pretend everything is status quo. The evidence is before us, it is up to use to decide how we use it. G
fatherof3 Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 I was reading over the Record article noticed a couple of things.They mention certain parts of the river(Cambridge,Dunnville)not the entire river.Secondly,the data in the article was last collected in 2005,pretty much three years ago(it is at the bottom of the article).I am not saying the river is clean but I don't think it is as bad as people still think.I have lived in areas along the river for my entire 35 years and my father has for his almost 70 years and the river is greatly improved.It still has a way to go but they are working on it.I could be wrong but are trout not very sensitive to water conditions?I wonder because they can be found anywhere in the river.I just think people need to get rid of the old mentality that the Grand River is nothing more than a toilet.Have heard that one ever since I can remember.Gerritt,I did a quick search this morning but if you know of sites with more recent info I would be interested in reading them as this is my main fishing river.
Gerritt Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 (edited) will do... I will PM you with some more links etc... Have to wait till I get home from work though G Edited March 18, 2008 by Gerritt
xrap Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 If it was not safe to eat fish from the grand I guess it would be in the regs. Even Hamilton Harbour is safe to eat out of believe if or not. But ofc thier is certain limitations.
PALEFACE Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Gerritt said: as for the previous comments, thank you for them and not turning this into bash fest. I have no intentions of doing anything like that. For some reason though, you seem to have a hate on for the Grand. I'm with Fatherof3 on this one. Please send me some links. I understand that your hatred for the Grand is just an opinion. But it really bothers me when someone is so vocal in a public forum. Next thing you know, people will be spreading rumours about how deadly the Grand river is. Because some guy on the internet said so. Largmouth, QUIT YOUR YELLING!!
Gerritt Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Paleface I think you are reading me wrong here... I do not have a hate on for the Grand, I am meerly stating that it is a water body that has pollution issues. If I hated it I would not fish it (which I do) I am just suggesting not consuming fish from it. I will CC you links tonight as well. G
largemouth Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 PALEFACE said: Largmouth, QUIT YOUR YELLING!! SORRY BUT ITS EASIER FOR CANADIANCOPPER TO READ.
snag Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 largemouth said: SORRY BUT ITS EASIER FOR CANADIANCOPPER TO READ.
KyleM Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Gerrit, I will hafta disagree .....atleast from the headwaters. Id say 95% of the shorelines are wild, no farming, towns, nothing. I grew up in Fergus, fished the river my entire life from Luther whats his name to Elora. Id say KW is the problem. Going through the KW area isnt good for anyone LOL
Roy Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Oktoberfest is the single biggest cause of yellow water.
fishinggeek Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Thanks for all the info everyone! I never knew these things about the Grand, and I have fished it on occasion. I've never eaten anything out of it, but now I never will. I'm actually thinking of putting on 2 pairs of waders next time I dare try to wade its waters. Either that or find a new, cleaner trib to explore.
Jen Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Roy said: Oktoberfest is the single biggest cause of yellow water. When you think about it...................................................................................................................... I had a lot more to say however decided to go with Roy on this one. There are so many things that are killing us everyday, from the food we eat to the air we breath... To get a small amount of pleasure from the simple task of catching fish and then putting them on the table really outweighs the risks. All the propoganda, all the political agendas, all the reasons not to fish or keep what you catch aside, life is what you make it and if we worried about absolutely everything than it wouldn't be a very happy place. We are all here because we enjoy FISHING - I said this a long time ago, it isn't about catching the fish, the biggest fish, or putting food on the table, what it is about for each and every one of us is different however in the same thought it is bigger than anyone can explain. The statistics are what they are... the rest is ours to enjoy!
solopaddler Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Hey guys here's a couple of fish I pulled out of the Grand recently: What'ya think is this bad?
Jen Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 solopaddler said: Hey guys here's a couple of fish I pulled out of the Grand recently: What'ya think is this bad? Neat Pictures... weird how nature works! We found disformed frogs in the pond behind our cottage for years just outside of Owen Sound in Oliphant... I always thought the animal that survived like that was pretty special as they beat the odd s.
Reef Runner Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 How'd they taste solo? J/K Dang, that pike is a score - double the meat in one catch!!! Lol. That's crazy. Please don't eat any two-headed or double bodied fish anyone.
Gerritt Posted March 19, 2008 Report Posted March 19, 2008 (edited) Ok, I will post some links to info on the Grand River please feel free to read them and smoke your crack while your at it if your so inclined.... Some of these links will be informational, others will be studies and some will just be interesting. Please view each to be as such. Yes you will be required to READ if you are able... no there will not be a test afterwards and there are no Coles notes. PS... Facebook cheating is forbidden and will result in expulsion. Also understand I dont hate the Grand I fish it, I am just sharing information that I have garnered on the resource. I am sorry if you take exception to this and If you dont like my conclusion that is fine.. base your own hypothesis on the subjective and continue to ignore the facts. Seeing as how I grew up less then ten minutes from it banks and pretty much learned how to fish there I have collected some interesting articles over the years and have based my choice on not consuming fish from the Grand River based on such. What you and your family put in your mouths is purely your choice.. I am not trying to change that, I an just trying to show you that things are not always what they seem. Here is some of the information available... I emphasize some because there is ALOT of info available on the Grand River.. and I Just dont have the time to do the research for you. For those of you that can read, please research it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Will I continue to fish the Grand River? of course! Will I consume a fish from the Grand River... not with your mouth and someone else chewing. Enjoy the read. Informative:;calyLang=fra <----type in Pollution;OpenDocument;n=D5CE3A46-0 Interesting: Facts: G. Edited March 19, 2008 by Gerritt
danbouck Posted March 19, 2008 Report Posted March 19, 2008 I myself will continue fishing the grand, eating the ocassional bass that I ENJOY and i'm sure I will be just fine! But seeing as how it is so dirty PLEASE stay away from the water. That way I will have even better luck this year!
Gerritt Posted March 19, 2008 Report Posted March 19, 2008 LOL Dan, See you on the river... and I will make do by my promise I will Fillet them for you! G
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