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Well I have a little rant to make today as I am very annoyed at many in society who understand stealing is wrong yet do so anyway. This morning I awoke and did my usual routine got in the car and off I went on my day... When I returned home I was informed that my mothers car had in fact broken into and ransacked... when I looked in the car all the contents were on the floor and seat and we found that her purse had been rummaged through and all the cash taken. they attempted to also steal the bluetooth Mic that was in there but were unable to do so. I am just dumbfounded that people continue to do such acts. When we informed the police they told us our neighborhood recently has had several problems with thievery. It is downright dirty that someone can have a ruthless disregard for law. however minor this may be it can easily escalate into B/E a house at gunpoint and stealing the contents and livelihood of its occupants. It is very frustrating that things like this happen and will continue to occur because penalties aren't harsh enough for many lawbreakers and law abiding citizens are hurt. Scum of this nature has no place on my property or any others but their own. I will be spending a little more time at night peeking out the window, as the idiots are may just return as they have lately. I apologize for letting this out but figured maybe everyone could keep a better watch for thieves in your neighborhood, and ensure your car doors are locked when you decide to call it a night.

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It's an unfortunate side of our society that has always been there, and will continue to always be there unfortunately. All we can do is make our stuff less of a target and hope for the best. I'm terrible in my truck... CD's stacked under the center fold down arm rests..etc so not one to talk, but what the hell was her purse doing in an unattended car Bill ?

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That is frustrating indeed. It's a good idea to have sensor lights that will be triggered when someone approaches your vehicles/property and also to keep any valuables in the trunk or not in the car period.


If there is nothing worthwhile for the thieves to see in a car, they usually won't attempt to break in, that includes aftermarket stereos, dashboard GPS units, portable dvd players, fishing gear, etc, etc


Hopefully they catch these punks (sounds like kids) and have their parents pay for any damages and losses...

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Hey Bill, that sucks! I won't even leave an empty cigarette pack on the seat of the car! I figure, if they can't see it, they'll go elsewhere.

Hope it works out for yah and your right, too much skum in the world these days. :wallbash:

I've got a buddy makin a pretty good living installing boomeranges in cars these days... annoys me to no end that we even have to consider such things to protect our own property.


Edited by Headhunter
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Violence is not the answer GCD. I would have to say it is just as much the fault of the person who left the car unlocked and a purse in plain sight. Sure you shouldn't have to worry about that but you might as well put a flashing neon sign on your front lawn telling people to feel free to have a look around the car and take what they please.



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Hey Bill I feel your pain. Many years ago I lived in a less than desirable area of Toronto and found my car broken into on a regular basis. EVEN WHEN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WAS AVAILABLE TO STEAL! At this point I took to leaving the car UNLOCKED - come on in have a look around and then leave. This violation of my personal property was less traumatic then finding a punched door lock or broken window.


Finally I moved and am so paranoid now that the car is always locked in my garage or that of my employer. Wish we could take the action described by GCD but the law is on the side of the law breakers. :angry:

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Nater that is an ignorant thing to say and I believe it would have been better to keep it to your self... If you leave your house unlocked is it okay for me to come in and is that your fault...? How about an unlocked window? Is it your fault some one came in because you or your child or wife left it unlocked? If you believe that someone who is robbed is at fault you need to have a reality check of your own... dont forget to lock the zippers on your back pocket too... Whether or not a vehicle or car is locked is unimportant as NO ONE has the right to invade anothers private property

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Don't know what area your mom lives in, but.......when you consider how many drug addicts, bums, and convicts that are unable to get suitable employment, what can a person expect.


Imagine a convict being released from prison.

Even if he had the most honourable intentions, there probably isn't a single employer who will want to hire him/her.

That person is going to get frustrated and angry at society.

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Did I say they had the right? no I didnt...I simply said you can't leave your car unlocked with a purse in plain view and think that somehting like this isn't bound to happen. You live in the GTA, if it aint nailed down it's gonna get stolen. This was more than preventable had the car been locked which it should be



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Violence is not the answer GCD. I would have to say it is just as much the fault of the person who left the car unlocked



Might be the dumbest statement I have seen here in a while.Thats the logic that the thieves use to justify their stealing.In the NAVY they have no use for a thief and violenece against thieves works very well.No one steals on a ship and if they do they have a blanket party for the guy.Very effective.

Bill,dont dwell on the scum that did it,they will make you their prisoner.Go on about your life just as you were and have faith in your fellow man as most of them will do the right thing and not steal your stuff.Cept for the ones who think its half your fault,they will steal whenever they get a chance.Nothing but bad will come from ill gotten gains.


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Doesn't matter where you live... Crime rate where I am isn't particularly high... its just the punks who think stealing is cool... And what you did say is that the blame lies on us as much as the criminal, that is untrue... And as stated purse was not in plain view and the crime occured at night on a private residence driveway.

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Might be the dumbest statement I have seen here in a while.Thats the logic that the thieves use to justify their stealing.In the NAVY they have no use for a thief and violenece against thieves works very well.No one steals on a ship and if they do they have a blanket party for the guy.Very effective.

Bill,dont dwell on the scum that did it,they will make you their prisoner.Go on about your life just as you were and have faith in your fellow man as most of them will do the right thing and not steal your stuff.Cept for the ones who think its half your fault,they will steal whenever they get a chance.Nothing but bad will come from ill gotten gains.




Thanks Joe... I agree 100% with your statement...

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Tough pill to swallow for sure... You live in a nice area (I know first hand) and you have to deal with crap like this....


I would say with 99% certainty it is someone that lives close to you... Given your location.. It would not be someone from the other side of town for sure... It could even be someone that lives in your complex....


Sorry to hear about bad things happening to good people... Although I joke around alot your Mother, Brother and yourself are good people...


Perhaps this is a bit of a wake up call for your mom...? might make you guys think twice about leaving valuables unattended..



Nater... yet again you cease to amaze me in just how inconsiderate you are... this seems to be an ongoing issue.... perhaps people are like yourself on the Steelheading Elitist Boards? that carp dont wash here..


Bill... I know you cant do the Feb trip... but if you wanna hookup for the day and hit some hardwater lemmie know!



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i too have been robbed.before i got underground parking i had to leave my pickup parked in a lot downtown oshawa.ocasionally the crack fiends would rummage through my stuff.the first time they got my cds after that they got nothing because i left nothing valuable.but this was mostly my fault the truck is 20yrs old and im sick of fixing stuff the drivers door broke a few times handles,locks window winder so this time i said screw it now i leave it unlocked its too old for resale and like i said i dont leave valuables in it.

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Thanks Gerr... We'll hook up for sure... I appreciate most all of your comments lessons have obviously been learned. Nater, If it makes any difference which I am sure it wont, Please avoid posting whatsoever on any of my threads, I have yet to hear a constuctive comment from you, I will give the same courtesy

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Be thankfull all that was lost was a couple of dollars. When I came out of Costco about a year and a half ago all that was there was an empty space were $75k was once sitting. Locked door, Alarm, On-star didn't do a wrong word thing.

If they want it they find a way around it, thats what the cops told me anyways...



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Might be the dumbest statement I have seen here in a while.Thats the logic that the thieves use to justify their stealing.In the NAVY they have no use for a thief and violenece against thieves works very well.No one steals on a ship and if they do they have a blanket party for the guy.Very effective.

Bill,dont dwell on the scum that did it,they will make you their prisoner.Go on about your life just as you were and have faith in your fellow man as most of them will do the right thing and not steal your stuff.Cept for the ones who think its half your fault,they will steal whenever they get a chance.Nothing but bad will come from ill gotten gains.



Daplumma: Your response to Nater's post above is by far more " the dumbest statement I have have seen here in a while".

Although I wish you were correct, Nater's statement reflects reality. He was only stating the obvious. Provide a thief an opportunity & it will be jumped on.

As an former military person also, I know how barrack room justice was used to good effect, but times have changed. It won't get too far in the military any more & will sure backfire on you quick on civy street.

I agree with your advice not to dwell on the scum. But remember to cover your butt & don't ever bend over, or some scum will not think twice of screwing you.

Wish it wasn't so, but that's not reality.


Bill: Don't take this wrong as I am always disturbed when things like this happen. As you already said, lessons have been learned. It should not ever happen in a perfect world but we do not have a perfect world. Not saying it was your or your mother fault but it was not unexpected in todays society.


Best Wishes: Rick

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Daplumma: Your response to Nater's post above is by far more " the dumbest statement I have have seen here in a while".

Although I wish you were correct, Nater's statement reflects reality. He was only stating the obvious. I'm sorry that your reality is that bad.

Not saying it was your or your mother fault but it was not unexpected in todays society.

Nater said it was his mothers fault and you backed him up but now you say it isn't.Which is it Rick?


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Bill I am sorry to hear about what happened.Your right there is a alot of loser around.Their just to dam lazy to find work and just find it easier to steal from those who do actually work for a living.I have no use at all for people like that.Just dont worry buddy the old saying what goes round comes round is true.People like that always get theirs one way or the other.Just dont let it be you that gives it to them.Because people like that are not worth it.





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