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Save The Mnr


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I signed it...




This link may bring you straight to the petition BTW hope it does... if not I will edit it. I urge you all to sign it, do it not only for yourself but future generations...

Edited by Bill Parker
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What's the MNR...I seem to remember something about it from years ago. Are they going to start it back up...am I pi__ed about the way it's been going downhill...YES!!!!! Maybe if we took the $423 a week increase the Mpp's are giving themselves we could purchase a few new cars for the MNR...oh wait they deserve that increase. Enough of my rant! and yes I will ad my name the the petition.

Edited by Garyv
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The MNR should be one of the best funded ministries.

It's staff enforce our fish and wildlife laws.

We should be putting more CO's in the field with

the best equipment available to help them combat crimes

against our fish and wildlife.

Without enforcement, why bother buying licences ?

More people will take the chance they won't get caught.


People just never learn.

Show Doughead McGuilty what you think of his Bull at the next election.

Get that jerk and the rest of the Fiberals out of office.

28% wage increase ? :o

How about showing the people it's not about the money and taking a pay cut ? :angel:

I say let them work for minimum wage and we'll see very quickly how much the Fiberals

care about the people who voted them into power again.


Are we insane to just stand by and let them steal our money again and again ? :wacko:

You know why their colours are red? Because they keep bleeding us dry. :devil:


Sure, just push that knife a little father into my back.

I enjoy the pain !!!


Sure, no problem.

You go ahead and take every last dollar I make to pad your own luxurious lifestyle,

while my family struggles to survive.


Yes Doughead McGuilty, I like being continuously raped.......NOT !!!


You just keep it up. Keep giving us the same stupid "I dunno" :dunno::sleeping_02: answers.

I certainly didn't vote for you and hopefully the voters in Ontario

come to their senses and see you and your Fiberal party for the blood suckers you really are.




I apologize.

I don't usually don't snap like this, but right now, I'm both furious and frustrated

as I'm sure some of you are as well. Just had to blow off a little steam.

Thanks for lending an ear.

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I signed the petition a few weeks back when it first started to circulate.


Please write your MPP and express your concerns about the cutbacks at the MNR. They will sit up and take notice if they receive enough letters. Remember there will be an election in Oct '07

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Hi Chris!


Firstly congrats on winning you seat at the last election.. Good JOB! My wife and I were proud to have done our little part to get you where you are :) you deserve it!


If I may bring up a concern...


I am an avid outdoorsman I love to fish and to hunt... both are pasttimes handed down to me by my father, grandfather and great-grandfather.. it is tradition. This is why I am deeply troubled with MNR cutbacks.. our resources are being raped. Why you ask?? because there is noone to enforce the laws!


please take a moment and visit this website www.savethemnr.ca


While politicians are increasing their pay they are cutting back spending on a very fundamental and much needed department within the government.




The overall budget of the Ministry in 2006-07 is 24 per cent lower, in real terms, than it was in 1992-93. The budget for the actual work of the Ministry (not counting transfers to industry and other outside organizations) is 31 per cent lower. In 2006-07, the MNR’s budget not counting transfers fell by more than 5 per cent in real terms. This latest cut has had severe effects in many areas


Didnt the government just give themselves a 25% pay increase???


I wonder where that money is coming from....???...


n 1992 there were 257 uniformed Conservation Officers on the job in the field in Ontario. As of July 2006, there were 173 uniformed COs in the field and another 26 COs focused on special investigations, for a total of 199 officers. There are now 84 fewer COs doing basic enforcement in the field (down 31 per cent since 1992) and 58 fewer officers involved in enforcement overall (down 23 per cent).


Conservation Officers need money to pay for gas (for trucks, boats, and ATVs), repairs, cell phone bills, uniforms, and meals, and so on. These operating expenses are being cut back so severely that conservation enforcement is effectively paralyzed. A best estimate is that this year’s budget is one half of last year’s.



“I don't know how to make this any clearer than this,” one Enforcement Supervisor wrote to his Conservation Officers in September. “You MUST monitor your gas purchases and when you have it $400.00 [per month] you will have to park the truck for the rest of the month and work in the office.”








If you like I can show you acual photo evidence of violators to our regulations.. Us ordinary citizens and law abiding outdoor lovers should not have to play "officer" taking photos and emailing them to the MNR in order to protect our fragile resources.




Can you please give me some direction on where I should be heading with this as I know it is a provincial issue.




Thank You,

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