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10 lbs bass

cranks bait

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Yesterday morning I got up nice and early to be able to take advantage of fishing with sunlight, As I only get Sundays to get out. Most of my fishing is after work in the dark. I have been skunked all week. Except for the one rock bass I caught. Sunday morning proved no different.


A gorgeous morning, no wind, flat water. I was the only boat out there. Oh well, I got to enjoy the day. After being out for four hours and not even catching some salad, I decide to go to a spot that I frequented in the spring.


I throw my line in the water, sit a bit. I feel a tap, I set the hook nothing. Stand perfectly still, leave the lure to sit, maybe it'll come back. BAMM!!! My rod is buckled over, drag is screaming. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP I caught bottom in a strong current. I start to reel in and then the line sarts going out at an amazing speed. I've got a smallie hooked. Drag must be too loose cause I'm getting spooled. Adjust the drag and reel in. After a bit I see " the monster" Oh crap I'm going to loose it. Get it to the boat, and it takes off again. Does this three or four times. My heart is pumping. I very carefully get it into the boat. With a sigh of releif and a hoollyy crraaapp!!!


I get this fish in the boat and can't believe it didn't get off. A 32 inch 10 LBS pike, on a j hook with a cinko. I'm going for bass. No hardware on the line, what a rush.


I then through a line in again and produce the fish I am after. A 3.8 lbs smallie.


Only caught two fish all day, but they were nice to catch. What a way to enjoy a day off!!!




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I knew it would get people looking. I did it in jest. I was going after bass, as you can see the lure and cinko in the pic. I almost had a heart attack when I first saw it coming out of the water. I was fishing bass, what the heck is a pike doing on my line???

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Haven't figured out the quote part of this yet, but to answer your question Jigger. I had my boat in about 2 feet of water on the edge of a shoal that goes down 20 ft. I caught the pike in about 2-3 feet of water right up on shore. The bass I caught after letting it drop about 10 feet into the hole. These are average sized fish for me here. I've just never caught a pike with naked line before.

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