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I hope it's not too late for...


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Thursday 08:00 AM 04 Oct 2007... I've got a bit of maize left over and thought I'd give Carp Point on Sturgeon Lake a try to-day (just waiting for the temperature 4*C (40*F) to warm up a bit before heading out)...


Haven't tried for carp for nearly two weeks as we have been having good results fishing for perch and crappie over at Lake Simcoe...


Will post results later...



Thursday PM 04 Oct 2007...Nada doin'...not a bump nor a jiggle...saw something jumping way down by the channel markers but they may have been bass...


Anyhow...I scattered a half bucket of maize in the area...so will give it a try again tomorrow...if I get skunked again then it is time to put the carp equipment away till next year...(sigh)...can't complain though...it has been one of the better years for me both catch wise and, due to the generosity of a couple of friends, I have a nice carp outfit complete with bank sticks and alarm...



Friday 05 OCT 2007...I got to answer my own question...Nope...It's not too late...


Mind you after sitting reading a magazine for two hours I was beginning to think maybe it was too late in the year for carp fishing...it is our custom to throw a couple of handfuls of softened maize out a short ways from shore in case the resident three ducks come by to say hello and a couple of handfuls for our buddie the chipmunk...at close to eleven o'clock (later start this morning) I happen to look down and there were three carp filling their faces on the duck's corn...my line was straight out about 30 ft so I reeled it in 20 ft, threw out some more maize, and let it sit...Sure enough the three were back for more and then my buzzer started...This had to be the most energetic carp I've caught this year...first it took off down the channel then swung around to the right past the point...luckily I was able to keep it high and not have it drag me across the zebra covered rocks where we usually lose them...it still wasn't finished and kept on running way out and over to within about 30 ft of the far shore...a quick look down at my spool...and I was sure glad I had put some backing on as I was close to it...I started gaining line slowly as it still had a couple more runs to make but when I got it in close it decided it wanted to run around to where the trees are...not this time...I put the pressure on and it turned and started to do what I wanted...Once it was close enough I managed to grab my line and steer it to the landing/unhooking area...it laid there nicely as I used my foreceps to remove the hook and then just stayed there as I got a good look at it before I righted it and pointed it to the way of freedom...What a horse !!!...just under 20 lbs is my guess...


It had this old geezer's heart pumping. let me tell you !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Beans
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Good job Beansie !!! Nice to hear "Carp Point" still has some of our favourite residences around. I hope you said goodbye to our battle scarred chipmunk for the season? And if Faye and the dogs where around I hope you wished them a good off season from Caygeon...and a safe return back home across the border.


Same place... same time next May/June??? I'm already looking forward to it.

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That new gear sure has been seein' some action! I've only been out a few hours at a time over the majority of the summer . . . . most of the time I felt like road kill . . . . if I put in a full day fishin' & drivin' to & from, it took several days to recover. But . . . . there's a light at the end of the ol' tunnel . . . . seems I may have 'ducked the bullet' again! I just re-charged my Vexilar, last charge was in late March . .. only a third down. Ya think we'll have ice at 'Jacks' place by January for crappies?

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Funny you should ask Steve...I was making a fishing picture "screen saver" this morning and I added a pic of you with the winning crappie, a pic of Crappieperchhunter, Cliff and me...all at uncle Jack's.




Let's hope for some safe ice by New Year's Day this coming season... ^_^

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