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shore salmon noob


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seeing all these shore salmon reports lately makes me want to give it a try... maybe i'll get lucky hopefully... but i'm a total newbie at this tho.


So what do I need for salmon shore fishing?

For lure, looks like in most of the reports were Little Cleo. What size of spoon is good? Is glow-in-the-dark necessary? I didn't find any glow ones for Little Cleo in my local CanTire... but only a Mepps glow spoon, is Mepps good?

For rod, I only have an uglystick lite 7' medium rod, nothing fancy or highend at all. I dont' even if i have enough line judging from all those crazy runs of salmon from the reports here! I probably don't want to buy a new rod just for it (esp after the recent financial trouble ahead of me, which i posted in another thread)... BUT.... what would be a decent but non-highend (<$100) rod?



Then of course I'd want to ask where to fish in GTA (I'm in kingston but going out to GTA for the weekend)... but then i guess that's not easy to get an answer :canadian:

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7' Ugly Stik is fine. Any of the Lake O. tribs should get some kind of run. Fish the river mouths with Cleos or any kind of spoon heavy enough to cast. I've also had good luck with long-cast Rapalas. If the water is shallow, an on shore wind is best. Where I fish, any hard wind from south to west that brings in big waves will have them smacking anything that goes by.

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I'm NOT an expert on shore fishing for salmon, but after having a medium action rod just break on me after fighting 3 salmon and landing 2, I had a better idea of what I preferred. Mind you, I did have to be a bit heavy handed on the fish because of structure with lots of potential for the line to get tangled.


Our local tackle store had some advice for me on this one....because I, like you, didn't have a lot of money to spend on this. I was looking for something that would be stronger...so a medium heavy rod was where I started. I was also fishing with a 6.5 footer before and wanted a little longer to help in getting casts further. I ended up with a Shimano Sojourn medium heavy rod, fast tip. This is a Graphite composite rod (not the fancy IM7 or the like)...so the sensitivity isn't great, but if you are chucking spoons, believe me, you know when they hit. (at least the ones I've hooked). The best thing is that this rod cost $40...but got a deal on it and walked away with it only costing $30.


My luck has been with little cleos in 2/3 to 3/4 oz size. Glow in the dark has worked the best for me because I fish primarily at night. You'll likely have to go to a tackle shop to get them.


Good luck out there!!!

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If you can't find cleos in Kingston, there are a few tackle shops in between there and the GTA which have them (Gagnons, Tightlines, Angling Specialties, Lucky's, etc) - Wal-Mart usually has a few in stock.


I remember the first time I took my dad salmon fishing years ago on the Ganny, we were using 6' med-action fibre glass rods (Mitchell and Ugly sticks) and casting 2/3oz Cleos. After the first fish broke me off and took my lure, my dad rushed over to the local CT in a hurry and returned with $30 worth of Cleos and a few other spoons. When he saw the power and size of those fish, he became HOOKED.


I now use a 10' Shimano Convergence. It's rated for 8-17lb test. I think I picked it up for $90 or so a few years ago...It can launch cleos and lures a good distance. It has a slow action which has a nice cushioning effect when the fish decides to head-shake or roll but it's beefy enough to turn them. A rod which performs beyond its price tag IMO.


Even if you don't go out for salmon much, it makes a great drift rod for steelhead in bigger waters and it's my #1 rod for carp when I'm stalking them in the margins.

Edited by MJL
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Shimano Convergence, 10 ft, medium power with slow action. IM-6, rated for up to 1 oz, comes with lifetime warranty, gives you a lot more distance with your lure, and it's all for just 70 bucks.


There also are some spots you can try near Kingston. Millhaven Creek near Bath, west of Kingston, has a decent trout run and some salmon as well, and unlike GTA, you won't need shoulder pads as there is hardly any fishing pressure--one huge benefit of living in a small city. God, I miss Kingston.

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cool thanks alot for the suggestion and tips


I'll look for those 2 suggested rods.. hopefully can find a good price. I'll actually stay in like 1min drive from Lucky's in scarboro.... and there's the other tackle store (forgot its name) on Sheppard & a little east of McCowan. Are those 2 places' price on rod/reel good? say compare to BPS.


Yeah and forgot about reel... i guess those rods probably don't come in a combo, right?

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Guest Fishing For Life

Is it just me or you guys too to have sore arms/wrists after casting 2/3, 3/4 spoons for hours?


to me, i figure it is caused by the weight of the rod and the swining action


I have a Shimano Convergence .. 10ft and Medium Action .. it was $79, i think


seriously thinking about spending $150 to get another rod ... at least 3 times lighter ..


what do you guys think?

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Is it just me or you guys too to have sore arms/wrists after casting 2/3, 3/4 spoons for hours?


to me, i figure it is caused by the weight of the rod and the swining action


I have a Shimano Convergence .. 10ft and Medium Action .. it was $79, i think


seriously thinking about spending $150 to get another rod ... at least 3 times lighter ..


what do you guys think?


I cast 6-8oz spods all summer for carp with my spod setup (Greys spod rod, Daiwa Emcast 5000 big-pit) and when I pick up my steelhead/salmon gear in the fall, they feel like ultra-lites. I can go for hours without getting fatigued.


Off the top of my head, I can't think of any rod 3 times as light in the under $150 mark. TBH I thought the Convergence was actually quite light. You might be able to get an old Loomis IMX on ebay or in a few classifieds if you look.

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Is it just me or you guys too to have sore arms/wrists after casting 2/3, 3/4 spoons for hours?


to me, i figure it is caused by the weight of the rod and the swining action


I have a Shimano Convergence .. 10ft and Medium Action .. it was $79, i think


seriously thinking about spending $150 to get another rod ... at least 3 times lighter ..


what do you guys think?

Wrists, shoulders are sore and I throw a 250 Calcutta (baitcaster with a 10 1/2 ft St Croix)

But is all seems to disappear when you yell "Fish on" :rolleyes:


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Guest Fishing For Life

How come there is no specification on road when you want to buy it?


Weight should be inclided as one of the spec ... like the following


Power: Ultra Heavcy

Action: Ultra Fast

Weigbht: 1/10 lb


cheers ...

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Is it just me or you guys too to have sore arms/wrists after casting 2/3, 3/4 spoons for hours?


to me, i figure it is caused by the weight of the rod and the swining action


I have a Shimano Convergence .. 10ft and Medium Action .. it was $79, i think


seriously thinking about spending $150 to get another rod ... at least 3 times lighter ..


what do you guys think?


I prefer the 3/4 ounce and 1 ounces sizes :)


Even if you were to find a rod 3x's lighter than the Convergence, it isn't going to make that much difference if you are going to use the same reel.


You have decided to participate in a new sport, a sport that requires much more energy and strength than people often think. Like any new sport activity, there is going to be soreness and pain until your body gets used to it or until, like some, you give up. This is where the weak are weeded out LOL

Edited by bly
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Well I ended up buying the Convergence in BPS. Didn't really find anything cheaper in the 2 tackle stores I went to in Scarborough or in BPS. $69.99 isn't too bad I guess... considering it as how much per foot of rod lol.


For reel, I only grabbed a cheapo $29.99 Shimano..... dun think I want to spend too much yet. Also got a few cleo and line while in BPS.



Unfortunately didn't really have a chance to go salmon fishing yet tho :( Was quite busy the past weekend while in GTA. I did drive to Credit very late on Sat but left after watching for awhile... gf was tired. Hope I can get some time for it soon :)

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Well I ended up buying the Convergence in BPS. Didn't really find anything cheaper in the 2 tackle stores I went to in Scarborough or in BPS. $69.99 isn't too bad I guess... considering it as how much per foot of rod lol.


For reel, I only grabbed a cheapo $29.99 Shimano..... dun think I want to spend too much yet. Also got a few cleo and line while in BPS.

Unfortunately didn't really have a chance to go salmon fishing yet tho :( Was quite busy the past weekend while in GTA. I did drive to Credit very late on Sat but left after watching for awhile... gf was tired. Hope I can get some time for it soon :)


Congrats on the new rod! That one has a lifetime warranty if I remember right. Hope you get a chance to use it and hook into something! Looking forward to reading about it :)

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Congrats on the new rod! That one has a lifetime warranty if I remember right. Hope you get a chance to use it and hook into something! Looking forward to reading about it :)


I'm kinda having abit of a buyer-remorse... thinking for another $30-40 (on top of the $30) I can get a much more decent reel... but then $60-70 for a reel seems like alot for me starting out... arh I duno :wallbash:



But anyway thanks ... if I don't catch a salmon... i'll at least go to a local shore, put on a small bit of worm and hook a sunfish so I don't get skunk for the season with the rod lol

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I have 3 rods for salmon or trout application.


I chug with lures therefore I prefer slightly stiffer rod that has some kind of minimal backbone but the rod is still considered a light action 12' rod and can use a max line weight of 6-12lb. It is difficult to find rod with sufficient backbone and yet light enough for 4 lb line. Especially fishing around some current flow.


When I use the roe bottom technique for trout, I use more of a noodle like rod with max line recommendation of 4-8lb


I always try to use the lightest possible rod and reel so I can feel the slightest nibble on the lure, but with sufficient flexibility when needed.


Peter's at St catherine is a good place, they specialized in salmon and steelhead rod. Too bad he just past away this year.


Quantum steelhead and salmon 12' rod is a good decent rod for using spoon and crankbait. It has some backbone. The price is only $65.


I own another 12' Silstar crappy rod bought at ebay, I change some of the guides to accomodate my spinning reel. It was light and had some backbone, I love using it to chug with lures for salmon. The max line weight was 4-10 lb as well. It felt good even chugging spoons or 3/4 jigheads at Niagara river.


Ebay has some good deal as well.

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