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Steelheading - what were they thinking????


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A couple of guys "fishing" behind their house, makes a video of how they are catching steelhead and salmon. Turns out their method of catching them is poaching!!! Here's a news video....<BR><BR>


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Ah the ones with all the money and no brains.LOL


I have seen this too many times in rivers for salmon, and got into many arguments cause they were using huge treble hooks and snagging them. Well needless to say some went for a swim in the river.


Yep got to love the guys with the #1 treb,dress with yarn eh.Oh the fun of it all.

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Ah the ones with all the money and no brains.LOL

Yep got to love the guys with the #1 treb,dress with yarn eh.Oh the fun of it all.





When I river fished in the past ( I don't any more) I would see countless jerks doing the same thing!


It would always end with me losing my cool.I would sit there all day, for maybe a hit.And these S.O.B's would be snagging anything that they saw.



At least I had the enjoyment of seeing a couple of guys get caught infront of a MNR one time.






Some people just don't get it. :wallbash:

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Been reading about this on another forum for a couple days, it is amazing indeed. They should be fined just for their corny behavior. Id slap those two even without the poaching. The video is no longer up on Youtube, but those that saw it in full would agree im sure that they were completely obnoxious and idiotic individuals.

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When I river fished in the past ( I don't any more) I would see countless jerks doing the same thing!


It would always end with me losing my cool.I would sit there all day, for maybe a hit.And these S.O.B's would be snagging anything that they saw.



At least I had the enjoyment of seeing a couple of guys get caught infront of a MNR one time.



This is why I fish the river when its cold enough to freeze the brass monkeys ???? off.


You dont see these clowns then.

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it's amazing to think that there are so many anglers who care deeply about the sport and species, and then there are these yahoos who are either unbelievably ignorant, or who just don't care, and that we share the same oxygen.

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