Police officers are just like any other people. A few losers, a few very special people and a lot in between.
I have come into contact with some robots and it makes you shake your head. I have also seen some really excellent cops do some extraordinary things.
The police officers that have irked me are the ones that have a general distaste for the population, there are a bunch of them around.
Then you have to think of the guys who get crazy old men taking pot shots at them and they do not have the opportunity to go home and see their young children and wife ever again.
Or the guys that are running into a situation when everyone else is running from it.
Some of them act poorly (like the two mid 20's cops I saw laughing and racing there cars at 170 on the 407 last year, 1 was an OPP 1 was a Yorky.)
Some of them act incredible.
I just hope that none of them have to act incredible around me. If that ever happens I doubt I will ever complain about the other ones again.