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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Congratulations on being born and continuing to live. Well done.
  2. Yogurt is also a great marinade. Nice recipe.
  3. Pretty awesome way to interact with a mountain.
  4. The book is called "By the numbers". I have it kicking around on one of my shelves somewhere.
  5. Correct. He must be mixing the stats up with his final St Mikes year at 52 goals in 49 games. The big M did score 48 for the Leafs and 49 for the Red Wings.
  6. Well done. Nice and early this year.
  7. My aunt has a game used Bower goalie stick signed by the cup winning team. He personally got it signed for my grandparents after a game at the gardens. He threw it over the boards to my grandparents because it got a little crack in it on a shot. They took it to the dressing room after the game. Back when you could do that. He popped his head out of the dressing room and my grandparents asked him to sign it. He said give me a few minutes and came back after getting the whole team to sign it. It was the 1964 team I think. Carl Brewers name is on it. Carl was not on the 1967 team. I think Bathgate is on it. He was on the 64 team but not the 63 or 62. Anyways cool story.
  8. Johnny Bower was 1 as well. Before my time but he was awesome none the less.
  9. Downtown market places in any town are always screaming for business and are against the strip mall. They say that they are sucking the heart out of the downtown. The city should let you put a parking voucher on your dash from the restaurant so they can certify that you used a downtown business. The restaurant could hand them to you at the end of a meal at your request, but then again there would be some over zealous cops that would give you a care and control for opening your door and pitching the voucher on your dash. Again I guess that would put a wrinkle in the arse of the snow removal. Oh well, at least you do not live in Bowmanville where "intoxicated in public" tickets are handed out to people waiting for cabs. lol.
  10. You illegally parked and you should be ashamed of yourself. I think a weekend in prison is a more suitable punishment. You got off lucky. But seriously that stinks. I got dinged in Brampton earlier this year for 150 bucks. When I first quit smoking I was niccin out and stopped for some gum at a strip mall convienience store. I just parked in front of store instead of in parking lot. Week day morning, not a soul in the parking lot, the store was the only thing open in the mall. Bang, 150 bucks. Fire zone. The hydrant was about 150 metres away. I called the guy everything I could think of. It didn't help. lol. Municipalities are hungry.
  11. I like 19 for a centre ice man. Sakic, Yzerman. I like number 4 for a defenceman. Bobby Orr. I like 29 for a goalie. Potvin was a tank in the early nineties, a great time to be a teenage hockey fan in Leaf land. For a winger I like single digit "power forward" numbers. 9 Howe, 8 Neely, 7 Roberts (toronto). Nothing wrong with 10 (Roberts) and 17 either.
  12. Nice to see people out on the ice. I can not wait for some down here.
  13. I can not speak for Clam but I do Love my Frabill Predator. I am sure Clam make a good shelter, I just have not been in one so I can not endorse one.
  14. He's big, He's bald, He's Alex Auld.
  15. Tie off to your old ladies car like in the urban legend. Then she goes for groceries. One of my favourites.
  16. Well done. Hard work, determination.
  17. Well done. I could not get up that way this year due to work. Nice to see people out catching fish in cold weather. Nothing beats it.
  18. Three hundred hours, two fish. That is dedication. What a beauty of a fish.
  19. It is too bad Ray doesn't do it anymore. His bungalows were monstrous. The fishing was excellent as well. Good luck, I hope you find somebody.
  20. Beautiful fish. Well done.
  21. LED is the way to go now.
  22. Alexander Perezhogin. Thats it.
  23. He is confusing him with that other guy. I forget his name. Bad stick swinging incident. Ahl suspended him for a good while. Was not Plekanec, the name started with a P though, but a russian. Tip of my tongue. Damn.
  24. Crosby's first couple of years in Pittsburgh did not help there standings either, nor Ovechkin in Washington, nor Teows and Kanes in Chicago, nor Stamkos in Tampa Bay. It takes a few years. Don't worry, Hall and Seguin will be just fine. 2 more years. Again, you can not compare 18 year olds to 23 year olds. Like I said before Kessel only potted 11 goals in his first year and you seem to think he is amazing. Well Hall already has that and Seguin is sneaking up on that and you shrug it off. Face it man, it was a bad trade.
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