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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. It was actually Bobby Orr when joking about Parry Sound. A great line none the less.
  2. I m glad I have never witnessed hail like this. http://www.wimp.com/insanestorm/
  3. Bravo Sir, Bravo!!1 I could not agree more.
  4. The amount of line let out is relative to the crank bait, speed, and weight of the snap weight. 100-130 feet of line might be optimum for a particular guide on a particular water body with his particular favourite baits but you have to adjust for your own needs. The fact your in a canoe is not a minus. The thrusts and stalls of a paddle will trigger fish.
  5. Offshore snap weights.
  6. He was one funny dude. I sure hope he wasn't tormented by depression or have an addiction of some sort. It kind of seems that Enforcers, concussions, heavy painkillers (for said concussions) and depression are intertwined. I sure hope that this isn't the case here.
  7. Great fish. I can't wait to jump in line to hire you as a guide. I will bring a can of spiced ham.
  8. Need a crane guy? I would drop my job in a minute to hoist some steel up in gods country. Lol. Oops, I forgot about the wife. Nevermind.....
  9. That is so cool. My son Maxwell is the same age as Jack and it is such a great stage. He likes my fish and especially the way I BBQ chicken. Cheers. Crappy are delicious. You must be a happy man.
  10. Well done. A year and a half for me.
  11. Yeah but time and material is a license to print money. Anyways, you can't have an apprentice on a stop watch. So the kid works his arse off for 3 days knee deep in mud and snow and then you cut him off and send him home for the week with half a paycheck. Next week he will be working for someone else. It sounds like a big job was done, in the future if you have big jobs done without quotes, you should periodically 'check in' with the contractor to see what the costs are getting to be.
  12. Yup I was there with the old man. We were bass fishing. I assume that was your bass boat up the point a ways? We could see them swimming all over, finally got them to bite the crayfish DT-6. I have only been out of the Crystal Beach launch 3 times. I really like the launch and parking lot and it is good water as well. I have yet to haul out the dipsies and riggers for the eyes, probably next year. Would have been cool to catch up with you at the launch. Cheers Wayne. As to the original poster - Lake Simcoe in the winter hates me. It is just the way it is. Lol.
  13. Fishing sure can give you that burn. Crystal Beach has the best boat launch on Earth anyways. Cheers.
  14. Congratulations on you and your son not stealing some guys money. Lol. I am just busting your chops. The low standards of some of the members of our society can make simple honest actions seem great at times. There are a lot of scumbags out there but there are still a great deal of good honest folk roaming the earth in cities and in rural comminities alike. Good on you, Cheers.
  15. Great report. Really nice fish. Cheers.
  16. That is the daily update page. You can go through the weeks and see the results. The big fish is still 37.44
  17. http://www.greatontariosalmonderby.ca/updates/
  18. Hear, hear
  19. I liked Jack. I always chuckle when I think of the debate on tv the first time around for Harper when Jack said "Nice sweater Stephen, now where is your platform". "Now you say you have a plan? Where is it? Where is your platform? Is it under the sweater?". He was making fun of Harper's ads with him wearing that stupid blue sweater. Man did I laugh. Jack was an excellent debater and I found him very entertaining as well.
  20. Yup. It is always 19 degrees down there. The huge fans circulate the air. When you are in the salt mine there is always a breath of air from the fans. I loved bombing around on the Gators. The choice transportation for the mine supervisors.
  21. The towers above the mine run the cables for the elevator. I remember going into the mine and the big inch and three quarter cables running the elevators were above us as we entered the side door. If those towers toppled I can see the elevators being down. The other way out us the bucket elevators for the salt and they too are run on cable the goes up the other towers. I sure hope every one down there is ok.
  22. To the people who do not know, the elevator that takes the boys down the mine is about 6 by 8. You cram in pretty good. I had to wait more than a few times to get out for a number of reasons ( mainly cable inspection ). The mine's depth is about the same height as the CN Tower. When you ride in the elevator the water drips on you, it is basically a cage with a plywood floor. Edit spelling
  23. That is awful. Did everybody get up the elevator or are there guys waiting for power?
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