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Everything posted by Dara

  1. Thats what I say too. Towing cacity is just whatever manufacturer wants to write on there. There are no real rules or laws on how to determine towing capacity so have at it. We once had a hitch break off of a 66 chevy impala out in the woods, haywired it back on and it lasted 3 years like that
  2. Bring warm clothes. Its gonna be yucky this weekend but looks like things should be settled for next. yellow jigs do you fly out of Hawk or White River
  3. Every once in a while you're the windshield instead of the bug Congrats and have a blast
  4. A lodge owner up near Wawa told me a story last year. He had a bunch of German tourists staying a week with some other relatives from Ontario. Kinda of a family reunion thing. Half a dozen people staying a week. They all bought fishing licences for a week or 7 days or whatever it is. They go out and catch 3 walleye and are so proud...even though we know walleyes in that area are a dime a dozen. They measured all the fish to be sure of being legal CO shows up and shows them how to actually measure fish...see, squeeze the tail like this...and this fish here is a quarter inch too long to be legal...thatt'l be $250.00 please Good thing they didn't have a ripped life jacket or they would really hate visiting Canada Any CO worth his salt can make any fish grow a quarter inch
  5. The correct way is the way the CO does it to get you for that 1/8 of an inch. Don't even think about keeping anything close to the line
  6. Whats sickening is that its just being done to prove that the government is IN CONTROL
  7. It has the rubber bumpers out so it doesn't get banged up on the dock
  8. Nice fish...doncha just love them rod socks
  9. They are all decent and they all have their problems. Shop for what you want in options and let price decide. Take them all for a test drive and see which seat fits you...thats pretty much how I decided that and Ford really wanted to sell a truck that day, and they really wanted my tundra
  10. Imagine the landscape in the first pic of the thread with 36 windmills on top of the hills this was sposed to be an edit, not a quote
  11. This could turn into a heck of a hijack I drove by there last week and you wouldn't believe the roads they are punching through virgin forest to get to the top of all the hills around there...with transport trucks and 600 ton cranes. Heck of a way to save the environment while at the same time closing roads so we can't access our favorite lakes
  12. Just wait till they get the 36 wind turbines erected on the park border overlooking lake Superior...that will make it look really sprctacular They should be done by next spring...gawd I love that Ms Wynn
  13. You mean when Kathleen keeps her promise to 4 lane hwy 17....don't bet on it
  14. I was fishing with my son this spring and he got some weeds on a brand new 13 dollar Rapala. It was at the surface and an Osprey swooped down and grabbed it...I hadn't noticed that and I was casting mine out and saw it going for it as it hit the water so I pulled it away...thats when I saw my sons rod going crazy because he already had it hooked. It readily broke the 8 lb mono and flew off with the Rap stuck in its feet
  15. What possible reason could you have for GUESSING that
  16. Back to north channel..it was good to me last weekend..leaving tonight
  17. Just don't post stuff on utube...its nothing but trouble
  18. Lake Huron/St Marys river north channel at St Joeseph island...no size limits on walleyes and I got a 7 lber there 2 weeks ago
  19. I have tons but you need an 8 hour limit, and a pickup truck that you don't mind laying a beating on
  20. Why couldn't they just leave it alone like they do with the bears up here. And why would anybody suggest relocating it to the north, we don't want that running around town either
  21. When are they going to start taxing our bank account balance?
  22. Lots of lakes up this way are either closed for winter or have a limited length of open season. It does help populations. Bummer that Scugog is the only one close by though. We have lots of alternate choices. Most times we can be the only ones fishing any given lake. If somebody is already there, we move on to the next one.
  23. Somebody has to go to jail and its not gonna be the motorcycle driver
  24. Thats for the judge to decide...the jury that had ALL the facts already convicted her Maybe he will do like they do with poachers and just let her off with a $100.00 fine
  25. So you say you have never drove a truck before and want the cheapest shortest way possible to drive a 40 ton truck down a busy highway at 120 kmph
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