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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. That pike looks big to me! Nice one! Been a while since I've even caught a fish. I wish it would either freeze over here (southern Ontariariario) and give us some ice or go away and bring on the nice weather. This inbetween stuff is good for nothing! Can you tell.I'm jealous?
  2. Fished Valens a couple times. Nice place,although I didn't catch much. Heard the ice fishing for panfish is good though. I might go to the derby if there's ice. I only live about 30 miles away. P.S. Where is Island Lake? Found one in Alberta,B.C. and Boca Raton Florida (can you say Tarpon). I'm sure you don't mean any of those.Where is the one you're referring to? Just found my own answer (I kept digging). For any others who don't know here's a quote from there site: Island Lake Conservation Area (ILCA), formerly known as Orangeville Reservoir, is located on the east side of Highwy 10 north of Highway 9 near the Town of Orangeville . Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) has been operating the reservoir to augment flow for the Orangeville Sewage Treatment Plant, but with the secondary benefit of providing a recreational resource. Home to largemouth bass, northern pike, black crappie, rock bass (all introduced to the reservoir), bullhead, sunfish and yellow perch, it has become a popular fishing destination in both the summer and winter months. For many years, largemouth bass have been promoted as a catch and release fishery, with a secondary management goal of maintaining northern pike at low numbers. More recently, voluntary harvest limits for panfish (e.g. yellow perch and black crappie) have been introduced.
  3. That's very cool. Just seeing the logo as you were skating must have brought back some boyhood dreams. That place and especially MLG are hallowed ground for sure.
  4. NICE SNOT ROCKETS LOL!!! Happy Birthday SledEd.
  5. Welcome to the board muskiesRus. You won't mind if I bug you for advice about gator wrestling will you? Seems we have alot of muskie nuts here. Some seasoned and some wannabe's like myself who'd love to learn. Any info would be greatly appreciated. The more in depth the better.
  6. I guess I mostly fish from shore.......ponds,small lakes etc. I use my canoe for some small water as well. Rented a small tinny last year on Katchawanooka for a day,that was great! I'm hoping to get myself a 14 or 16 foot tiller this year and spend some more time in the Kawarthas. Life would be good. If not I guess I'll keep paddling. Actually either way I'll keep paddling. I love it..... but sometimes a tinny and a twenty's the way to go (especially for all day fishng on small lakes).
  7. Nice pike. Love the markings on the fins. Looks like camo (I guess it is). Sweet. I'm Jones'n for some pike action now. Thanks LOL.
  8. If I get fifteen- 10+ pounders I don't mind your math at all.
  9. Thanks again Cliff (from the Shire near the River Gumbleberryhumdingerwalleye) . Not only are you a great source of knowledge for everyone here,but a source of inspiration. I can't see too many people from this board not wanting to fish the BOQ next fall after your success this year. Maybe you should teach a "seminar" at one of the local shows. Why not? Not that others didn't have any success, but you seemed to consistently get big fish. You're doing something right. You are " the walleye hunter".
  10. Yep,I'd say I care. I don't freak out or anything,but I have more fun for sure when I'm catching. I have noticed that I mellowed as my first real year of fishing progressed. I definetely learned that I'm not going to catch something every time out but that sure doesn't stop me from trying. At first I would really feel like I was failing if I didn't catch a few. Like I was doing something wrong. Yeah,I probably was and I think that's what made me mad, was my inability to discern what wrong or right I had or hadn't done. I guess this hobby's like any other. .The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. Later in the year I did have days when I caught squat and came home feeling pretty good about my day out. Less stressed,happier ............ you know that calm you feel after a good day on the water. You know when you're out there,that there is just something right about being there .......... okay, now I'm starting to sound hokey. Anyway, I care whether I catch or not for sure,but sometimes it's just good no matter what.
  11. ICH! Literally LOL. Maybe if I pulled them out of a pristine lake and had a few too many (wobbly pops). BUT out of a bait and tackle shop. Have you seen those tanks . Not for me man. No way!
  12. Hi Urbanangler.Thanks for the reply. I have never fished there..... actually anywhere near there,but I think I'll give it a go in the spring. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. It's alot better than just taking a stab in the dark. A while ago I would have never thought to fish near a huge city,but seeing the success some of the members here are having, from pike and bass in Toronto to musky in Detroit, I'm learning. I really am learning a ton and thanks to you and everyone else willing to help here, you are making me a better,smarter angler (I hope ). Now if I could just get more people to post what bait (lure) they used when they report a successful day on the water. Thanks again,much appreciated.
  13. I was looking around to see where these spots (Hanlans and Wards points) were and found a very simple (tourism) map. Follow this link http://www.toronto.ca/parks/pdf/island/tor..._island_map.pdf .Where's the best spot in the spring/summer?
  14. Congrats.Nice little gator! I'm jealous as hell. I was skunked my last couple times out too so I know exactly how you felt. I would be pumped catching that guy too. Then two seconds later I'd be looking for more. It's funny, instead of being satisfied, I think catching them makes you even crazier for more.
  15. What did you catch those beauties on? I can sort of see one of the lures. Maybe I need a bigger screen or glasses ? Take me to school boys . Thanks.
  16. Wow,great report. Thanks. Beautiful fish,beautiful lake. It doesn't get much better does it ? Well,for me ................. maybe a little something to wash it down with and a better looking date LOL.
  17. First of all,let me say, my family ends up with three seperate Christmas celebrations (one for each side of the family). Now I got some fishing stuff last night from my mom and stepfather. A Storm ice fishing rod with Fireline Micro ice line(anyone use this stuff?)and a "slush scooper". I've never been ice fishing,so I'll have to give it a whirl. On Christmas day my wife got me a $50 BPS gift card and a book on NP and musky. Now my dad and my stepmom were down from the Smith Falls area a couple weeks ago and they are so thrilled that I'm hooked on fishing now they got me an ultralite combo so I can hit the Orillia Perch festival with them in a few months better prepared. They've been fishing that festival start to finish for years and years. They get there two days before and leave two days after. That's almost a month of every year fishing for perch.He even got the big tag a few years back. Was worth about $21,000 bucks or something around there. Oh, I opened up another box as well with I think close to twenty lures in it. A couple of the big wooden ones he had made, a few tried and true oldies he pulled from his own tackle box and a few brand new lures and some braided line too. He was grinning from ear to ear and so was I. It was a great Christmas as far as the fishing goodies went,but even better was spending time with family and friends and sharing a few glasses of Christmas cheer. The absolute best part for me as always was watching my kids. That/s what it's all about. Hope you all had a great one too.
  18. I've been working at our family owned and run small business (in Brantford) selling high performance parts for the last 21 years (since I was a pup). We're into North American V-8's etc., and not really into the import scene. Check us out at www.brantperformance.ca if you're interested in finding out more.
  19. Sweet gator! You da man........................... again! Thanks for the post.
  20. Sorry I couldn't resist this,being Christmas and all. Little Drum(mer) Boy LOL.
  21. That's a pretty cool looking retro camper. I guess it's alot better than trying to restore an old one.
  22. Happy Birthday. WOOHOO! Double presents. Have a good one.
  23. QUOTE, "I stopped in at a local tackle shop and bought a new lure....I had a good feeling about it!!!" Please tell me(us), what was the magical lure?
  24. Let's start by qualifying my answer as a "newbie". I just started fishing alot this year. I guess I'm in the "Anything" camp, but what get's my heart really pounding and my knees shaking ..... fish with teeth. Pike or musky are my favorite so far, but I guess if a 6 or 7lb bass hit my line and tried pulling my arms off I'd like that too. I guess any fish that hits topwater would qualify for sure. I love that!
  25. Just letting everyone know I went out to Shades Mills today and again I suck. I did bring the canoe and that was great just paddling around in December,but I had to park at the gate and carry it in. I didn't have any minnows and that was a fatal mistake. I hooked onto a small pike (clown x-rap), but lost him just before shore. I hardly had him(obviously I guess). I had a pretty big one follow right to shore. I could have almost grabbed him, but he just bumped the lure a couple times and when he saw me,he took right off (I have that effect on others as well). I'll have to remember to keep the baclava on while fishing. Anyway,back to being serious. I watched a couple decent pike get hooked by some locals,but they were using 12" sucker minnows for bait. I wish I had some. Next time I'll know what to bring. Anyway,it was still fun going out,but I forget what it's like to catch a fish.
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