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Everything posted by ecxstriper

  1. I'm not a Musky guy but I use 80 to 100 # flouro for my leaders . I have only ever been biten off once but that was a medium size shark ( 5'>6') .
  2. I put sheet rock up in a friends basement, but I like your day better Wayne
  3. Better than being a bunch of dumb donkeys!!
  4. Hey if it an't broke don't fix it , TJ Besides Cliff comes from a long line of Terras we have Terra Firma and now Terrapoopa
  5. Glen I'm waiting for you to do a hard water post and it does look like you messed your pants
  6. you know I'm always up for some punk rock .You really can't mess up a Ramones song ,Cliff On a side note the Ramones manager was killed lastOctober in her Manhattan apt.
  7. thanks Dan those pics are incerdible!
  8. I once left a bag of Finger mullet in the back of my work truck ( with a cap ) in July for a week . When I retruned for a trip to go back to work all my tools had a real bad rotten fish ordor . When I would trun the power tools on the smell got even worse . I had to place several cups of white vinger in the back to remove the smell took almost a month to disipate.
  9. Don't belive her she has super glued many of my cuts together many times. Glad to hear you are ok . And know that nothing sticks out as much as a swore thumb
  10. 19254 level 6 man I need to brush up this .
  11. I love this one
  12. When are we installing the rod holders ? Nice car there Cliff.
  13. She is already into fishing and it won't be long for she is kicking his but there too. What no more hockey golf in the living room now!
  14. Love them kin folk , maybe I can teach them what a circle hook is and how to use them !!!
  15. DID the goat house come threw ok ?
  16. I would use try either the uni to uni or my favorite knot the Alberto ( variation of the albright knot) easy to tie and very strong do a google search if you are interested in the Alberto knot .
  17. Those are some real nice fish you got there DAWG!!!
  18. I would like to share these moments: Steelheading with CCMT My first Fish of the year and My Canadian trophy My Lago's (my new fishing patern) PB Slammer BlueFish in the surf . A little night time Sharken I don't have any of fishing with Bly but if I did they would have certainty been at the top of the list .All in all it was a very good year fished with some great people and met some real nice folks.
  19. Congradulatiobs Mike & Ryan way to go !! I glad you sent the shunk packing to Bama don't sens it here I'mtrying to get rid of the one I got . Nice to see you got some fish Mike , I ddin't want to see another Black eye on Ryan again.
  20. My heart goes out to you and Kareem's family . A friend like that is invaluable and don't come along more than once or twice in a life time , if you are lucky .
  21. Roy really loves Carp especially when a Musky catches one for dinner!!
  22. I'm so PROUD to be an American. My fellow Americans never embarrass me!! I would like to be the first non Canadian board meember to say " Congradulations Canada on perserving your national Igloo " .
  23. those are some nice fish you got there , Welcome aboard
  24. Hey Cliff did you bring that weather back from Michigan? Maybe we should consider chaningf your name from CCMT to "TWMC" "The Weather Man CLiff" or if you like maybe "TWMT"
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