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Everything posted by ecxstriper

  1. thanks Rich I 've been to Raystown lake .
  2. thanks for the welcome and looking forward to having some fish to post
  3. Tell bly you never catch anything on a new rod!!! nice job
  4. thats the one time I stay from strippers
  5. Let me start by apologizing for the delay in posting an introduction. I joined the board back in December while visiting my sister and brother-in-law (Bly & Ccmtcanada a.k.a. Team Walleye) and intended to post an intro when I returned home, alas, my computer screamed mutiny and it has taken some time to get it working again. Also want to apologize in advance for my typing/spelling, I am dyslexic. On to the intro…. I live in New Jersey and enjoy fishing for Stripers (not strippers) in the surf . Grew up in Michigan fishing whenever and for whatever I could find. I would love to catch a steelhead, never managed to do that while in Michigan (have gone 0/2). Looking forward to getting to know everyone and maybe even getting to fish with a few when I visit Canada again. You may remember my HUGE fish I caught while I was visiting back in December....AND I know how much you all like pics here. Alex (Offical sponsor of "TEAM WALLEYE")
  6. the style of catfishing you are thinking about is called noodling , and I think those cats in Spain would drown you if that technique was tried! http://www.catmastertours.com/location.asp
  7. I have been worried about ccmt and bly. The might need to have an intrevention. Does anybody have the numb er for FAA (fishing alcoholics anonymous) in Canada?
  8. Nice fish sis. Conggrats and happy brithday
  9. Well it is that time of year again ! I thought I would wish you a happy brithday here as last year I was a day late and more than a few dollars short. Sis have a very great brithday if anyone deserves one it is you . Love you , your brother
  10. I prefer the spider-wire I fish mostly salt water and it doesn't seem to absorb the salt very much.
  11. you could gift wrap the keys in oh say a box of raccoon poo!!
  12. or go fishing
  13. Speaking from first hand experience. I filled my rubber waders to the top. While I was in the water everything was fine > I got in to trouble upon exiting at a steep and muddy bank. I had to cut the suspenders too much pressure to take unsnap them. The bottom line is when you are in water still, fast or in between use your head.
  14. Very nice you two . now I know what ccmt stands for Canadian Copper's muscle team . Trout season doesn't open here until April 7 .
  15. Thanks for all the help and the loan of the bait machine , and to everyone else, I had a great time reading this board. I had a great time fiishing with Blyght & Ccmt . I hope to return in the spring for another visit and maybe some fishing.
  16. Thank you every one for the welcomes , and no they don't make me ride in the trunk . They do make me watch the kids while they "run errands" aleast thats what they tell me
  17. Ain't that sweet...he gives me credit for being a fast learner but what he doesn't tell you is that he is lying...I still don't trust that they took me to the secret walleye spot. Everytime this week we have gone out, I have been drugged and blind folded, they made me carry all the gear, stand in Lake Ontario for 30 minutes and then they still gave me a lure without hooks. I have to use it until they land first fish. I was all excited about his pike, they gave me a real lure, aftet my first cast, ccmt said it was time to go! Alex (the brother-in-law) PS. He is letting me come steelheading with him Friday but only after I buy and prepare all the roe bags on Thursday while he is out fishing....... PPS New to the board, proper intro coming soon
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