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Everything posted by bowshep

  1. As always... great report Cliff... off to another great year of fishing l see... But that chest Pack looks like its wearing the Ambiguous Guy Super Hero costume... lol. Peace Ken
  2. lol... Great Report... if you can't have fun fishing whats the point... Peace Ken
  3. :clapping: On the P.B. got to to love the sparkle on the chrome. Peace Ken
  4. Merry Christmas Dave... Ken
  5. But if more People did it l would just blend into the crowd... All is good... A scarf will keep your neck warm until you lose it but a hug warms the soul and will last a life time... Merry Christmas... Peace and Joy to all
  6. 12yr Delwinnie. 12yr Highland Park. 8=12yr Belvinnie single cask... Yep Glenfiddich is garbage. And if you are going to mix it Teachers is good enough for you... lol l would start talking about the 16-18-20 and the 25yr old stuff but l cant afford it so no point in teasing... Since someone did mention Irish Whiskeys,v Glenlivet 18yr... Bushmills 16 yr... and my favorite 12yr Red Breast Peace Ken
  7. For the past 6 years l have put money into Christmas Cards. Depending on what l can afford But no less than $50 and not more than $100 (if l had more money then l make more cards). l then go to an area that l am not known and go to the malls. I look for the one that is checking their money because they don't have enough and they are the one's not buying electronics. We have all seen them they are all stressed because they cant give what they want for Christmas... l hand them the card and wish them a Merry Christmas and walk away... l don't want to be found... l don't want a thank you. l know l put a smile on someones face on Christmas. Maybe that one gesture will spawn another... or inspire a positive action. Who knows all as l know is for that one moment someone feels good about them selves and that humanity is what Christmas is really about. If l can get one more person to do this even if it is one card then it is worth letting out my secret. Get your kids involved and l am sure the smile will be even bigger. Nancy's youngest son will be my mail man this year and maybe start his own card for next year... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY ONE... BE SAFE... WATCH THE BOOZE... AND REMEMBER ITS ALL ABOUT THE SMILE... Peace Ken
  8. Great Report. Its funny how people will stand on the ice all day at -20 but not stand in water near Zero... Great job... love the pic's and thats a high tec reel lock... Congrats... Peace Ken
  9. Started Fly Fishing in early May and now have 3 rods and 2 reels. My first was a 4pc. #6-7 Scientec Angler. Which is now the practice rod And gets used the most. Second is a 4pc. #8-9 Courtland. A gift from Nancy. But no fish on that one yet. Third is a 4pc. # 6-7 Sage. Wow what a difference and its very accurate. l like the 4pc. because its compact when walking through the bush with the float rod... If l was to start again l would still go with the Scientec Angler... great combo... Peace Ken
  10. Well Jen thats amazing. Nice post and as always with heart... Great Job. Peace Ken
  11. Maureen don't listen to the procrastinators of the world. You can do it... l had a training bike for 2 years and got on it again in sept went form 267lbs to 252 lbs since... all because of that bike... if it comes with a training guide then use it until you have your own routine... and don't worry about how big your muscles will get unless you have Russian Farm Girl in your blood. Make sure that the cardiovascular workout happens too Biking or Cross country skiing... If your going to work out stretch before and after your routine. Eat well and watch your Iron... Good Luck... YOU CAN DO IT... Peace Ken
  12. l would go with the 7-8 it will let you fish for a verity like Bass> Pike > Carp > Big Trout and Salmon. Just remember for some of the larger ones the rod will be at its limit so be gentle... Most of all have Fun... from experience when practicing use wool on the end and not a hook... you really have to hold the ear lobe tight when you have to remove the hook... lol Peace Ken
  13. Kevin. So Sorry. Peace to you and your Family. Ken And Nancy
  14. Thats right. Nancy"s friends warned her about guys like me... l fooled them... lm just a man thats an idiot...lol Peace Ken
  15. Well good luck and good health. May 13th 2006 l tipped the scales at 306lbs. and had a heart attack, well it was 2 0f them. The first one killed me (really) and the second one four hours later put me on the table for and emergency Angelo plast, l know have two steins and a greater respect for the men and women of our fine medical profession. Well lm now 268 lbs and still dropping l am proud of my accomplishments so far and l still have a ways to go to my prime weight of 225 Which l was when l was a bike courier. The Doc's want me to be 175- 185 thats what l was at 15 and that would be impossible. Good luck and everyone your New Years promise should be to book your doctors appointment. Peace Ken
  16. Get the hose and a pail and l will wash them all and l get first pic... Peace Ken
  17. aniceguy. So we have to do it one at a time. One on one and preach. Some people you cant change its only unless they want to. So the regs don't cut it this year and next. l personally would like a rotating all out ban on a river and total ban on sod farms sucking it right out of the rivers and its pollution for the thank you note. We have to shoot for the 2010 regs now. With a bombardment of emails to the MNR just need someone to lead the pack. l will help. Ken Note: The river ban was something that Uncle Millty mentioned.
  18. Nope the shorter rods will work with a Center Pin. The longer rods allow the energy to be distributed over a larger area, so you can use lighter test line and leaders. The longer rods allow for longer drifts with the line out of the water. The longer rods also allows you to see how far 14 ' really is. For a short rod recommendation l would have to say The Raven Specialist About the Center pins get the best... l know of 4 Floatfishing people have more than 2 reels but use the expensive one most of the time... so that 100- 200 you spend will just collect dust and you will sell it for 50 bucks... but your good pin will be with you for a long long time... spend now or spend more and again later... For the Center Pin l have to go with Islander. Ken
  19. Glad to know your safe Nancy. Ken
  20. Great Post Mike... Lots of smiles lots of memories... Ken
  21. Santa to spread Joy to all... Ken
  22. DMASSE CATCH AND RELEASE THE CATCH: All is quite the wind lightly blowing trough the bare trees the sound of water rolling over its self... a quite but stern Voice says "FISH ON" you look over just in time to see DMASSE taking in the slack line... holds the rod and cp in one hand looks over at ya with the biggest smile you have ever seen. Like it was his first fish he had ever cought. He effortlessly Reels the fish in and then looks at you with the same smile... THE RELEASE: While the fish is still in the water he removes the hook looks up and that same smile. DMASSE will pick the fish up take it into currant gently put it in the water and then gently holds the fish with his feet until the fish swims out of its own recovery room. He then bends down to wash his hands wipes them on his pants and then looks at you with that smile. l have seen this hundreds and l mean hundreds of times. Every fish is treated the same with a whole lot of TLC. and Dave's smile. Dave you are the poster child to the saying "have fun fishing" :clapping: Ken
  23. l like the hat Dave... Nice looking bow's and that Coho, would have been cool to see your face on that C and R ... Ken
  24. Just like every test 9/20 failed... Peace Ken
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