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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. Hey Rick, Water cooled outboards do pee, but not 100% of the time.. some, if not most of them have a thermostat that regulate the water pump.... once the internal temps gets to a certain temp, it'll start peeing.. the major purpose of a thermostat.. i don't know.. why is it even there.. i dont know.. its more like does it even need a thermostat? since it needs water to cool the system... i guess to regulate it so when the engine is too cold, the motor won't be pumping more cold water in to cool it down even further? Am I making sense? kevin
  2. for anyone looking, http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...fromSearch=true that is a battery booster pack.. has navigational light, emergency light, air pump, and some other things.. 40% off, so $89.99 now.. not bad.. i bought one last year, sold it, but i might want to get one again.. kevin
  3. i've lost all hope in the leafs...
  4. probably.. since i live in a 80 year old house.. the pipes coming into the house are really small, so our water pressure isn't that great...
  5. hmm.. i just took it down to the lakeshore.. the motor pisses like there's no tomorrow! guess i don't have to worried about the water pump yet.. but it would be nice to know where it is still, for future reference.
  6. please check out the pics.. i even have the seloc repair manual.. i cant find anything close to it on my motor.. or i'm blind?? also.. i have a feeling that the throttle cable aint connected or working.. i pull up on the throttle lever and i dont see the throttle cable moving on the powerhead.. any idea on cost of fixing or easily fixable? anyways.. please help me locate the termostat so i could check that out incase if there is a prob with that.. i'll be pulling my boat down to the lakeshore today..♦ oh and its a 1989 60hp 2 stroke merc. ♦ thanks kevin
  7. i see about 0.5 cm of ice on the toronto lakeshore.. not anytime soon for me!!
  8. LOL.. well your turn will come soon! just too darn windy for me to try today,.. i went by to ashbridges.. probably will go there again later to fog my engine..
  9. good job there cliff! i would copy you and make a stand however i'll be storing my motor in the basement and there isnt much room for rolling it around so i'll just lean it against something..lol kevin
  10. PS.. i'm jealous of BITEME's float suit... :w00t:
  11. Lol.. yeah mike, i might need to bug you later about it.. maybe even today if they have the impeller in stock.. i already have you on my list... you messaged me the other day while i was sleeping though.. lol
  12. yeah.. they are telling me it'll take 2 hours to do it and they charge $90/hr then plus parts and tax.. this was at eastern marine systems over in the east end of toronto on leslie.. then i call Klaus marina over in the west end.. they said $190 for parts and labour plus tax... so i think i'll spend $40? for the book and then $30 for the impeller.. learn to do it from the book.. save myself money plus, i'll have the book already if i have any troubles in the future..
  13. btw mike, you on msn? i think i'm gonna go buy the seloc manual and change the impeller myself... the marinas are charging me $190+ just for impeller change.. damn!
  14. sure is a nice price....
  15. sounds like our goby situation....
  16. did you check back with percher's brother if he is selling his opti? good luck with finding one! i think i saw one, a 2000 115 johnson for just under $6k. it was at sturgeon point marina
  17. yup.. was watching breakfast television.. over 100 accidents already.. yikes.. take it slow out there and leave plenty of space!!!! now i'm reconsidering if i should even install my gpa or get the boat ready at all.. going to maybe use it only once..
  18. here a nasty video for you to see.. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/254360/fish_hook_in_the_eye/ taking a fly hook out of the eye!!
  20. man.. look at the face on that dude! i knew i should've went further when i was in air cadets.. was only up to sergeant, flag party commander and 2IC.. ah shucks... could've got my wings when we had flying scholarships.... oh welll.. live and learn...
  21. hot dam!
  22. nice fish there cliff! good job kevin
  23. welll.. since late nov till jan, when i can't boat anymore and before the ice is safe for ice fishing.. i go ice hockey!
  24. lol, terry you're too funny!
  25. despite the number of fish caught, it was a great G2G... i hope to see you again next year glen!! how about you come up for some ice fishing? kevin
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