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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Two hours in the smoker with maple wood to an internal temp of 165* Now resting wrapped in foil for at least 30 minutes.
  2. My first ever attempt at this Herman Munster of meat beast. Thanks Brian. 3lbs of seasoned ground beef topped with sauteed silver and red onions and mushrooms. The rendered juices were mixed into the ground beef. Also added some old cheddar and a few hot pepper rings. It was then rolled up and then placed upon a weave of maple smoked bacon and rolled up again. Must weigh an easy 5lbs. It's now in the smoker with a pan of maple wood...... I hope this works out well. Stay tuned........
  3. I was going to type all that Doug, but then I got lazy.
  4. Sometimes the best view is looking upwards from below. You'll be right as rain in time Sir, don't despair.
  5. Bingo! A hardened steel rod with wire would transmit vibrations better than most rods, however no one would care to fish it all day. The loss of a few inches of the tip can still be an effective tool, just in a different application (possibly) than before it broke and sometimes better in the desired application.
  6. I hung onto Explorer for far too long. It was not user friendly and was just way behind the times. Having to Admin this forum meant changing up, Chrome has been my Saviour. Get over Explorer and move into the 21st century.
  7. The problem with cooking is that eating makes me tired after consuming. Four large chicken breasts marinated for 30 hours in pineapple juice with various spices before smoking with maple wood for 50 minutes. Ahead on the BBQ was a medley of red skin taters, Yukon golds along with onions, carrots and the last of my fresh tomatoes. Plenty of fresh black pepper and garlic along with the last bit of coleslaw dressing, I hate waste. Turned out pretty damn yummy. Chicken was lovely and very flavourful and very moist. A very strong and flavourful pale ale with lots of hoppy start and finish was just right for the smokey and acidic flavours of the chicken. The tater medley was brilliant, but I had to excuse myself from finishing all of it.....sadly!
  8. That stuff has poisoned me more than once. The price pay for having been in a few European wedding parties.
  9. Not necessarily John, I have 2 12 volt batteries up front (in parallel) for the bow mount electric producing of course 12 volts. Wishing however that I had bought a 24 volt.
  10. My bad Albert, 12"s or longer. Mine are about 18"s.
  11. I just spent over an hour perusing the first 30 pages of this thread, 28 more to go. Dang I love this thread. Thanks to all who have participated and contributed. I've learned, drooled and anticipate an ever growing waste line.....
  12. I use the clothes pin type releases Albert (offshore) and replace the mono lead with a minimum of 12's, the longer the better. While they don't always release you will visually see the rod tip bouncing even with a small fish.
  13. Thanks for the nod guys. Shoot me a pm NES
  14. Now that's my kind of dinner Rick, looks delish, however......could use a side of olives.
  15. I've always wanted to do it, even skinned a few and prepped the skins way back in the day. Never got any further than that, cool hobby though. Just no time for me to try again. I always figured I didn't have the make or break painting skills. FYI, that's a Rainbow.
  16. Last nights dinner of yum. A platter full of brined (thanks to Headhunter I don't think I'll ever go back to unbrined chicken) and BBQ'd chicken breasts with grilled zucchini, sweet potato and yes, turnip. Along with some butter/paprika fried cabbage.
  17. Exactly, but what do I know, I had some finely chopped dill pickle in mine. It was okay, not my usual recipe like Mom used to make which very much resembles this.... "Potatoes, hard boiled eggs, lots of mayo, green onions, sweet peppers (yellow, orange, red) maybe even a small amount of dill, seasoned salt, fresh ground pepper, yes please."
  18. I couldn't even get entirely through two of these (fall off the bone) ribs. Served with the last of my potato salad and some garlic butter fried cabbage I'm full...... *burp* No visitors in the morning, you've been warned.
  19. Thanks Rick. Forgot about last nights dinner. Home made potato salad, fresh red and white taters with dill and egg and a bacon cheddar cheese burger with all the fixin's on a toasted Ciabatta bun. Well almost all the fixin's, can you believe I cooked a pound of bacon and forgot to put it on...... So guess I had a cheeseburger. On a chipped plate....LOL
  20. - Puree the sauce - Bring ribs in from smoker - Place ribs in preheated slow cooker - Pour sauce over top - Crisp up the bacon Gotta admit, it smells pretty dang good in here!
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