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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Pains me to the marrow buddy. Condolences to all of Muskie's family and friends.
  2. A hard days work deserve a hardy meal. Sauteed onions, red peppers, garlic and spinach with a couple of whisked eggs added in at the last minute, pork and beans, buttered toast and a couple of BBQ'd pork chops...... Good night all!
  3. Looks great Bruce. I've not yet tried to smoke my own but I will sometime after the 10 pounds of bacon I have in the freezer get's used up.
  4. Went with RDR Monday evening to see Mr Steve Hackett and company, and we were back to see him again on Tuesday night.
  5. Hope you fill your tag Doug. Good eats for sure.
  6. Dinner for one. Always thinking about my diet (not) and trying to eat healthy but sometimes it just seems I stray. An 8oz bacon wrapped beef tenderloin( BBQ'd very rare) with a side of baby spinach salad (with bacon bits, tomatoes and hard boiled eggs) along with rice and peas. Pretty yummy. *burp*
  7. That looks awesome Bud and even healthy compared to my dinner.
  8. Building a better burger. Decided to change it up a bit tonight after 4 nights of venison roast but not wanting to waste the last bit of it so I built a burger. BBQ patties courtesy of VG meats cooked to medium rare and thrown on a toasted bun then topped with, cheddar cheese, bacon, thin deli sliced venison simmered in beef gravy, Spanish onion, pickles, tomatoes, baby spinach and home made sweet pickled peppers. Yea! Two hands and a few napkins definitely required.
  9. The last of my gifted venison is now cooked. Needed to make freezer room for this years fresh crop. Had a large roast (5lbs), with many cloves of garlic stuffed in then seared quickly in maple bacon fat before roasting at 325 for one hour to an internal temp of 145* then rested for 30 minutes..... medium rare perfection! Sided with taters, carrots and butter fried cabbage with more garlic and lime juice..... YUM!
  10. Tripe, ick! Healthy, perhaps. Belly warming for sure.
  11. I'm still here and given that I'm obviously still eating which of course means cooking. I made something a little different last night. Some of you may recall me smoking a wild turkey last spring. With the breast meat removed I put the rest into a big pot and ended up with three 32oz containers of broth with the dark meat divided among them. Well yesterday I thawed one out. Mid afternoon I placed it in a large pot and added onion, fresh minced garlic, chopped cilantro and sliced carrots to the pot along with a can of stewed tomatoes. My hopes were that the acidity of stewed tomatoes would help cut the very, very smokey flavour of the stock, it did, very nicely. While it was simmering I boiled up a package of broad rice noodles then quickly chilled them and set aside for later. At dinner time noodles placed in bowl and hot soup ladled over top and served......... Delicious!
  12. trudeau is a useless boob and a talking head for the string pullers. God help us if he gets in!
  13. It's doable. Thanks Will.
  14. Electrical tape would be a perfect match.
  15. Thanks again guys. It does appear Mike as though it'll scuff easily. I made the owner aware of this before putting it all together. He's not worried as he travels with a pouch over rod and reel at all times with of course the exception of when he's fishing. As for treating scuffs and scratches, I have a few ideas to try if needed.
  16. Thanks again all. The goal with custom obviously is to provide to the customer with what the customer desires. This time I moved way out of my comfort zone but I along with the customer are pleased with the results. I through some research believe this to be a first ever (near) seamless marrying of the handle and reel seat in these materials. I previously did do the same in wood and cork for this customer and I believe that was also a first(?).
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