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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Thanks Cliff, I'll say nothing to Sue but I will report discretely after the tasting.
  2. Eventually and for the better part of the next week given the amount I made.
  3. 2 1/2 cups dry Navy Beans (soaked over night) 1/2 lb diced bacon 2 sliced onions 3/4 cup molasses 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup Bigugli's "Plain Nasty" Salsa (thanks Bruce) 1/4 bottle of beer 1/4 cup ketchup 1/4 cup Worcestershire 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1 bay leaf 1 tablespoon Keens dry mustard powder 1/2 teaspoon of salt and fresh cracked black pepper
  4. Last night my daughter and I had an over sized cottage roll boiled up with taters, cabbage and carrots. It was delish with lots leftover (sorry no pictures). But I'm changing it up tonight, my first stab at home made baked beans (crock pot style), they sure are smelling good.
  5. Sounds delish. I'll have to try my hand at making some.
  6. My first outing with said birds and I was advised too, I believe it to be a wise choice.
  7. The pheasant were moist and delicious. I was very pleased being as it was my fist go at the wee birds.
  8. A big ass casserole dish of scalloped potatoes is in the oven. Next to that some Pelee Island Pheasants brined for over 30 hours and then an over night chilling brine free before bacon wrapped and oven inserted. Dinner is almost table ready!
  9. I fly by the seat of my pants John, nothing measured or weighed so it'd be hard to say exactly what I did.
  10. Those goodies were already in my home made stock Doug.
  11. I paid $2.49 a head and they are enormous, ten pin bowling ball size.
  12. This mix of ingredients is now ready for dinner.....YUM!
  13. Good stuff Brian. loves "cucumber fish," as does the Farmer. Hopefully a trip soon.
  14. Rolly recently moved to Belleville Pete. As for replacing the guide, a fairly easy process Mike, if you want to walk you through the steps shoot me a PM.
  15. Children will always need to be diapered and attended to, that's just how it works.
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