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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. It was good Doug, not my first and each has always been gifted, can't beat that. However fish any day of the week is also good (I don't get it often either), Capon is for weekends.
  2. Thanks Spincast. I'd take fresh fish every day of the week Brian if I had it.
  3. Out of the oven, covered and resting while the mixed veggies finish roasting.
  4. One big ass chicken! After a 40 hour soak in brine and a thirty minute sauna with maple smoke (breast down) my locally grown free range 15lb Capon is now warming comfortably in the oven at 350*
  5. Quite honestly Doug it's the first time I've ever had Capers. My daughter loves them on sandwiches with Montreal Smoked meat, go figure. Anyhow to answer your question I purchased a small jar of them. They were rather large so I cut them in half (using only half of the jar) and added them to the soup just before serving. They worked well with the dish, you definitely got a little extra burst of flavour if you had one on the spoonful. I'd do it again in a simple soup like this one.
  6. With yesterday being the first of March and with a warning of a big storm heading our way I figured it was good day to stay in and make soup. It was made from the left over carcasses of a few pheasants. Keeping it simple, a delicious broth along with the pheasant meat, loads of mushrooms, long grain brown rice, one diced carrot a few capers and topped with fresh diced green onion. Served piping hot with a french loaf.......oh soooo good!
  7. I abhor fragmented forums, thus this is how it'll stay here I suspect for the long run. And yes, if my friends only wanted to talk fishing 24/7 I'd likely move on......
  8. No Sir, 5 minute brown rice done in V8 juice with some soya, sauteed mushroom, onion and green peas added in at the start of the rice cooking. A matter of convenience as it was the only rice in house. My daughter bought it and not surprisingly she loved it.
  9. Voila! It was pretty dang good I'd say. It could have used a wee bit less time on the grill but it's a new grill and I'm unfamiliar with its character.
  10. After marinating for 3 days these beautiful Veni-Kabobs are about to meet the BBQ.
  11. I love Rouladen, it's a must learn how to make meal. I'll try your recipe Joe eventually and will report back.
  12. I'm gonna regret for some time not being there to see that show Peter. Glad you enjoyed it.
  13. One dead, one missing after empty kayaks found in Credit River CREDIT RIVER Andrew Collins, Special for thePeel paramedics, Halton police and Caledon OPP are seen on the banks of the Credit River after one woman was pronounced dead on the scene after a kayaking accident near Winston Churchill Blvd. in Halton Hills Sunday afternoon. Police are searching for the body of a second person, a man, paramedics said. Their empty kayaks were found stuck in the ice of the Credit. Hamilton Spectator http://www.thespec.com/news-story/6327195-one-dead-one-missing-after-empty-kayaks-found-in-credit-river/ One kayaker is dead and another is missing after their kayaks were found empty and stuck in the ice of the Credit River in Caledon Sunday afternoon. Emergency crews responded to a section of the Credit River near Winston Churchill Blvd. and King St. at 2:50 p.m. after a receiving a complaint about two empty kayaks stuck in the ice in the middle of the river, according to the Ontario Provincial Police. Crews later recovered the body of a female kayaker. She was pronounced dead on scene, Peel paramedics said. Paramedics said police were searching for a second body, but on Sunday evening, an OPP spokesperson could not confirm whether the search for the second kayaker, a male, is being treated as a search-and-rescue or recovery mission. OPP Aviation Services, Emergency Response Team members and K9 and patrol officers are currently searching for the male and will deploy more resources, including the Underwater Search and Recovery Unit, Monday morning. The name of the female kayaker has not been released pending notification of next of kin.
  14. They are pretty cool for sure. A good friend of mine who ran a hut operation on Simcoe owned several of them and I even had the opportunity to drive one, loved it. But like you Rob I've never, ever heard the term "snow bugs."
  15. Got it now Bernie. Gave me a good idea of where the neighbours bungalows are set up.
  16. Sometimes it's just right! https://www.youtube.com/embed/IxuEtL7gxoM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  17. LOL.....how can that be, I'm fixed....(or ruined)....LOL
  18. I'd eat that, sounds whole heartedly yummy.
  19. LOL....no not even close Brian. In fact I've lost a bit of weight, had to by a new (smaller) belt.
  20. Yesterdays dinner was a l lovely Vegetable Venison/Goose sausage soup. Taters, cabbage, carrot, turnip, onion, mushrooms, red and green pepper, stewed tomatoes, celery and about 3/4's of a cup of my leftover homemade beans to be served with fresh Calabrese bread. I'm betting tonight's dinner will be the same.
  21. Though I've seen it and it's good it's not showing here Bernie.
  22. I'm saddened to hear this John. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.
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