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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. You know we have youngsters on the board that need less supervision!
  2. I have lots of Echo here, on vinly mind you. Everyday I send my daughter a new listening experience via e-mail, today it was this..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZGWQauQOAQ&feature=related
  3. I received this link in an e-mail from Fish Farmer and thought I'd share it here. http://www.vimeo.com/11817894
  4. Thanks for the report all. Looks like a good time, perhaps next year will favour me and I'll be able to participate.
  5. That's awesome Geoff, kudos to those who helped you.
  6. Atta boy Sam, stick with it especially the "Tool' tunes. I always wanted to be able to play music on something other than the radio. Next time I'm up there you'll play for me or I'll kick you in the Bass!
  7. You guys are killing me! Gonna be next winter before I can get on the ice but all things being well I'll be out there for the softwater season.
  8. Good to hear from you Mike, lots to absorb in your post. First I'm happy you got the mags, not so happy that they'll be reading material during chemo. Nice weekend getaway as well, been a few years since I've been up in the near north for winter lakers, always a good time though. You three are hardcore.... Be well and please keep me/us up to speed on your progress.
  9. Hahahaha, I was thinking exactly the same thing as I stared at those pictures. Very impressive Ben.
  10. I accidentily swallowed a bug once, maybe twice.
  11. I always take them off and throw 'em away, hate the damn things.
  12. Could have been funnier if they spammed a sponsor or two. Oh Son!
  13. Thanks for sharing Carole, you're definitely braver than I.
  14. Did you mean "they don't hurt?" No they don't, your colon will love you.... I'll try to remember the "San Miguel" next time I'm looking for a new taste experience.
  15. Haven't had a bad beer from Upper Canada though I prefered them pre Sleeman. My fave would be their Dark Ale, great fireside winter beer, always have a few on hand for Christmas.
  16. LMAO.... Well you are over 50 now so who cares, I believe it's acceptable, I hope. And remember, round is a shape.
  17. Could have been tragic no doubt, but due to your quick thinking (very clever) however the damage will likely be minimal. I'm also glad you weren't overcome by the smoke! I'd say you've earned a Hero beer.
  18. 3. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately two teeth every 10 years. Can't be true, 35 year smoker, pack or more a day and all my teeth are intact.
  19. Hi Riley. Thanks for coming on and introducing yourself, a very nice first post too.
  20. Hobbyist of sorts Edwin, master of nothing. Never named my brews per say, had a ledger that helped me keep track of the dozen or so varieties I kept in the cold room. What else do I do, LOL, not much really. Only other hobby is tying trout flies on occasion when I can get away from rod work. These have been posted before (as I don't have anything recent)....
  21. Four weeks today for me, a large pack (plus) a day for 35 years. Cold turkey no assitance no subsitutes, just will power and determination! I could offer you some tips but you know what they say, "NOBODY LIKES A QUITTER!"
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