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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. I sure hope so, you're taking the rod up there for me.
  2. Sadly I won't be there but I'm sending up a custom rod for the auction.
  3. Well you don't gotta but he does grow on you, like fungus.... My congrats also David.
  4. That's the way you told it to me Albert.
  5. Spiel


    Oh, silly me or do you mean the other Chris, again silly me.
  6. You'll get no arguments from me on that, slots and winter walleye are a waste of fish.
  7. I'm thinking that one come up from 30 plus feet of water.
  8. Would have been a great day with all things prior to that "ham and cheese" Cliff, but that there is the icing on the cake as they say.
  9. Oh come on Wayne, I recognize that tall tree in the upper left corner and the one hidden behind the hut.
  10. Spiel


    Occasionally it happens in error, icons you can't see can accidentally be clicked on with a scroll wheel mouse while perusing the threads. It happens.
  11. That's way cool John, put a smile on me face indeed. Congratulations to all the family.
  12. Okay, this was one I hope to never repeat. Deep water ice fishing on Georgian Bay for Whitefish. Weather was windy and brutally cold with blowing snow and intermitent squalls. But my buddy and I persisted with our fishing efforts, after all we drove for over 2 hours to get there for a days fishing. After a few moves my buddy connects with the first fish and after a spirited battle a big whitey is flopping on the ice. "Beauty" I says, pumped and ready to nail one for myself. Lines back down and I'm working my bait slow and steady, my buddy pipes up "fish on".....another big whitey on the ice! Now I'm really stoked as I know it's only a matter of time and I'll be connected. Well the story continues in my buddies favour, more whities and a few small lakers, I'm fishless, cold and pissed off! But I persisit. A change of baits and down goes a small light silver spoon into 100 feet of cold Georgian Bay blue. Jig, jig, pause, jig "BAMN" fish on! My spirits lifted, the the chills subside as adrenalin fuels me but something ain't right, it ain't fighting like a whitey nor a laker, I'm thinking big ling but hoping I'm wrong. Coming up steady but without battle, up, up and up, finally the head comes into the hole and I can see my lure tucked firmly into the top jaw of a big ole ling, Bah! Spirit deflated my buddy laughing I haul it onto the ice. That's when it really went sour, my buddy is on the ice howling, I'm just standing there dumbfounded! My spoon as I said is firmly locked into it's upper jaw, it's length would suggest a fish of over 8lbs, but it lays there motionless. Why, because this particular ling has been caught already and had the fillets removed! I had just legally landed a dead filletless fish..... It was to be my only fish of the day.....
  13. I don't care who you are, that's funny!
  14. LOL....Not an issue for me Wayne. Hopefully things will turn around for me by summer and I can get back to some ice fishing next year, I do miss it!
  15. Well I might as well call it a day then, not likely it'll happen twice in one day....LOL I've hit a few of them as well as Buffalo in the Grand as incidental catches and usually (accidentally) foul hooked.
  16. Me thinks...... [/url] http://www.dnr.state...30/Default.aspx
  17. Bring it over here Mike, I'll fix it for you.
  18. Ahhhh....wrong Chris, Chris. Yes, vewwy, vewwwy quietly, don't want to upset the locals. Doing okay here too Doug, thanks for asking. You?
  19. Good stuff gang. How's that new hut treating you Joey?
  20. I don't have one either Dan but I'd be pretty quick to borrow or rent one, it'd be worth every penny.
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