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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Nope, didn't say that. Just that the electorate was offered a pretty poor alternative.
  2. Hey, did you just switch sides? Weren't you arguing the opposite a few posts back when I brought the subject up? Just a fair warning that nobody is supposed to change their mind on this stuff!!!
  3. These guys would know a bit about it! http://www.apa.org/monitor/2015/11/marijuana-brain.aspx
  4. Scientific studies have shown this but what the heck do scientists know?? Better to listen to some guy spouting off on a fishing forum!!
  5. I have not read all 259 posts, nor do I intend to, but it seems to me that given the potential damge to the brains of people 25 or under, the regulations need to be more stringent than the LCBO can administer.
  6. I guess I should have said that the Catholic church has cleaned up its act re anti-semitism esp. since WW II. The same cannot be said about some sects of Islam re their attitude towards 'infidels'. My post was intended to nip any expressions of anti-semitism on here in the bud. You seemed to imply that the Jews were themselves to blame for anti-semitism.
  7. Check your history books and you'll see just how correct I am!
  8. Unlike Islam, it was the Catholic church's official position to discriminate against Jews.
  9. The main reason is that the Catholic church spread hatred for centuries.
  10. It was a 'story' in the Sun----any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental!! . No sense trying determine right vs. wrong, good judgement vs. bad based on a Sun report.
  11. Like many Canadians I have gone from horrified by the gov't to the normal state of being 'mildly dissatisfied"
  12. Are they the same company that makes anvils etc for Wiley Coyote??
  13. If it wasn't for Justin Lake Simcoe would be safe to fish on right now!!
  14. So you have an aunt that lives in the country too??
  15. You've had some very good posts on this forum and I have enjoyed reading them, but your post 41 above(for e.g.) wasn't 1 of them. I called for a lockdown---yes, it's easy to skip by and ignore but some of these threads get so nasty that members get up and leave OFC. We don't need to lose members over this sort of 'exchange of views'.
  16. This thread is not getting any better!! Lock 'er up, Mods, before it gets worse!
  17. The Canadian Temp Scale explained!!
  18. I'll tell you how cold it was up here. My aunt, who lives out in the country, and heats with a wood stove phoned us this AM. She's the religious type, has a picture of her Saviour with outstretched hands on the bedroom wall. When she got up this AM he had his hands over his ears!!
  19. Brave? I guess that's 1 word for it, but some of us can think of other words to use!!!
  20. Shoulda tried cutting a hole where that orange pylon is! I hear it's a good spot!!
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