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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Are you sure that's where their heads are??
  2. So how do explain the fact that many countries have a pop density greater than the US but only a fraction of their gun deaths?
  3. Yes, the 50 deaths in Florida prove just how rational that argument is!!!!!
  4. Give it a rest, Joe. Give it a friggin' rest!! We really don't need to hear that same old tiresome old argument/rationalization/justification at this time.
  5. and the sale of guns will probably go up even more! So sad and tragic!! Let's not hear any defence of even more guns. Enough already.
  6. Welcome to the board, Dave/Fenelon. That's quite an articulate and well reasoned defence of your point of view.
  7. None of the above!! Weather network can't even get 'current conds' right!! They also say "Tue--light rain, 15-20 mm". OK, which will it be?? WN usually overpredicts the amount of rain. 5 days out they say 20 mm, 3 days they are down to 10, 1 day down to 5, then we get 2-3!! Don't want people getting mad at them I suppose!!
  8. The $ store usually sells mesh bags in different colors, but I'm not sure if they would fit a bigger fish. What about a big onion bag with a draw string. (Nice going-------I've only caught 1 whitie myself. The ones I have eaten were bought and they were indeed delicious.)
  9. Very sad indeed. One of my fishing buddies taught his son in school. He didn't know Gord very well but says he always came across as a soft spoken guy---an all around nice guy. He said as well that, even before now, Gord and his family already have had enough bad news re their health. Altogether, quite sad.
  10. No prob revealing your spot, MM. Not many of us are about to follow you in there! I won't be for sure even though I have a canoe and all the gear. You fish make me drool though!
  11. Good place to go for a fix if you are a long way from Princess Auto!
  12. OK, so I prepared this little diagram to illustrate my point of view(and maybe 'facilitate discussion', as they say in the corporate world ) At any given time, whether today or 100 years ago, there is a whole range of people from the extremely unmotivated to the extremely motivated. So these all fit under the proverbial 'bell curve'. I don't think you can argue that they are all the same 'these days' or were all the same way back in the 'good ole days'. You could argue that people today are less motivated, that someone considered a bit of a slacker in 1960, say, would be considered quite normal today. But I don't think you could argue that the curve for 1960 doesn't overlap at all with the one for 2016!! e.g. a slacker back then would be considered a keener these days. ................or, to put it in a nutshell: "Don't paint them all with the same brush, as I said in my post several pages back!
  13. The Notty is definitely a navigable waterway---NVCA publishes a canoe route map for the river!
  14. Did he predict an early spring??
  15. Post this on the OFAH website and you'll have all sorts of people swearing that it's true!!
  16. Or he might bite off yours if you're the one who's cornering him! Ouch! Watch out!!
  17. I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to pass gas. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my gas with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my coffee, and noticed that everybody was staring at me.... Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod
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