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Everything posted by Zib

  1. Nice report. Did you fish in Ontario or Michigan waters or both? What areas did you fish?
  2. Just stay single.
  3. Thanks for that clarification. One needs to be careful when doing that sort of thing with an undersized fished because if the MNR saw that they might consider that to be possessing an undersized fish & give you a ticket.
  4. Those muskies are some really nice beauties. Good job.
  5. You got that right! Here in the states they always shut down the refineries for so-called "maintenance" during the peak summer driving period. The oil companies do this to increase their profits so that they can pay their execs a nice retirement bonus of $900 million.
  6. I have the same problem with my 1990 35HP Force tiller (biggest POS ever made). A new coil would cost me $190 US & that POS motor isn't worth that much. Good luck in fixing your problem.
  7. Nice going. Is that a stringer hooked up to that musky.
  8. If fish ID was turned on then that may be the reason he wasn't having fish show up on the bottom. Fish ID is nothing more than a marketing ploy to help sell the unit. You should always have fish ID turned off to get more detail of the bottom. Was he using bottom zoom? Always make sure that the sensitivity is turned up just enough so that you have interference on the top of the screen. The transducer should be mounted a foot away from the motor as well. If anyone is considering getting good sonar then buy a unit that has a minimum of 480 vertical pixels. You will pay more but it will pay off when you locate & catch more fish.
  9. Awesome pictures! Makes me want to take a road trip.
  10. Musky! Everything else is just bait.
  11. Mattyk, You should make a trip up to Lake St. Clair. The musky fishing is second to none.
  12. Ya, what Tony said.
  13. You can also use a Uni-Knot to attach the fluoro to the main line. Tying it without the swivel will allow you to reel the line through your guides without having to worry about reeling the swivel into the guides & damaging them.
  14. That's an awesome trip you had. Nice pics. That fish looks like a white bass but the color is on the dark side for a white bass. Here's one that I caught in the Detroit River 2 weeks ago.
  15. I haven't had the problem with my X-raps but have had it on my LC Pointer 100's.
  16. Nice catch Jen.
  17. I bought my marine carpet from Cabela's. Spend the extra $$$ & buy the premium carpet. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/common/s...t&noImage=0
  18. I've been using the Vanish Transition for a year now & have no problems. You must make sure you spool it on the reel properly else you will get line twists. My buddy had the line twist problem because he spooled it wrong & I haven't had that problem. For knots you need to use nothing but a polamar knot & nothing else. The Trilene knot is useless for fluoro.
  19. Nice walleyes. That first 1 sure is light. I see you are like me when it comes to rods. You can never have enough fishing rods in the boat.
  20. You would never catch me fishing in that thing. Make sure you have a good life insurance policy.
  21. Here's a little teaser for you guys. My buddy & I got these on the Detroit River this past Sunday.
  22. Synthetic oil is nice because it has less smoke & it doesn't separate from the gas when stored. Regular oil will separate from the gas when stored for long periods & cause the fuel system to get gummed up.
  23. Nice going. I really like that cross bone skull on the boat. Very sweet!
  24. Check the fuses on your towing vehicle. Just because your vehicles tail lights are working doesn't mean that a fuse isn't blown. I just found this out last week. Both the brake/running lights & turn signals on my truck (2004 Ford Ranger) worked fine. My left brake light & turn signal on the trailer didn't work. Ended up that a 7.5 amp fuse was blown.
  25. When I went on my fly-in to Kaby Lake we put in $100 per man (12 of us). $400 was given to the dockhands (3 guys), $400 to the house keeping staff (4 girls), & $400 to the kitchen staff (4 girls). 2 of the girls from the kitchen staff also worked in house keeping. They were very happy with their tip because it was the biggest they ever got. That surprised me that it was there biggest since the tip was about 9% of the cost of our trip (not including taxes). The tip we gave was in US dollars. We didn't tip the pilot because he didn't do any loop de loops or barrel rolls. LOL My brother-in-law & I also gave $40 US just to 1 of the dock hands because he told us of a perch hotspot that helped us win the biggest & most perch for the trip (a bet between the 12 of us).
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