When I went on my fly-in to Kaby Lake we put in $100 per man (12 of us). $400 was given to the dockhands (3 guys), $400 to the house keeping staff (4 girls), & $400 to the kitchen staff (4 girls). 2 of the girls from the kitchen staff also worked in house keeping. They were very happy with their tip because it was the biggest they ever got. That surprised me that it was there biggest since the tip was about 9% of the cost of our trip (not including taxes). The tip we gave was in US dollars.
We didn't tip the pilot because he didn't do any loop de loops or barrel rolls. LOL
My brother-in-law & I also gave $40 US just to 1 of the dock hands because he told us of a perch hotspot that helped us win the biggest & most perch for the trip (a bet between the 12 of us).