Thats awsome Nick and nice of Brian sharing for sure , heres some thing to keep in mind for the future when it come to the out door burning , there is a bylaw about open flame but what really blows it out of the water is , next time you need a new barrel because they only last for a season , grab a 250 gallon home oil tank , this is what we like to use out here now , it stands on three patio stones , large door cut into the one end with hinges , and a good peice of 8 or 10 " pipe three feet high one the other end for a chimney with a rain cap on it , thus no more open flame to worrie about , take a look at mine some time if you like , its been in the back yard since 2004 and in another year or so it will need replacing , any how sorry to bud in on your thread .......... Ron