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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Did you get a nog recipe yet ?
  2. Come on Billy , you can't keep running back and forth from thread to thread like that
  3. Redneck , thats the short forum for eggnog .............lol lol.. any body have a recipe to share ?
  5. Hey buddy , your going to be just fine , don't worry , i 've been down that road .
  6. Hey Paul , merry christmas take a chair , would you like some thing to drink ?
  7. O' i can see where it might get a little rough along the St .... this Christmas eve....lol .
  8. With the good stuff Mike it should already be in it , but go ahead if you like to add to your taste
  9. We got a good one last year at the LCBO Lew , waho' , was pretty tasty .
  10. Hey! Harold , come on in , Merry Christmas , you all ready for the week end . Here take a chair and sit , would ya like a drink of whisky candy ?
  11. That only makes sence . Got to get you to paint some thing for me some time , if you do that kind a thing ?
  12. Thats awsome bushart .
  13. LOL , don't mess with old people .
  14. Ho' Ho' Happy birthday TJ , from us and my old Aunty Rose Ann Quesnel from over this way .
  15. Same to you and yours Lew , pass it on
  16. We would like to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season to every one who is a member of this fine community and hope that Santa brings hard water to every one wishing to find it on Christmas Day ......... Ron & Beverly Skipper
  17. Send me a PM about what your looking for in a boat .
  18. just because the fish are ....Wo ! ... i got to take this one back , i have employees , i think your in trouble .
  19. What!...... ferment ? now ya tell me ....... ..... lol hic^**up, excuse me .
  20. Pretty neat Mike , did'nt know they did a light show there .
  21. side by side with cab kit ..
  22. Roy you did some good diging in there to bring that up . Ever have a chance try this one ... Belisle 1836 .
  23. What was the name of the one back in the early sixty's with Shirly Temple ?
  24. Maybe try to find a good war buff online .
  25. Dear Boby BillweSue , Just wanted to say thankssss for the wecipey for your hooch christmas tingy . wE Been working on getting it to taste just right in for the holidays ever everrrr since you posted itttt on here to day . Ok , help me out here and see if we got tissssss write . Ok Billwe Ann listen , fisrt YA pour in one gallon of whiskey right , Hey ! you forgot to mention what kind we were ta use so we taught it best to fro in one of each just to cover all ths base's , then it was one or / four bottles of maple surup in place of the candy , since we are on the other side of the line makin this stuff we went with the four just like you said . I hads to get into the store for the other ingrediants because we did'nt have that in the house and dam i forgot your list at home and winged it . So ...6 0/z of marys chicos cherries , 6 pineapplessssss , excuse me , 6 pineapples after i got them out of that dam heavy stuff , Ok now Billwe pay attention , i put in the oranges but not the lemons , but substituted the lemons cause we don't or din't like tem bitter things up here and put in a 1/4 lb grand bouye i think . You might wonder what i used to put every thing in so 'i'll tell ya , you know one of toes 6 gallon igloo picnic jugs yup ypou guessed it alright , then i added your two kinds of cherry juces and your two kinds of pineapple juices . And hey ! pressto volia ...here we are with your canadian version of our drinkkkk .... not bad if i say so myself . Thank you Billwe Ann for sharing , hyeresss , excuse me !!! a merry christmas drink to you and all your anglers this holiday , go ahead and give it a try and don't forget to HEE! HAW!
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