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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. I don't think i want ta touch this one , but then again i'd like to help , i think some times we do it to our selves til we learn to shop smart . Stay on the phone and good luck .
  2. Bring your stuff over to my shop and we can do it here , i have every thing here to get it done in record time when it comes to tools and the know how ......... lol . Would feel nice to be out in the shop doing some thing useful .
  3. Better yet Mike , second town as you head out of town to the west , all baptist , very quite neibour hood .
  4. LOL ....... ST Andrews is quite.......... lol .
  5. Yup , same as in the 1970's , thats why we move away Mike .
  6. I think its one hec of an idea but did'nt want to say any thing with the other builds going on , maybe also a ply wood skirt on hinges all around it that could be let down once you got to where you wanted to be . ............ GOOD IDEA for a hut .
  7. Have friend next time Mike show up just before you come off the water , that way a good chase wont be lost if you know what i mean .
  8. Heard about the two french guys talking to each other on christmas eve , one was telling the other that he got his wife a new thunder bird and the other guy said , what! a new ford thunder bird , Ya... what did you get for your wife , the other says .... i got my wife a new chevell . the other guy says ... wow! a new chevrolet chevell , the guy says no! dam it ... a new snow chevell .
  9. Seems like Robin Hood is'nt a nice guy any more .
  10. Its always the good one's is'nt , my other hat thats on here for one of my pictures , my wife bought at flee market for a few bucks and its been in the water more times this summer .
  11. I hear ya , ever notice how the only hat's that float are the one's with fishing related stuff on them . Tighter knit .
  12. A fishing HERO who is not nuts at all . Thank you .
  13. This summer while up at Rama i bought a hat that jumped out at me and had to have it , it read Native Pride on it , cost me 30 bucks and a few weeks later it blew off going across Simcoe and sank before i could get it , just now on Chut'em Chut'em one of them is wearing the same hat . Was it mine ?????? .... lol .
  14. Just got off the phone with family down there , The're saying the normal crap that go's on has spiked right now like it does at this time of the year . Criminals out seeing what they can get thier hands on to sell to have Christmas money , apparently its pretty bad right now .
  15. Knowing what i know about what go's on along the river and why the new RCMP office is in town , i am sure i would be made to feel uncomfortable every time i put my boat in or out if i lived back there , i'd call them and see and if it was'nt them , then you could bring them up to speed on what you experiance . You know thease guys work in misterious ways at doing what ever they do . if its the other ..... kick ass !
  16. Mike , could it have been the under cover RCMP checking you out to see if you might be moving smokes ?
  17. The best to you my friend .
  18. I don't know every thing Art but i'd say it looks like multi purpose does'nt Dana .......lol .
  19. There sure is Dan , just wondering tho more about playing one on line with people you know .
  20. Wow , thats awsome Dana , i am lost for word on that one , Wow does that ever look real ..... Wow , i'd be interested in playing some thing like that .
  21. Not wanting to offend any one , but i liked to steer this thread back towards finding out what folks think about being able to play a fishing game online ............... Ron
  22. 18.7 girls , i don't want to say theres one of those in every family because theres not , but some familys do get one ...... lol . My grand papy & mamy had 24 , 22 survived .
  23. Lot of us i think grew up playing games in the house in the winter , with nine kids in our house i think it helped our parents stay sane while we were all couped up in side .
  24. Way ta go Rizzo , awsome , we'll be back for the pic show .
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