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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. I never tryed it , don't know . I think most would say ..... give it a try and let us know how you make out , o' and don't forget to take pictures . Enjoy your chance and your day off .
  3. Maybe at the candy factory in COLLINGWOOD ? You might want t be careful BillySods ya don't blow some thing up with that stuff ............. lol.
  4. Probably has a sharp taste to it i bet ..........lol .
  5. What happens some times is passer bys see a flame then right away calls 911 , a few have been fined in the past this way in spring water for no permit when they show up . Yer safe now . Want to make the burning barrel last longer , try to keep some sort of a lid on it , to keep the weather out when its not in use ................... Happy burning .
  6. Sorry Bruce for your sad lost .
  7. Thats awsome Nick and nice of Brian sharing for sure , heres some thing to keep in mind for the future when it come to the out door burning , there is a bylaw about open flame but what really blows it out of the water is , next time you need a new barrel because they only last for a season , grab a 250 gallon home oil tank , this is what we like to use out here now , it stands on three patio stones , large door cut into the one end with hinges , and a good peice of 8 or 10 " pipe three feet high one the other end for a chimney with a rain cap on it , thus no more open flame to worrie about , take a look at mine some time if you like , its been in the back yard since 2004 and in another year or so it will need replacing , any how sorry to bud in on your thread .......... Ron
  8. I ........ and then me to...... McSkippy .
  9. Don't let the box of LUCKY CHARMS run out Lew .
  10. Make it a twelve month running series and maybe call it QUEST FOR HARD WATER .
  11. Hot , Cold , Rain, Sun , Snow , Rain , Ice , no Ice . All of thease can realy turn you around and clowd your judgment in a winter like this one , please remember safty first when your out there .
  12. After reading the link in this post this afternoon i'd have to agree with Roy and others . What ever needs to happen needs to happen and run its course . I would venture to ask for the fun of it , then maybe not ...... every one from this forum who fish's Lake Simcoe if they notice any thing peculiar with any or all of thier catch's this pass season . For my self who spent all my time on the lake and out of every thing i brought out of the lake , i only had one the hole season that showed any thing like the symptoms shown in the link . Kind of like who better to ask for a little peace of mind then the anglers who fish it every day .
  13. Same problem , Adobe reader acting up , gona switch to my other computer .
  14. Thanks MM , I'll have a look at it , i don't know why but i could'nt get TJ'S link to work for me and perhapes every thing i needed to know was in there ???? , may be a problem on my end here , i 'll try this one . Thanks again .
  15. Thanks guys for bringing me up to speed , now i understand how every one eles feels . Second question " maybe a pm for this anwswer" how is it that they can tell theres a problem in the fish ?
  16. Thats great , now all our fish are friggin addicted to watching movies .
  17. I think i read all the posts but still have'nt a clue what VHS is , i can guess and thats no good ....... ??????
  18. Don't worry FF, if you make the switch you'll be glad you did .........lol .
  19. I dont believe he's gone , he's to big for that , he's probably up dating his profile and coming back bigger and better then before .
  20. I should go on to say the dealer did call us back later to tell us that they found a commander that offered both vetures 4x4 or 2 wheel on demand , buy then it was to late , we had already bought another jeep kj that the wife wanted . The commander is an all a round great vehicle and a good choice for a big family if it comes with 2 and 4 on the fly .
  21. One of the things we ran into was the all wheel drives is it means no two wheel drive if you want it , every one knows when your in two wheel drive you burn less gas then you do when your in four wheel or the all wheel drive , We walked away from a new Commander last winter for that reason and it blew the sales man away , he know i was right , but each to hhis own i guess .
  22. O' Krawler buy a krawler ..... lol ..... 4x4 -O IIII O- TJ , there the best in my eyes , i believe we have eight of them now , i buy then from folks to get thier good gas milage who say they are selling then to get some thing better on gas , crazy hu . We've been a jeep family since 2004 , and find them to be great little machines that stand up .
  23. What ever happen to love thy neigbour , they were much simpler times my friends and thank God they still excist in my neigbour hood . Its sickning to see people that don't want to get along and are more content to see how much griff and money they can cause others . Great place to live your neibour hoods ..............Bull!
  24. Any one in here playing ?
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