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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. no Mike , theres no gaskit make that will stand up to the exhaust heat , it might work for a bit but it needs to maintain a certain amount of exhaust back pressure in order to run properly and you'll lose that when the gaskit maker blows out ............... sorry .
  2. Thank you good apple .
  3. I propose for the next OFC G2G there be a boxing ring set up , i would'nt mind going a few rounds with a few of them here to show that for a newbie i have skills other then just bad spelling and the ablity to use a key board .
  4. You can always get it done here if its the best OFC member deal your looking for .
  5. click on picture to see , you can't ruin it .... so drill a new hole , put the bolt back thru it , you might have to shim up both sides with barb type flat washers to keep it locked in place .
  6. where do you find glue that works in water ?????????
  7. Then there was the pill i received as a kid when looking for a pat on the head after i knew i had done some thing worthy and it came in the form of ..... "perhapes you'll do better next time" .... man that would tic me off , but you know it worked .
  8. Which "perch chip" are you useing Billy Bob to find thease ......
  9. The new moon was last night , how do you do ??????????i see no pic's
  10. It might as well be snowing Cliff, we have a real heavy frost this morning , the lawn is completely white .
  11. I posted the question up on the board because i realy did'nt know if the answer would be the same for all species . It makes sence now . Thank you fellows for helping me out .
  12. Thank you every one for sharing
  13. Gona string in a new transducer on the boat tonight and i'll be ready with bells on if the weather is right in the morning for thease old bones .. lol .
  14. When you say find the food source , what exactly am i looking for ? Man i have lots to learn , i thought this was going to be simple .
  15. ok , then since i'd like to fish for bass,walleye and perch and maybe some others this year dose that help for a start ?
  16. I have no clue , if it was left up to me i'd say in the morning , but i would like to know : do fish bit better in the morning , or do they bit better in the evening , or dose it even realy matter ?
  17. La'veta O' ya..........
  18. with 6.0% off , that must be once cleaned .......
  19. one little herb then two little herbs then pretty soon you wont see the house from the street , but ya i like sage on my mash potatoes so grow lots .............now lets go fish ..........lol lol .
  20. I'll be in my shop doing an alignment on the boat .
  21. Done , perhapes next survey will have some fishing relates after they read mine & our comments added to it .......... lol.
  22. Hope you can still fish when you want to fish .........lol
  23. How many fow Sinker , but you were'nt in Simcoe tho ........
  24. Your pull'n my leg ............lol ,
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