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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Thats right no love lost there but if it had of been a perch ********** , i should have put this pic with the other one i posted .... sorry .
  2. The old hardware store storys .. lol . East of Wasaga Beach on 92 hwy at a four corners , which back in the good old days was known as Ginger Snap Juction , people would congragate there on a regualar bases to tell and hear the news of the day , one old local who was prone to playing the fiddle showed up one evening like many and took his place a top a wooden barrel of pickles for his seat and began to entertain in his non stop fashion that would go on for hours , after some time of doing so a young boy noticed that the old timer playing the fiddle had a rip in the crouch of his pants and thought how awful and went up to him and whisperd in his ear saying , excuse me sir but do you know your balls are in the pickles , and right away he replyed ... NO but if you can hum a couple of bars am sure i could pick it up . edited to say .... you could buy your gas there as well at that time .
  3. Maybe Cliff would the one guy in need , i could be the second guy in need over this way ........ lol , I sure like the looks of his work .
  4. Well Ciff its no better over here , last Sunday Skeeter and i gave it a try out in the boat , in six hours of fishing there were only two bites and Skeet landed those to have to put them back ..... herring .We traveled just about the hole lake that day , only saw one other boat who came right over to see if we were getting any action , water temp that day was at 39F, and all i caught that day was pneumonia .
  5. who's was the third ...... lol .
  6. I could see that doing the trick .................for a while ... lol
  7. should that be hook to 220 just incase ?
  8. Is it still the same mayor outthere Brian thats been for a while Mr S ?
  9. Good one Lew you just never know what the other guy might know hu ...... thank you
  10. O' but can you amagin the air boat cost to put doe's tin ice signs out on da tin ice ,,,,,,,,,, LOL .
  11. ALL GOOD FUN............. THANKS EVERY ONE FOR THE GOOD READ , ok worms back on ..............
  12. What ever , i just know it can't be won ............... lol
  13. It sounds like Canada's Best Know it all in here but remember only one person wins , you all have seven more minutes to complete the debait for this posting , then i would like to have one of you pick our winner ..........................
  14. Not very often i get to hear of cousin Marc out there either .
  15. Wow ! thank you for all your effort , that explains why no bits yesterday , water temp was at 39.F , we did'nt get completly skunked tho , my partner Skeeter did hook into two nice size Herring tho that we released successfuly , other then that it was dead , Thanks again .
  16. Thanks guys for all of you sharing , last night i installed a new finder in the boat , shows ya what i know i was surprized to see it gives the water temp and things are in colour , am excited now to see how i make out with it to day , well i better get out there , Thanks again , am off to play on the water .
  17. Hey! atleast now we know where to fish for pike and browns at Brighton ..............................
  18. Hey! Cliff ,wish your day had of been good ALL THE WAY AROUND , atleast the the day of fishing was ok .
  19. Sounds like i have to get some more toys in the boat to be able to do what you guys are .
  20. Well did you get to blow your horn this morning Lew ?
  21. Thank you Sinker for sharing this , i'll be login it in to the computer up stairs...................
  22. I sure would like to hear it all , i know nothing about this Bill .
  23. How important is water temperature this time if i want to go fishing in a lake . My guess is it might depending on what i want to fish for ? Iread on a post here the other day guys were telling the temperature of the water they were fishing in and wonder if i need to be concern .
  24. Welcome from over here too .
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