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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Just sent you a pm .
  2. ..... what a go there BBgun .
  3. Mad Mad Mad !!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. O' you Sneak e pete , and you bought it at my favorite marina too ! Pretty hard to beat those guys .
  5. Now alls ya got to do Oliveoil is puts the garbage can lid to it so's da fish don't gets out . ... lol
  6. Heres a little communications history on a system that always worked no matter where you lived . Dose any one remember the benefits you received back when by going into town once a month , no .... well thats when you picked up every thing you needed to get by with for another month , you got to see friends and relatives you had'nt seen for a long time , which generally lead to a large get together before heading back home , by meeting together you got to hear all the latest news that every one had to share plus plan some things for the future . If there was a story told by some one who had spoke with a person from the cariabean it would have stole the day . You don't belive me , maybe thats because we all have to much ringing going on in our ears today . The people who once did live like this have only been gone now for just a bit more then twenty years , one being my grandfather who passed away in 1996 , he would never understand this thread ........ LOL .
  7. awsome Timex , to bad you forgot to stop in here on your way by ...lol
  8. Theres a few things i guess i can say about a bone head advice engine scale but i wont as thats another can of worms with no end , i would never want to under mine Lew's or Art's thoughts here on this post as i think its each to his own as thats what we were asked for , Sneak e pete talked to the dealer about this ...... he said "Just drive it" and remined him that they take the boat out before giving it to him and give the motor its paces to make sure it is operating properly , i'd have no problem agreeing to just drive it after this ...... if you get what i mean .
  9. We spend 10's of thousands in building a high performance engine and all the guys i know will tell you , drive the hell out of it before the waranty expiers , if it did'nt blow by that time then it was a good build and will never give you any trouble for as long as you own it , thats been our experience over this way .
  10. it gets worst then that ......... like when the contrac runs out ......
  11. I knew this morning this thread was coming , i dream't about that fish last night ........ , congrats congrats .. l
  12. You don't have a telaportation machine by any chance .............lol , good luck to you out there today .
  13. To bad there was'nt some one besides my self here just itch'n to get out fishing for the day some wheres ..... O well its ok , the boat's all right in the garage while i pick weeds in the garden or some thing .
  14. i'll see what happens as the weekends come up and i'll let you know when i can make , and thank you very much for offering .
  15. Thank you Sinker , will do .
  16. I would like to spend the weekend going for walleye , both today and Sunday if possible . I need some one who knows how & where to go and would'nt mine showing me how . All expensives are on me . If interested please send a pm .
  17. If you can't make it to Lake Air and If any one wants to meet me , stop in here ..... lol .
  18. Maybe i did'nt read enough but what did you buy Josh .....?????????
  19. I was lucky this weekend and gave my self the site seeing tour up there yesterday , what i noticed was , every peice of water was begging to be fished , After the morning rains were over it turned out to be a great afternoon , hope its still like that when i can get back up there with the boat , glad to hear every one had a good time fishing it this weekend .
  20. x 2 , let it run till it burns it all off , then it will be fine .
  21. I would for you but Billy Bob & Mercman are gone to the lake'n park inn for the weekend ......
  22. This is what i found this morning at my computer after i turn my back for a second , What should we do with him ?
  23. Wow , what a beautiful "Bass Fuss'iner" YOU GOT THERE !
  24. You answered all your own questions Bryan , except the daily inspection walk around is a must no matter how you registered but you still fall under all the other rules that come with owning a commercial vehicle , 4500 kg 's and under means you don't have to do the daily trip log book and no CVOR is needed , any thing over 4500kg's you need to have all of the above . This is how i was give their law to me by them , any vehicle i have here registered at 4500kg's is not listed on my ministry of transportation carrier fleet list , every vehicle that i have 4600 kg's and over is . Hope this coen sides with your pm's .
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