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Everything posted by Oryx

  1. its a double garage, with 2 doors...if it was one big door, no issues at all
  2. My good friend picked up the Smokercraft ProAngler 172 last year, loves it. In order to fit it in his garage, he had to cut the tongue afew more inches. That is with the swing tongue and the motor tilted down and turned.... He has maybe 3 inches of clearance front to back. On the trailer, he has about 1" on each side of the garage to fit through.
  3. WOW, imagine if it was a direct hit instead of exploding. The Tungaska event comes to mind.....
  4. Ive got Family day at the show.... SOOO looking forward to it..No wife, no kids.....just a fun time out
  5. I skipped the outdoors show to go to this one! Sooo looking forward to it The free tix would help me put more cash into the salmon gear I am hoping to buy
  6. Sounds like I will be going to The Spring show. Thanks for all thee input. Might go on the "Avoid My FAMILY DAY" long weekend
  7. i am in need of some advice here. The boss says that I can only go to one FISHING show this February and I need to choose. The first show is the Toronto Sportsman Show, Feb 7 - 10 th Exhibition place and the second show is the Spring Fishing and Boat Show Feb 15 - 18 at the international centre Can somebody enlighten me which is the better show for the angler as I have not been to either of themin the past. Cheers
  8. Great update. How thick is the ice?
  9. Up on callendar bay jan 27-30th
  10. As I know next to nothing about this, what are the differances between a dispey and a rigger rod?
  11. Alright here goes, I will be fishing with my buddy in his boat. We currently have 1 x Scotty 1080 manual (bought from OFC classifieds) since only one rigger, the need for a double duty rod. We will be adding 2 x 12" cannon trax this winter to mount the rod holders and the rigger base to. I will need the rods, reels, dipseys, line, flashers and lures. Cheers j
  12. Yes, I wear pantyhose, keeps the boys in check! And a coupon book is a good idea, but I will be able to go without too much hassle.....as I said, she is very accepting of my addictions....
  13. If divorce were cheap...everyone would do it.... JK, My wife is awesome, she will tolerate my addictions better than most. I have friends who need to ask permission to put the seat up on the toilet. Now...Any suggestions for Rod and reel?
  14. If I ask for 2, that would imply I would share with her She is of the mindset that 1 rod and reel is good for all scenarios......
  15. As Christmas is approaching fast, my wife has requested a "list". So I am asking for some suggestions..... I want to start some Lake O fishing for Bows and Salmon this spring and have absolutley NO gear for this. What are everyones reccomendation for Rods, reels, Lures.... The rod would have to do double duty as a Rigger/Dipsey pole. Thanks Guys J
  16. would it fit in one of the thule bags or yakima rooftop boxes?
  17. "No good deed goes unpunished" Murphy's law poster hanging in my office. That really sucks, at least there were no injuries
  18. Going up next weekend...keep the reports coming!
  19. Agree with buffalo, But if you want to try local, check out joycitytires.com He has a cash price and will quote via email. Just send a request with your size, and he will get back to you pretty quickly. He put a set of Yokohama Avid Envigors on my Subaru for $600 ( they lasted 65km before a guy tee boned me as he ran a red). They were 205/55/16's. Saved me a few pennies from Going to Costco plus I got the mail in rebate at the time
  20. I did this for my wife a few yrs ago... She loved it. The only issue was a little blue led that blinks on it to show it has power. I convinced her that the dealership installed it and they were paying us $50 a month to have it there. I told her that Honda was doing a real life survey of how people drive, engine RPM's, speed, shifting, how the car was really driven...all the boring things to help them build better cars. She bought it hook line and sinker, she was actually upset when I told her we were not getting any money.
  21. :clapping:
  22. I too just jumped into the the baitcasting pool, Being a NEWB to this type of setup, i ended up with the Shimano Citica LH and the Shimano Compre 6'10" 2 pc. MH. LOVE IT I tried the 6'9" Abu Veritas rod as well, absolutely hated it, to me, it just did not feel right. Did not have the casting precision nor the feeling that the compre has. I also like the reel. Gear ration of 6.x to 1 is great.
  23. Hockey is murder on teh lungs!

  24. I just got the SX40, I love it. They are on sale all the time at BB, Best part is the 35x Optical zoom.
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