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Everything posted by Oryx

  1. Oryx


    I was there a couple of weeks ago. Great selection of everything BUT Sebiles. They did have a couple of the soft plastic baits, but no hard baits.
  2. On my last outing, i started using a Sebile Koolie minnow and was watching the bass inhale it like no tomorrow. Now I would like to try some of their other offerings. Who in the GTA sells thes products? (Bought mine via EBAY as I could not locate a dealer at the time) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  3. Mines sitting between 125-130 on all three
  4. Direct Buy bases their price upon the Manufacturers list price. I know this as I am a purchaser for a large plumbing supply wholesaler and Direct buy is a customer of ours. Personally, I would not buy anything from them. A smart and savvy shopper should be able to get close to the same deal by negotiating with showrooms and direct distributors of the product.
  5. If you can't beat em'...... join em' I love the 407,
  6. You should be fine travelling then, just keep an ear on 680 for the traffic reports. They are usually pretty accurate and will give you a heads up to most slowdowns. Try to stay in the express lanes as these are the most consistent. Cheers
  7. Depending on the time and day, spend the $ on the 407. I for one use the 407 daily (perq of the job). I find that the drivers on the 407 are better drivers, the traffic is always moving and the conditions of the road are second to none (GTA anyway). It will save time and gas and will offset the cost of the toll. Where is your start and end points?
  8. I'm gonna go there. On the dock of my New Cottage, with a "No Fishing" sign posted.
  9. I was worried I had bad wiring in the house....you sir, just made my day:thumbsup_anim:
  10. Wow, what a question. My faves include: #3 panther Martin,(orange blade/yellow body), Rapala XRAP Shad Rap, #3 Mepps Aglia white with Red, Cotton Cordell Big-o, and my new Fave...Sebile Koolie Minnow 72ft in Hollow Mullet. Threw this thing out on a small lake this weekend!!!! The action is unbelievable, and the bass were hammerin' it. Great Slash bait
  11. RIP Wade. Sad that depression has the stygma that it has. From what I have heard and seen, athletes will have a higher occurance of this than the general population. It has something to do with being the best at what they do (he may have not been the best hockey player...but how many of us were in the NHL) and then wake up and it is all gone. I feel for his children and his wife.
  12. so, when I launch. Do I unhook the boat from the trailer or unhook the trailer from the truck?
  13. What is the going rate for new cables?
  14. This forum is great. Thank you to all..... Now I just need to clear the time with the Boss. I cannot wait until my 3 yr old takes a serious interest in fishing..... this way I will not have to hear that age old nag...I mean speech (You are not spending enough time with the family, where are your priorities,)
  15. My condolences,
  16. Bad things??? I have been trying to be polite. (my sense of humour can be a bit caustic) But I do appreciate all of the advice. Scugog will be a destination point for sure. Then venture to Bewdley on a following trip.
  17. I would get that mounted...
  18. One place I will want to try...weather permitting, would be Just off the Nuke plant. Frenchman's Bay is 5 mins from my house.
  19. Thanks for the quick reply. It is a 17.5 semi V Aluminum.
  20. So...now that I have this fancy floating machine. Where are the best places (within 1hr - 1.5 hr of Pickering) to go to for this hobby/lifestyle that we have in common. thanks
  21. Why not, With the luck we had, the better the fishing for everyone else? Just cuzz I am swimming at the shallow end of the gene pool.............
  22. thank you for all the support. I do agree, in a few YEARS, this will be a good story. There will be some redemption this weekend. Staying at a cottage in Bracebrige, (Spence Lake). should be a good time.... The Tilt Trim would have set me back $1400 for a new unit at a "reputable" marina. I am thankful for the guy (20ys exp in Hamilton fixing boats) with his pet Grizzlies and his knowledge. He did a great job, did it quick and did it right. he went and checked over the motor and tweaked a couple of things. He did break my bank at the end though...he asked for a double double coffee when we went to get the cash for him (why we unhooked the boat in the first place). Hell, my buddy has 2 x 9.9's that need servicing. He will drive the 1.5 hrs to bring them down to him.
  23. My buddy kept quoting " A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work" I wanted to strangle him!
  24. Very true, I am still learning the whole boat game, and each outing is an adventure. But this was horrible. My friends still had a decent time, so that was good.
  25. Yesterday was the worst day (fishing related) I have ever had. Things started off okay, the alarm went off at 5AM, dressed, packed the SUV as my buddy pulled up and we were on the road by 5:20. After a quick coffee and donut at Timmies, we were on our way... BOQ here we come. We pull into Foster's around 7:15 and talk with the owner (pretty decent guy) as my boat was being pulled around (I had it stored there for just over 2 weeks). Here's where things start going to the crapper. The gentleman who brought the boat around comes into the office with my broken bungie cord that was holding the transom saver in place????? He picked up the bar and placed that in the boat. We start prepping the boat for launch. Put in the plugs, load the gear....all the fun stuff. I go to put the tilt down on the motor, and NOTHING. You have got to be kidding me. So, I walk back in to the office and ask if they put the tilt up as I left it in place with the saver attached. I was not accusing anyone or pointing fingers, but i was upset. By then the third of our party drives in and joins us. The owner (herby known as Foster) asked the grounds maintenance guy if he knew what happened. He stated that he heard a noise coming from the back of the boat about a week ago. He walked by again a little later and it was gone. Didn't think anything of it. So upon further inspection, the top of the tilt motor has melted! I am just gutted. We have been looking forward to this trip for 1.5 months and now this. So Foster calls a 'guy' he knows, fixes all of his boats. We pull the boat over the bridge, down a dirt road and we are taken to this establishment.....(it is on Mohawk territory so we have no idea of what to expect.) It looked like a scrap yard, There were beaten cars, dead boats, and 2 of the largest dogs I have ever seen. The big one, 150lbs easy, the small one, and I use that term loosely, was 130lb English mastiffs mixed with polar bear....absolutely huge! We introduce ourselves and start talking with him. Nice guy, very personable, as real as you can get. He is able to fix up the boat. Yay, our day can be somewhat salvaged. He pulls off the old, melted, disintigrated motor with the busted magnet and puts on a replacement from a 50hp Force ( I have a 90 hp Merc). Bolts right on. Replaces the faulty solenoid and gets it working. After 3 hrs, and $200 (I am still in shock I didn't have to spend a G-note) we are on the road. About 1km down this pot hole filled dirt road, the tongue of the trailer decides to come off. It was not put on all the way, :wallbash: In our haste, to get the day going we did not double check the seating of the hitch on the ball. We were doing about 30km. and there is a bit of damage to the SUV, a couple of small dents in the hatch and a scraped bumper. I am counting my blessing as it could have been a LOT worse. (Now how do I tell my wife). I am at the lowest point I could get for the day, my day is shot! So we pull back into Fosters around 12. Launch the boat and start our day. Thank goodness the hurricane went through the previuos day and left us with only 3 ft swells and 15-20mph winds.... But at least it was sunny. Not sure which hurts more, the sunburn or the windburn? After about 6 hrs + fishing ,3 perch, a sheepshead and a sunfish for all of our efforts, we called it a day and headed back to shore. We get the boat trailered and unpacked. By then Foster wheels over on his Kubota and talks with us...Told him we that all we caught was a sunburn. he then says, "yeah, they haven't been biting here lately. Nothing has been really caught for about 2 weeks" really, you couldn't have told us that before we headed out? I will admit, I do have the best wife in the world, she was more dissapointed about having our day pretty much ruined by the motor, the trailer incident and no fish than the damage to the truck. She said at least no one was hurt, the truck can be fixed. They are only small dents! The day was so bad for me I wanted to sell the boat. (I am still debating) And to top things off, I lost the bet for biggest fish. A perch the size of a pocket calculator won.
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