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Everything posted by Oryx

  1. SOOOOO jealous. looks like a lot of fun. Care to share what you were using?
  2. If you go to Berkely website, they tell you to use a Double Palomer for this line. Looks easy enough to tie.
  3. Looks like they added this to their website. Used a link from the online flyer. Seems that there is not a 10lb available 4,6,8 and 12. Any input on what test should be used for the BOQ?
  4. Part of the problem with the decline , IMO, are the cities. Most people flock to live there, and the new generation of kids (laughing as I am 35) have no idea of hard work and are afraid to get their hands dirty. They expect to have everything handed to them without question. As fun as fishing is, do you honestly think that the majority of this generation will put down the iphone for 10 mins to enjoy the outdoors? I can see the facebook post now. (said in the best Mike Stafford, AM640 voice) "Stuck outdoors with my Dahd, I'm starving, the bugs just plain suck, and I bought a new Playstation game....I wanna go home" Glad I grew up on a lake to fully appreciate the outdoors and what it has to offer.
  5. Found it. Time to buy and try
  6. BRB.... Gotta run to the blue box
  7. Is there a CTC link for this? Or is it in store only?
  8. Which ctc's? I haven't seen it in stores yet...just the fireline. I have an extra spool for my stradic that is begging for this line
  9. Is this the new line from Berkely?
  10. This rod was $120 retail. It may be on closeout for $40 but in no way shape or form would I call it low end.
  11. Nope, I'm careful like that
  12. The truck was borrowed, I told him I washed it inside and out. That and he owed me $20 for the engine shampoo.
  13. No photoshop, funny as hell though. Here is the link. Notice on the big pic the tow line attached to the boat trailer to pull it back up http://www.sschapterpsa.com/ramblings/boat_launch_observations.htm I also saw Fishing games at BP. LOL, all the fun of fishing without the bait. I can see it now..."DAHD, you erased my game, how am i sposed to show my friends I really caught a 15lb bass"
  14. It is gonna be tough on my wife (banker) very soon. I work in Woodbridge 3 Mins from BassPro, and they are opening up a Sail beside my workplace....our mortgage will never be paid off!
  15. I wonder if there is a corelation to the the # of fishing licences sold to the # of XBOX's sold????
  16. Got the 'old' models, saved a bundle
  17. This is a great Combo. I just bought this combo last weekend at Gagnon to replace a 20yr old Berkely speed tip. made the trip to the Shwa just for these Tried it out on the weekend, the reel is a dream. Spins super sensitive, comes with an extra spool, drag is great on it and it feels rock solid. The only caveat I have is to use the supplied gear lube before use. A couple of drops in the maintenance port and you are good to go. The rod is supersensitive (best I have used) I also like the cutout on the fore handle. It lets you feel every little rock, nibble and the action of your lure. I have 125yds of 10lb Berkely fused crystal fireline with about 40yds of 8lb mono as filler on the bottom. Tip to pass along for this line, I spooled the reel, took of the spool and let warmish/hot water from the tap to rince over the line for about 3 - 4 minutes. IMO you can't go wrong:thumbsup_anim:
  18. Nevermind...Wrong one on sale!
  19. What has 7 arms and sucks? Just kidding, wish I could have gone to the show
  20. Not even close, pure greyscale here. Humminbird Platinum ID
  21. Thanks for the vote of confidence in the boat, As the interwebs have sweet nothing for information on them. The only thing I do know is that it was built by Brunswick (Mercury) and they sold the brand to Tracker (Bass Pro) in 1999.
  22. That's right. Was my first racing Mountain Bike, liked the name so much, I use it for pretty much all my forum handles.
  23. Thanks for the warm welcome. I would love to post some pics of the boat, but it is sitting in storage until the 29th in Deseronto. Until then, no fishing or boating for me. The boat itself is a 93' Fisher SV 3 SC. 17.5 ' with a 90hp Merc, 9.9 kicker, a craptacularly old motorguide trolling motor on the bow and the fishfinders make the pong game look like hi-def. It is fun though! And beats the hell out of shore fishing.
  24. Good Day, I just joined up and wanted to introduce myself I have been enjoying the topics on the forums and some of the humour that is present. it is nice to see a laid back forum with a vast knowledge base. A little bit about me. Live in Pickering, I Just bought my first boat, a little older, but new to me. I love fishing, but am no good at it. I am originally from the Picton area and have NEVER fished the Bay of Quinte. Looking forward to reading alot more posts and learning from others. Cheers J
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