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Everything posted by krixxer

  1. In 20 years of hunting I have never been out on a duck hunt. The thought never crossed my mind but then I have only owned a boat for the last few seasons. Any of you experienced guys care to "take me under their wing" for a day? Thank you in advance for your hospitality I'm in Mississauga Kris
  2. I did a 42 mile run one day at near WOT; started sputtering at the dock 16 foother, 25 L tank loaded with 2 guys , fishing gear and 3 batteries I run a 30 year old 50hp 2stroke
  3. When I was a kid I used to clean fish in the Port Credit marina. I "freelanced" the charter-boats and took advantage of the drunken US guys that came up for the derby. I still have the knife I used back then it's a Bahco.
  4. You don't need a new knife You want/need a good sharpening system and you'll love all your old knifes again. Who suggested Global cutlery? Hated mine! The steel was poo I gave up on North American blades and slowly replacing much of the household knifes with Japanese gear. A few links to get you started. http://japanesechefsknife.com/ http://www.japaneseknifedirect.com/ p.s. I'm Polish, so don't worry no affiliation of any knid
  5. just wait till you want a RPAL. From the time you say go till you pull your first lawful shot will be about a year! in any event congratulations p.s. what I would to to live further north !
  6. for all legal points I'd check this out http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/
  7. http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/ all you need to know and much more then you don't I have not been out hunting since my moose camp fell apart years ago but having similar feelings as you. I'm searching for that Remington moment!
  8. The crown jewel of my collection is a Anschutz 1712 Silhouette. find the model here: http://www.anschuetz-sport.com/ then call Peter: http://www.targetshootingproducts.com/ entry price is 1k, they get good closer to 2k and 3-4k buys you a biathlon rifle
  9. brilliant, thank you!
  10. but who likes to clean all that perch!
  11. Guns; I like me some guns! and since I like you I'd suggest NO: 10/22's or Savages., Yes they shoot and yes they are prices to sell but you'll never love them. starting at $250 https://www.canadaammo.com/product/detail/norinco-em332-match-sporting-rifle-22lr/ around $500 you can have http://www.wolverinesupplies.com/details/9061/CZ-452-American-22-LR-Bolt-Action-American-Style-Beech-Wood-Stock-No-Sights.aspx and then at 1k you can break into Anschutz and I'll guarantee they are worth it!
  12. you need to reset the vuze settings; try a new port etc.. or try utorrent works great with my bell!
  13. Sure, Alodine 1200 I have a 600L tank of the stuff. We buy the flakes and make our own solution. Not as resilient as anodizing but if all you want is the paint to stick I'll does the trick quite well.
  14. The test is done to ASTM B 117-07 We prepare the substrates in accordance with Mil Spec 8625 F .TyII Cl I (chromic acid anodizing)
  15. For the most part I use epoxy primers with polyurethane topcoats. This combo will go 10000 hours accelerated corrosion test (salt pray)
  16. WoW now that's a beauty
  17. Thanks Randy I know! My master-plan is to find a park where I could keep my boat and 4x4. I'd like to use the place as a halfway house outside of the city. As much as I like fishing I also need to do a little shooting a few time a year and that's where the idea of the crown land came in.
  18. As a follow up to the other posting about trailer parks; Got me thinking, does anyone know of any parks that would be hunter freindly? with a bunch of crown land close by. Way back in the day I used to hunt moose in Kapuskasing. Since that camp fell apart I have not been hunting. If I could find a place to rent I think I'd like to get back into; deer, upland birds, turkey. Any tips would be appreciated kris
  19. how much of your money are we spending?
  20. how about the sauce? 2tsp mayo 2tps sour cream 2tbs natural yogurt 1/2 tbs horseradish 1/2 pickle diced 1/2 onion diced 1tbs capers chopped up and a good pinch of dill. and don't add lemon to the sauce I'll make it all runny
  21. the original power pro feels like cordage. I use the super 8 version and find that it works best for me.
  22. City Wide, +1
  23. Out of Crystal I usually went West, this time I went East and fished close to the border. That is just the first part my new found success. The new Big John rigger is the the second, this was the first time I used it. I know I still have to tune my technique, I think I should have been a bit further off the bottom. I was 45 deep in 50 FOW with 20 feet of line behind the boat. For the day I got 3 eyes 22,23 and a 25 inch a bunch of sheep and a few silver bass. I never changed my bait all day, used a perch/gold worm rig on 5 feet of leader.
  24. sure; that would be the more educated answer
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