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Everything posted by krixxer

  1. it the trailer AL or FE ?
  2. You need some panko bread crumbs and tampura mix. Slivers of coconut will ballance nice with some spicy mango dip. If you have the time butterfly the shrimp; just make it look nice
  3. I got one of these http://www.ospreypacks.com when I was 16; 23 years later I still use it and it is still100% original and functional.
  4. What a busy day! didn't get a chance to get back to this till now. - thanks for the tips - Yes I think it is a cable issue. This is my first boat (cheep) it was in bad shape so my first boating experience a full dismantle re-build and reassembly. I think something is just out of adjustment but this year I just don't have the spare time to try and figure things out for myself.
  5. My first boat, so I'm a novice at this. I'm located in Mississauga and have an 88 evinrude 50hp that I'd like to have looked over. Some of the problems: Last year I lost reverse, the engine just revs up but the gear does not seem to engage. Choke needs adjustment plates don't open all the way. Makes cold starts a pain. Carbs likely need a good clean out, doubt the last guy spend much time on maintenance. Any local guys that you could suggest would be great. I'd be happy to barter - I have a paint/anodizing shop.... will paint just about anything Kris
  6. Can't wrap my head around the cost of boats..... How does 5k of material turn into a 25k on the dealer floor. Oh ya and a 10k motor??? what the hell....
  7. Don't buy a new boat thinking of re-sale value! "So in 4 yrs.... the value of that boat has dropped $4000" I know mine is not all that sexy but at 3k my skinny 16.5/50hp is a keeper and will only appreciate, I know they day will come when the 80's boats come back in style. BRP products: what a joke of a business. They love to sell you stuff but just try and get paid by them if you work for them. Bombardier has bankrupted more businesses then I can count; THEY DON'T PAY. .. and to make things worst just take a look at the amount of money the Gov't has given them over the years. rant over... back to work..... processing Boeing parts....
  8. This warm weather got me all worked up. Opened up the tackle box to clean out the cobwebs and to make sure I had a good supply of my favorites. These threes are always hooked on the side of the boat. What do you guys like to keep handy?
  9. corkscrew line
  10. When baking or frying fish try to use dill. I make a butter lemon (use a bit or zest ) sauce. 30 sec before you remove the pan throw in a healthy pinch or chopped dill. You can use the sauce to dip or if you bake simply drizzle over the flesh.
  11. I like a glass rods for this. Still use my UglyStik when I'm trolling.
  12. I boubt you'll notice any practical performance improvment over a SX or STX.
  13. Dissimilar metals should not be used as it promotes corrosion.
  14. When I got my boat I needed to fix the floor transom and give 'er a general paint job. Materials were around 1k a few cases of beer and 3 months of weekend work at the shop. If i had to pay someone to do the work (I have a paint shop) I think it would have been better to buy a newer boat. I think I have around 100 hours on her. Now that she is done and ready I think she will be good for another 10 years +
  15. I use a one pc 7tf MH BSP Carbon Black. For bottom bouncing it's all about feel and this rod is my best. I can feel the blade thump of a #1 mepps 50 feet out.
  16. Got some 2$/pc from wally mart that have a LED inside. Got home, did the tub test and it all seemed good. Took them to the lake and sure enough the little LED turned on but it was just dead weight it in water, the action was horrible. When I got back into fishing I found a few good kijiji adds just bought up a few lots.
  17. BTW Kris,what other work does your company do? Would they be able to apply a different colour finish to say a shotgun receiver?? I hope your receiver is made of steel and not aluminium! Anodizing only woks on aluminium; we do a sulfuric acid; clear or black and chromic acid anodizing that comes out like gun metal gray. Back when I was a range rat I painted a few of my guns /gun stocks , much easier and durable then black oxide. One of my favorites was my 22-250 savage; I painted it a bright blue and dropped a bunch of flake in it. Looked like a Ranger bass boat. My bush gun M14; got the flat black treatment and after all he years still looks great.
  18. Thanks for the warm welcomes! For a minute I though of selling the boat but it looks like there may be another few years of use for the 'ol girl. JAT - never been ice fishing so that soungs like fun but I'm on my way to work so no play for me today.
  19. For nearly a year OFC has been part of my morning routine, make some coffee read some fishing reports. After a week of inspiration I would get on the phone and TRY to get some buddies out on the water but this seems harder then catching fish. I didn't realize that marriage meant no fishing. This morning I called one of my last buddies that "is allowed to fish" and receive the devastating info; job transfer to Ottawa moving at the end of the month! Is OFC a dating site for fisherman? I'm 37 live in Mississauga, fishng for nearly 20 years,I have a little 17ft/50hp that I like to take up to Simcoe, BOQ,Georgian or troll around Port Credit. During the week I run my anodizing/paint shop near the airport so I don't have that much free time I tend to only get out on sat/sun. I hope to contribute a bit more to the board and get to know some of the regulars. Hope to find a few guys to split gas and beer for the day.(not that I drink on the boat) Kris.
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