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Everything posted by krixxer

  1. Any of you guys willing to offer up a jar of the golden syrup. If you just want cash, I can throw some of that on the table but I'd be happy to barter a little labour for it.
  2. I've registered a few thing under the bartering system. Cars go by the book but things get iffy with motorcycles boats etc.. try it if you can get the owner to collaborate
  3. Being Polish I'll suggest potato Vodka.
  4. nnnnnaaahhh that new county music is is I duno smells prepackaged or GMO something .....I'm still under 40 maybe in a few years
  5. I'll take the one with the scope and spear gun option !!
  6. I'll have to report this ! gobble gobble
  7. didn't work before but here we go.
  8. This is proof that drugs make you popular!
  9. .....and some of that anodizing is a Krixxer creation!
  10. I know my fishing reports don't impress anyone so I glad you guys liked the tip ok now that we all have a nice thermos for our coffee let's talk beans! Last year my family switched over to http://www.baroccocoffee.com/ , a local place I have near my shop. They import, blend and roast onsite. I like the Appian bend, rich and creamy and not burned black .......please tell me you guys don't think Timmy's or County style make make a respectable cup of coffee? Sure we all drink, it but is real coffee?......
  11. I've been testing the Chinese one I just bought for 2 days now. After 8 hours in the freezer water came out at 77C
  12. Hate to give them business but Wall mart has the Stanley Classic 1L thermos for $23 on special ...Bass proripoff has them for over $40 .........and I've seen them as high as $50
  13. I gave up on the time change a few years back. Don't see any point to it! ... not having to deal with stupid winter traffic is just a reward for waking up early!
  14. I always hit 2. Moncton gets most of my C/S business.
  15. I call it a shortage when my stash get below 5lb of powder. Reloading a 375 H&H right now, man this eats up a lb of powder real quick
  16. .22 is the way to go I don't like to spit shot.
  17. Nice shots, love partridge on the pan with a little Montreal spice
  18. You are making it sounds like I'm in for a real treat! I'll bring the camera and post some picture for you Nick, (just to get you reved to make the trip one day) ... another bucket list destination; the whirlpool or devil's hole in the middle of winter just after a good snow storm. ( the beauty just might make you believe in little baby Jesus)
  19. looks like I found myself a volunteer guys! I'll be hunting Long Point next Wednesday, it if all goes well I'll post a few pictures.
  20. I should be fine; if I lift the motor I need less then a foot of water. Anyone? did I mention I'll bring some killer Polish sausage sandwiches! and perhaps a few treats from the humidor.
  21. I like the sounds of hunting Cook's! thanx for the tip I'll take a look this weekend. Once you get into the marsh are the blinds easy to find?
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