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Everything posted by krixxer

  1. nice work! I was just on the other side Sunday having the same luck
  2. Last weekend I got up a bit early. I drove a bit faster. I made my coffee stronger! I was determined! and I was rewarded I started targeting them late last year and after several no fish trips I got lazy and started fishing bass and perch. After this last trip I'm not sure if I'll be cleaning many perch anytime soon.
  3. My last few trips have been solo! With my fishing buddy in his third trimester I don't think he will be allowed out of the house for the rest of the year! The weather report looks great for Sunday, anyone want to go out for a day on Erie? I'll be leaving from Mississauga and launching out of Crystal Beach. I would like to try a walleye troll and if that fails switch over to some bass or perch.
  4. if you have shiners the perch will find you!
  5. in PC the 'ol Texaco point bay has a few fat ones
  6. I can't catch walleye where there are Walleye but you managed to find that on Simcoe! i need to get my Walleye game up
  7. if you want i can give you some 0ppm DI water sorry - I just looked at the jug and thought you wanted the water; the caps, no idea
  8. I wish I was better at fishing walleye.
  9. keep it in the 20-30 ft range?
  10. I trolled around Crystal for a few hours today but again no luck. We were in 40 to 50 ft speed was around 2kmh. We dragged a worm rig and near the bottom and various baits in the 20-30 ft range. It’s been 3 years that I pulled a walleye out of Erie. I have no problem with bass or perch even the odd pike but walleye? If it were not for all the pictures I wouldn’t believe they are in there.
  11. I'd also like to know the secret to Erie walleye, the have managed to elude me for the last few years.
  12. kit starts at $25. I bought extra stones to last me a lifetime. there are others that sell for less and have better stone selections. This I just the first one that showed up when I searched http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Update-Professional-Kitchen-Knife-Sharpener-System-Fix-angle-4-Stones-Version-II-/281110991117?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item417385510d
  13. A few years back Mike Tyson had a show on TV about his pigeons. They had the pigeons flying around NY and competing in some races.
  14. Are you going after pickerel? Can I get in on this?
  15. nah we too the hour drive from Embrun to the St Lawrence looking for pickerel. Pickerel are generally smarter than me and since I was after a fish fry we switched over to perch in the afternoon. RJ I think we might have some friends in common..... Perhaps some 3 degrees of separation but would you know anyone that works for State Farm? My buddy in the pictures does and he's been telling me some stories that he has heard around the office cooler. From what I've been told the wife and you are quite the fishing maniacs!
  16. That entire region is beautiful! Fishing is great and now that one of my ol' friend is in the area I'm sure I’ll get to fish the around there a few times this year. Thanks to everyone that gave me some tips on the area last week. kris
  17. this guy was not invited to the party but managed to get his picture taken
  18. and then we just neded to find a pike so I pulled out some old fuzzy jig to finish up the check list
  19. We found some good pickerel in a local river
  20. this guy pulled drag and swam around like a little pike
  21. I went near Ottawa this weekend, we managed to hit the St-Lawrence for perch and a couple of the local rivers in search for fish with teeth!
  22. 80 perch a day would be great! 80 walleye would go straight to my head I might start wearing a jersey to the BPS PM inbound Paddle Tails, do they have bait? I'll likely catch my own but some options would be nice. Thanks for the tips guys, keep ‘em coming I’m getting pumped for this weekend!!
  23. My fishing buddy moved to Embrun just south of Ottawa. Neither of us has ever fished the area and this will be the first weekend that we will have a boat up there. I am in driving distance of the Ottawa River, the St Lawrence and a bunch of lakes within an hour or two. Can anyone give me an idea where to start looking for walleye?
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