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Everything posted by adolson

  1. My uncle learned that skunks definitely can spray if you trap them to a porch wall with an arrow...
  2. I keep thinking if I click on a profile pic, that I'll get a bigger view so I can see the fish, but instead, I just wind up on that member's stalker list.

  3. Why is everything in that picture glowing, nuclear radiation? Maybe it's fallout.
  4. I've never and probably never will buy a brand new vehicle, but for my older ones, I do all my tire-stuff with Kal Tire. They've been amazing, up here at least. They've even fixed punctured tires for me for free, even ones I didn't buy from them. I know this is ever so slightly off-topic, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
  5. Seems like a nice birthday!
  6. Guys, be serious. These are not auroras. Impossible, since they don't exist, and we weren't even fishing one of the aurora lakes. The two of us caught between 10 and 15 of them in an afternoon, which makes them the easiest trout we've ever caught, ever. Again, another strike against them being auroras. The only thing in favor of them being auroras is that they lack the spots, and they fought like crazy - they felt like a fish 5 times their size, which only increased the disappointment as they neared the canoe. We were getting annoyed because we were trying to catch some nice brook trout, which is all that was supposed to be in the lake, but these little things kept hitting our lures, no matter where we went, what we put on, if we trolled or cast... We only managed two "regular" brook trout. So what are they, some new kind of invasive trout species?
  7. Hit a small lake in the middle of nowhere with my brother today... They were all pretty little, but what are these things, Atlantics?
  8. Don't think so. Here's a pic of the guy that Spiel posted: http://www.swankboys.com/2010/05/did-you-hear-about-4-12-pound-crappie_16.html
  9. Yeah, same thing pretty much. Blade, some beads, and a hook... Works great!
  10. Thanks for all the encouragement, everyone! I actually never used go-getters until I watched Chad land some nice specks with them, and then my bro getting walleye with them. I'm a believer now, especially after this trip. Thanks, Br-- wait, who's Dara? I seem to have line twist issues so I tend to not use spinners all that much anymore. Even when I use swivels, it doesn't seem to help that much. There must be a secret to it? It might happen... Gotta see what our schedules are like the next few weeks. Have you tried for them yet, yourself?
  11. Thanks, guys! Chris, this is the least-leaky of my three Sportspals.
  12. Here is my opinion only, and I respect that you may not agree with me, but please see that all I want to do is reduce knife crime. Ban butcher knives and the sale and manufacturing of whetstones for these knives altogether. These things are what the majority of knife crimes are committed with, so get rid of them altogether - unless you are a butcher. If you can't get whetstones, then you can't sharpen a knife. For pocket knives, steak knives, santokus, gyutos, nakiris, and all other knives, register them and only allow the sale of the low-quality sharpeners that don't make the blades very sharp. 10-year prison term for cutting with a knife that is not registered to you, or using a banned knife. 25 years if you use a knife in any violent crime whether anything was cut or not. I know it is a pain in the behind for all the regular, sane-minded people that use knives for cooking or whittling or just cutting things in general. However, this is really the only way I think you can prevent and eliminate most knife-related crime. Cheers!
  13. I have tried to catch rainbow trout over the past few years in the few lakes that are somewhat close to my place. My luck with them was nearly as bad as with auroras - only I know that rainbows exist, since I've seen them. I had a small one fall off at shore and bounce back into the lake last year, and this year, I had a real nice one that my brother failed to net before it jumped and shook off the hook at the side of the boat. Finally, on Monday, we took a trip a couple hours north, to a small, quiet lake that neither of us have fished before. As we launched the canoe, my brother looked down into the green-tinged water and saw one swim past us. It was surely a sign of good things to come! About 15 minutes later, as we approached the 1/4 mark of our first troll around the lake, my red go-getter gets a few taps. I set the hook, and the fight is on! It didn't last long, and my brother managed to net the beauty fish. And with that, my luck instantly changed. My brother was next to hook into one, with his blue/silver Little Cleo rig. He fought it for a bit, but it launched a few feet into the air and shook the hook. He was pretty disappointed, but we pressed on. A short time later, I got another few taps, set the hook, and landed my second rainbow in one day. I was at once pumped and in disbelief, not to mention, feeling kinda bad for my brother, who had now fallen behind by two, much like a Maple Leafs game. He stuck to his setup, and I stuck to mine. Perhaps his luck was changing - he hooked one, and got it to the side of the boat. I shoved the net under the trout and he was on the board, and his spirits lifted again. My turn again, and I land my third trout of the day, all on the same setup. This one is a pretty nice size, biggest of the day. From here, my brother landed two more, tying up the game at 3-3. We hadn't been there for too long; a couple or three hours, give or take. Unfortunately, my brother decided to run his mouth about how we would limit out in no time, and be home in time to cook it up for dinner. I warned him about saying such things... We tried casting, jigging, trolling, for another hour or two, and nothing. I put on a Rapala taildancer and made a pass around 15-20 feet of water. Right as I was reeling in to change lures again, wham! I hook into my fourth rainbow of the day/year/decade. I land it and pull ahead of the youngster. And, after a bunch more hours later, the sun goes down and we are freezing our fingers off, this is how it ends. We pack 'er up, and head to Chester Chicken for some 1/2-price wedges and drinks for the trip home. All in all, a good day - no; a great day! He and I tackled auroras last year with no success (same as everyone else on the lake...). With our success for rainbows, a trip for auroras this year is not totally out of the question. But don't expect to see any reports about it, because I'm still not convinced they actually exist. Here are a few pics for those of you who enjoy that sort of thing.
  14. OK thanks, I hadn't paid much attention. So I guess all my vote will do is show opposition to the big parties, then? I'd draw a penis, but I'd honestly rather not see Harper get another term.
  15. I was considering NDP for several reasons (repealing Bill C-51 being chief among them), but now I don't know. My riding sways between the Liberals and the Conartists, so I suppose no matter who I vote for, it will be a waste of a vote, and my time. However, the parties get funding according to the number of votes they receive (or so I was told), so it does matter who I vote for. If I sit back and say, well, this party has no chance of forming government, so therefore I will vote for the status quo... Well, lots of people say that, and nothing will ever change. I don't see a Libertarian candidate in my riding, at least not on their website.
  16. I need one of these! Probably thousands of dollars out of my price range in this lifetime, though. Edit: looks like they'd cost around $2000US to deliver to Canada.
  17. FINALLY caught a rainbow trout! Four of them, in fact. And my brother caught three himself, and lost one. Good day on the water! :D

    1. spincast


      nice going. Aurora next ? :)

    2. adolson


      Have certainly thought about it... There's a couple lakes reasonably close I could try this year. It's the last trout in my neck of the woods to catch.

  18. When I say "I'm leaving exactly at 5pm, if not before" it doesn't mean "let me know at 5:05 that you're about to eat supper, and then take 25 more minutes to do so. It's cool; it's not like we're running out of daylight or anything." Grrrr. After-work fishing trips will have to be solo from now on, I think.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. adolson


      If it was 5am and we had a whole day to fish, sure, a half hour, even an hour late, whatever. But 5pm when it takes a half hour or more to get to the lake, plus more time to get onto the water, and the sun sets at what, 7:30pm now, if not earlier?



      anyone looking for an on time replacement fishing partner? ;)

    4. adolson


      If you live close to me, I am. :D

  19. That weekend the dipshits were out in full force on the lake I was fishing, too. We were in canoes and instead of staying on one side of the lake, they just HAD to come between us and the shore... The lake barely produced, so I just won't be going back. But if I owned property there, I'd be pissed. Even worse is when I'm fishing a river and they decide to rip right in front of me a bunch of times. I tied on my heaviest Kastmaster and tried hitting the bullseye. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch anything but pike that day. :\ But at least the kid's dad saw what was happening and laid into him when he got back to shore on the far side.
  20. I think you should name him Jeffery.
  21. 807-?75-8723 Only one number in there I couldn't make out, but you could figure it out by making 10 calls or less.
  22. I had a Fuji and HATED it. I sold it. Terrible pics, slow, underwater pics and footage has way too much colorshifting going on and looks overall bad. I now have a Nikon Coolpix and I HATE that, too. Pics are hit or miss, but it's super slow between shots. Video is good, though. I don't really use it much anymore... Scared to get it wet, as I've read many complaints about Nikon honoring the warranty - should the waterproofing fail, they claim it's not supposed to be used in water. What the hell? Not really the same idea, but I got an SJCAM SJ4000 and it's basically like a less expensive GoPro, compatible with the mount system. Pics are just OK, but the video is nice. Not sure exactly how rugged it is in the waterproof housing, but I trust it more than I would the Nikon. IF I were to buy another point-n-shoot waterproof, I'd spend more and get the Canon. I suspect it will suffer some of the same issues as the other two, but I have loved my Canons over the years. Edit: I might look at the Olympus too. I considered it last time, but the Nikon was available locally.
  23. I use Chrome on Linux; works fine for me. I'm surprised there are still people using IE.
  24. Big fish for a little guy!
  25. bro moved next door, should be a lot more last-minute spontaneous fishing trips now! :D

    1. LostAnotherOne
    2. farsider


      Bros before foes....no wait...

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