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Everything posted by adolson

  1. It is a little odd (to me) that there's a section just for photos, and a section just for computer help, but not a section just for fishing on a fishing forum. And why not just put the photos and computer help, etc, in with the rest?
  2. Well, we can't all find old boat seats in the trash.
  3. I'd like to know that logic... "Sit on ice and be bored" = real fisherman?
  4. 2011 Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations state the following: and and This seems pretty clear to me.
  5. I couldn't really narrow it down, but the stuff Moosebunk's posted twice now really is something I won't forget - and I wasn't even there. Aside from that, I think I'd like to do a bunch of stuff Robson Green does in his show. Marlin fishing, catching trout in the Grand Canyon, etc. As for nearby, I wish I could remember the places my dad took me as a kid, because I remember us catching trout, and I'd like to revisit wherever that was. And then there's my plans to try actual brooks and creeks for brookies next year.
  6. I always wore my seatbelt, except once when I stopped at the post office on my way home. I didn't put my belt on for the 30-second trip from the post office to my driveway because well, it was 30 seconds and would almost take as long to buckle up. Lo and behold, a cop is waiting at the end of my street, 3 seconds from my driveway. Now I wear my seatbelt even if I'm just moving my car to my lot across the road - they could be hiding in the bushes!
  7. Wow, nice fish! And good work on that number... I thought I was doing great when I caught my 100th of the year (a brookie, to boot), but you killed it!
  8. Jealous... Wish my last outing went even 1/10th as well as this.
  9. Is there ever any reason to not use a double palomar when tying a palomar knot?
  10. Yeah, I liked my TufLine Duracast well enough.. not sure if that's the same one you used, but it was the only one on the shelf when I bought it. I'd buy it again, but I want to try something else first, just because I want to try a bunch and see what works best for me.
  11. I thought that you only get 1/2 of the money you got a couple years ago now? I forget which, but either the federal or provincial government pulled out of that audit stuff right after I did it, which was a year or two ago. There's also the home renovation tax credit, which I think skipped a year or two and it's supposed to be back now.
  12. I don't use the Ugly Stik/GX125 combo anymore, it's just a backup and sometimes guests use it. I'd go and buy a Compre (or a St. Croix of some kind) and Stradic if I had the money, but I don't. I am using a Voltaeus and Spirex now, both of which I really like. I need to save up for ice fishing gear since I don't even own winter boots... And more importantly than any of that, a truck.
  13. Yeah, that could be part of my issue with FireLine Fused Crystal, since I was using it on my almost 20-year old Ugly Stik and GX125 (I think that's the model) combo.
  14. Yeah, you're right about that for sure. It never snapped on me, so the fraying wasn't *really* an issue per se, but I just didn't like it overall. It really does remind me of dental floss, and just doesn't feel right to me, but then, it was the first non-mono line I ever tried.. I did have issues with tip wrapping and whatnot, but the feel of the fraying line bothered me probably more than anything. I also didn't like how white it was, but line colors is something that I don't quite understand yet. It was really visible too, so I thought fish would see it too, but I still caught some on it.
  15. I haven't paid much attention to the whole Occupy thing going on right now, but at the G20, I couldn't believe how the majority of people attacked the protesters, saying that they deserved to be mass-arrested and held in chicken-sized coups without charge, beaten for no reason, and so forth. I was outraged, as were a handful of others scattered across the country. And sadly, nothing really came of it and most of us moved on. Apathy... How quickly you overtake.
  16. Actually, I think dental floss might fray less... Which specific SpiderWire do you recommend? As soon as my second spool arrives (this one is now loaded with 4lb P-Line CX for trout), I'm putting a 10-12lb line on it, and it'll be whatever I can get locally that I haven't tried yet (hopefully the new PP or your recommended SpiderWire).
  17. Awesome fish! The brookies are calling to me.... Hope to get some this weekend.
  18. I'll second this, but I'll be more specific: I've only tried FireLine Fused Crystal.
  19. this guy is getting in on it too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUTDxUicSmo
  20. Well is a bit strong, considering all of their albums after The Edges of Twilight sucked!
  21. I watched Alone in the Wilderness and Dick Proenneke makes me feel like less of a man. I wish I could do what he did. I hope to soon also see Alaska: Silence and Solitude and The Frozen North.
  22. I'm generally right-handed, but I hold my rod with my left and I reel with my right. Is that normal?
  23. Yup, call them direct: 866-491-5229 I just ordered a spool from them for my Spirex. Came out to $28 or so with the $3 shipping charge, should arrive in a week to ten days.
  24. No problem. I'll say a prayer for your mom, man.
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