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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. Closest thing I get to bears in my front yard is raccoons...
  2. swamp people love that show
  3. Thanks guys for the input, I was thinking of giving it to the raccoons if it wasent edible!
  4. Icaught a big bass from the hamilton harbour wondering if I could eat it? around 4 lbs.
  5. awsome!!!!!!
  6. dont pass up any pond! As you said, there are usaully tons of fish that have never seen a lure before. As for what might be lurking around in the ponds, you might have some bass, sunfish, rock bass, carp, bullhads, etc swimming around
  7. sweet fish
  8. yep use agressive presentations like spinnerbaits or spinners etc. I caught a big one on the weekend in a shallow bay with a topwater in the evening.
  9. I went up and caught some walleye and bass so I know they are in there. Are there pike as well? Speck lakes nearby by any chance? Matt.
  10. THATS A BEAST!!!
  11. I love watching your youtube videos I've been subscribed for quite some time now and I think I've watched every one
  12. I honestly have no clure but I'd be curious as well
  13. I'd go with the V8...
  14. would a #2 bluefox vibrax spinner with a single barbless hook work in the grand or is that a little bit to big for the trout there? I have micro spinners to bucktail spinners but I'm not sure what ones to be changing the hooks on thanks
  15. At bayfront and cootes I've got pike, largemouth bass, salmon, crappies, perch, sunfish, sheepshead, carp, bullheads, walleye, and LOTS of gobys... If you fish at cootes paradise right under the bridge where the 403 crosses over you'll mostly pull up bullheads, sheepsheads, and carp. At bayfront, you'll catch largemouth bass, panfish, carp, sheepshead, and some pike that hang around the harbour. This time of year last year I got a big salmon at bayfront with a red devil spoon as well.
  16. thanks so much for helping me out!! I really appreciate it!!!
  17. thats awsome!!!
  18. Hey guys, I was thinking of going to port maitland earlier today, but my buddy suggusted I try the grand river right below belwood lake to try and catch some brown trout before the season closes. He said that a lot of the river below the dam and into fergus is catch & release, you can't use live bait, and all lures have to be single barbless hooks. I think I will start at the dam and work my way downstream ( maybe 1 - 2 km). So, my questions for you guys are Is that portion of the river C&R with no live bait, barbless hooks, etc. or is it just normal regs? My second question is what other types of fish are found below the dam? I have fished directly below the dam before and caught a brown trout, a few pike, a few bass, and a tonne of bullheads. A guy once told me that there was walleye and perch below the dam but I have yet to catch one... My third question is what types of lures should I be using? The water looks pretty muddy in most parts so would I be best off using lures like spinners that create vibration or could spoons and plugs work too? I have the whole assortment of lures in my tackle box but no idea what to be bringing. Any feedback would help me out so much as I have put In lots of hours there with not too much to show for it. Thanks in advance Matt.
  19. Hey all, I have been thinking of going to the port maitland pier this weekend to try and catch some perch and walleye. Does anyone know if this is a good spot for perch and walleye or not? thanks in advance! Matt.
  20. Thanks
  21. ya you will do fine without the plugs, usaully I catch more fish on inline spinners thaN plugs and they're only half the price, but if you really get in to brook trout fishing you should invest in some of the small ones cause they can be great. I think i have 4 right now!
  22. ya i've tried to use that before for finding brook trout around halton... it says that they are in the campbellville pond anyways, it can atleast give you a general idea or what your fishing for
  23. I used to trap squirrels when they were getting into the attic. I bought a live trap from princess auto in hamilton for like 20 bucks, modified it, and it works great. A tiny tap on the trigger sets it off and no squirrels have gotten away. I dont think its big enough for a fully grown raccoon but I have caught a possum with it before. If your friend ends up trapping it, make sure to tell her to drive it really far away so it can't find its way back to her house.
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