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Everything posted by grimsbylander

  1. Here's a good example of what's out there.... "Selling 5 spinning reels for my buddy. All shimano, all are used. Reels only. All work as they should. Looking to sell in bundle only for 200TYD USD Shimano reels for sale: 1 stradic 2500FH 3 sahara 2 are 2500FE and 1 2500FD 1 sienna 2500FD" That's a deal at about $250 Canadian
  2. It's on boys!!! Leafs and Sens tonight at 7:30pm on SN....preseason opener!! Woohoo. Marleau, Hainsey and Moore should be skating tonight. Go Leafs Go!
  3. I'm get tired just reading about staying up all night. Good on you and nice fish.
  4. They're absolutely out there for under $200 CDN. Just need to look.
  5. And make them watch the Senators?? What have you got against the military and first responders?? Lol They should untarp them and make the politicians use them. That's the best punishment I can think of for the lousy job they do!
  6. You guys get it! LOL Today's fish have expensive taste! Or is it they taste expensive?
  7. If you aren't paying $10 a bag for your plastics and throwing them on $500 rods and $300 reels there's zero chance you'll ever catch a fish. Oh, and don't forget to use tungsten jig heads only.
  8. I was monitoring a weather site yesterday just after lunch and the waves south of Key West were estimated at 40'!! Yikes. That's a big wall o' water!!!
  9. Hahaha good one. Reminds me of this... A cop is sitting on his horse watching traffic and a guy walks up and sheepishly asks "Do you mind if I ah" and he points to the back end of the horse. The cop is confused and says " Sure". The fellow walks around behind the horse, lifts his tail, sticks his finger in the horse's bum and rubs it all over his lips!! The cop is astonished and asks "why would you ever do that??" The fellow smiles and says "chapped lips". So the cops asks "Is that good for chapped lips??" The guys says "No...but is stops ya from licking them!"
  10. Rick, if I ever want to get you down here to do some fishing, I know just what to use for bait!!!
  11. Good point Johnny. I guess it's not only extremely dangerous, it's very inconsiderate of them to put the family members who are sitting around hoping they're ok through such stress. Without power of phones, it could could be a very uneasy time. Feel bad for ya! The rant makes way more sense now too!!
  12. Electric vehicles, meh...who cares how far they go can go when the longest extension cord I can find is only 100'??
  13. I just don't get these people. I said to my wife last week, what's so dumb about the idea of boarding up the house, loading up the car and heading north for a 1-2 week family vacation? Got pets? find a boarder in a weather safe state and drop them off. Make it a holiday that everyone enjoys without the terror of being in a storm. Ontario residents drive to Florida every damn year...drive home and visit family. What you go back to is going to be what it is regardless of whether you spend two days clinging to the bathtub or not!! And really, wouldn't you have everything you really cared about safe and sound in the car anyway?
  14. This could easily backfire on them too. It sends a terrible message that if the Senators can't sell seats = they must be lousy. Any potential ticket buyers on the fence will certainly be swayed from purchasing....and the situation just gets worse.
  15. I think it was a typo...they're taking out 17,000 and leaving 1500!!
  16. http://blackburnnews.com/midwestern-ontario/midwestern-ontario-news/2017/09/06/opp-investigate-reports-cougars-near-belwood-lake/
  17. Elon Musk - "Ok guys, I just made a mad deal on a bunch of Chevy hhr's, PT Cruisers and some Chinese shipping containers. Any ideas?"
  18. I keep one in my boat for cell phone charging.
  19. There's a catch 22 to all this. If a consumer wants to use Chinese tackle, they can order direct and get the quality they pay for. The issue is, seasoned fisherman don't use much of it and occasional fisherman don't buy enough or aren't invested enough to bother. The brand name stuff is all sold in USD and right now, that's the obstacle. With foreign exchange, CDN taxes, brokerage, shipping and margin, very quickly can double the wholesale cost paid in USD. This doesn't include 3% Paypal fees or Visa. So let's say your spinner is only $3 USD...That's cost you about $3.80 CDN + 1.03% for payment + roughly $0.50ea for brokerage and shipping = $4.41CDN with no margin. So let's throw on a modest 30% (remember this has to cover ALL your fixed and variable expenses such as internet, website, phone, vehicle and gas for business, etc), that puts the lure at $5.74CDN. For what it's worth, I import and sell products for restoring and protecting gelcoat on fiberglass boats.
  20. That's just it Joe, gas prices jump $0.05 to $0.20 overnight based on what you call replacement cost, but it'll take months for it to retreat back to the original price...longer if they can find enough turmoil in the world to justify higher pricing.
  21. Great video...I love that casting for salmon strategy!
  22. I went out yesterday and topped up my Honda CRV, Honda Civic, Silverado and my bassboat!! LOL I'm part of the PROBLEM!!! hahahaha Should have drove the John Deere lawn tractor to the gas station too! I don't care what people say, gas pricing is legalized exploitation. I NEED to go fishing therefore I NEED to buy gas. lol
  23. John, I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences and I hope he didn't suffer either.
  24. The whole thing is a scam. Hurricane Harvey has nothing to do with the cost of gas that has already been refined and sitting in storage tanks.
  25. Curious, do you use the shortcuts CTRL C and CTRL V for all your responses? This could save you an absolute ton of time.
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