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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. The new Okuma rod rack now assembled,and a HT thermal tip up added.Nice addition!
  2. What a christmas you had!!!!!!Nice going!
  3. I kept the original pull rope on my Otter,but guys if your loaded down like I am most times,I added two corner loop pull ropes.No more hitting heels,A guy off to each side.25-30 min walk,makes the pull so much easier. Just a thought.
  4. Wayne I'm thinking cutting the wire just before the furnace switch.Adding a male plug on the switch side.Female towards the panel.Running a cord up stairs to the power bar that will be powered by the generator. Simply I would unplug the feed from the panel to the switch,plug in the female side of the extension cord and than the male into the power bar.into the power bar. Now when I see the power come back on,just simply reverse the plug in's. It's only a fan motor as you say.Thanks.
  5. Look at this weeks CT flyer,not a bad deal either.
  6. Only thing fishing related for me was a Okuma high performance rod rack.Will post picks when it get's assembled!!
  7. Merry Christmas Brian to you and your family!!!!!
  8. I don't ever remember working those two days .That's just fine with me. .Merry Christmas to all!!!
  9. What a great offer!!!!
  10. Great advice Cliff.I run the auger out of the snow all the way to the shed.My trouble is the plastic shute with the gear and pinion.Must pour hot water on both to avoid breaking a cotter pin.
  11. Almost looks pleasant there Dave ,lol.Nice shots.I guess the machine is running well.????.Beautiful country all kidding aside .!
  12. Beating the wings tonight would at least give us a tie with them.Regulation play of course.Now is as good of time as any to get back on track!
  13. Genny's ready to go,lots of food and gas!!Because you never know ?Hope it's no where near what they say it could be.
  14. Better hurry,it's the shortest day of the year you know .
  15. That's a beauty.!!!!!
  16. You know these guys ?lol.,what a difference a beard makes
  17. Thanks Geoff! book marked for this new year.
  18. Awesome year you had Rich!great job with the video! .
  19. Great pictures Wayne,grew up and boated a lot of those areas in the Geogian Bay .To see it froze up this early is something on it's own.
  20. Good to know.If I was buying out the car I wouldn't of asked the question.Under these circumstances I think this is the way I'll go.Thanks as well.
  21. North is toward the top,and the middle of the lake is still open.Pretty much the perimiter and south end are locked up. Won't be long now!!
  22. Seems easy,but knowing this team,depends if they show up or not!
  23. 30 day warranty?,I could stop by a wrecker on my way home tomorrow.I have the battery with me for size.
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