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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. This one should be good.Go Leafs Go!!!!!
  2. Congrats !!
  3. I have a 8'x40" box trailer.Paid for itself many times over as mentioned.When I had the canoe,strapped it on top,and put the rest of the gear in the trailer.Made the sides 2' high.It's the way to go if you have the room to store it.Good luck!
  4. Great day guys!What a day to end it!!
  5. Beautiful country!!!Looks like fun !.Thanks for sharing.
  6. I don't care what everyone else says He's the best lol.
  7. Muddler,when the time comes,Boston will fold like a kleenex lol.There's only one Matt,I give you credit for trying to fill his boots.We'll see who has the last Laff(s). :rofl2: .
  8. Yeah,Reims played great.Two for three so far on this road trip!!!!!!
  9. Man that was a hard hit.Wonder if he made it after the shock wore off?
  10. How did you make out with your browser issues?
  11. Done as well!!
  12. Download mozilla firefox latest version.Does not have to be your default browser,but save it to desk top.That way you can use ie or mozilla firefox when you need to.Should not take to long.Give it a shot.
  13. Best go firefox or chrome and you will be fine.
  14. What browser Doug?,I use mozilla firefox with no issues.
  15. Brian I can almost see them and Coyotes daily around 5am in the morning going southbound on the 400.Mind you in the warmer season. I am not surprised there are so many around now.Sometimes they are so brave they will stand right at the guard rail.A bit scary that time in the morning I'll say.If it's not them it's the deer.
  16. I'm concerned with the shots against on a almost regular basis.The defence and especially the forwards need to get back and help.Until that gets straightened out,we really rely too much on our goalies imo.
  17. If that is infrared,looks like they know.Stayed to the outside edge of the light.Maybe that was a camera light?.Either way cool video
  18. Or the biggest Perch caught ? lol.
  19. Just can't leave a good thing alone can they?.Pretty bold move to change things up that much if true.
  20. I'm watching the Florida/Boston game.Luongo sure looks solid.Looks like he's found his home.
  21. On the busier Fridays in the summer,it is not uncommon to see motorists going from the fast lane all the way to the shoulder lane and back over again ,passing 3 lane traffic on the north bound #400.It's a little scarey I'll tell you when they come across like that. .
  22. Way to start boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. If I remember correctly,years ago you had 24 hours to show licence or insurance at the police station in the area you were ticketed.As well as any lights out and you replaced or fixed them in 24 hours?.
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